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TWoW will not be a time for wolves


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Sansa will die I think, as Lady is dead and that is foreshadowing IMO. Bran will also die (maybe if Bloodraven is evil he will sacrifice himself to assist in the saving of the realm) or forever live beneath the earth. I can't see Rickon dying because he is the heir to Winterfell and I think the story will conclude with him being so.

Bottom line is I think Arya, Rickon and Bran are most likely to survive. I don't think Jon will make it to the end.

What makes you say it's foreshadowing of her death? I thought it was just foreshadowing that her personality would be changed.

He had never paid much attention to the names the children had picked, but looking at her now, he knew that Sansa had chosen well. She was the smallest of the litter, the prettiest, the most gentle and trusting.

I think Bran will play a key part in bringing balance to the seasons or defeating the others, because of his wolf's name. Grey Wind is Robb's reign: quick as a breeze. Arya will end up queen or ruler of Winterfell, because her whole story is, imo, about accepting what she is, but defining what that means. She is a lady and a Stark of Winterfell whether she wants to be or not, but that doesn't have to mean that she's all dainty and airheaded and submissive. Plus Nymeria has become the leader of a huge pack of wolves. Rickon will be sent to the nights watch for his crimes after returning with Davos to be super wild and crazy and he is a giant red herring (shaggy dog story)

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The last book was set to be called "A Time for Wolves" or something a long those lines. That clearly means that up until that point, it will not have been a time for wolves. That is a bit terrifying.

Most readers anticipate a similar death count in TWoW as in ASoS, and a Stark might still be one of them. Who do you think will die if one of them has to? Who would you rather have killed off and who would you most like to keep alive?

Mine would be:

Who I think- Sansa (dont kill me) or Rickon, though killing Rickon might be too harsh since he's a six year irks (IIRC)

I would prefer if- Rickon, the rest are too interesting at the moment.

I would hate if- Arya, she needs to get home and do something big if she's going to die and we still have Nymeria and her wolf horde to cover. My second priority would be Bran, I don't want him to stay stuck in a tree like most people here. He was our first POV and he should have a more important role in the general plot than dying or becoming a tree. Let him do something meaningful for once.

To be honest, I think everyone expects Starks to die but I am not certain anymore will die. I think JR's comment that the wolves will rejoin is important. Obviously that does not mean all of them, but I think too much is being made out of this. It is almost like a Stark has to die or it will be unMartin all of a sudden. If anything, I can certainly see Cat dying for good, but I believe this will occur after she sees her kids alive again and she can rest eternally. But honestly, I do not foresee any more Starks dying. Possible perhaps, but there doesn't seem to be any real evidence to suggest one will other than Martin likes to kill people.

I might ad that while Martin wants to avoid cliche, he is certainly in danger of becoming cliche within his own work. Ned gains power; Ned dies. Rob gains power; Rob dies. Jon gains power; Jon is stabbed (not certain he is dead, just injured). Right now Ayra, Bran, Rikkon are presumed dead and Sansa missing by most people in Westeros. Bringing any one of them back to a position of importance and killing them would be terribly repetitive, even for Martin. The other possibility is Martin just kills them off in some random occurrence, which would seem far too contrived.

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To be honest, I think everyone expects Starks to die but I am not certain anymore will die. I think JR's comment that the wolves will rejoin is important. Obviously that does not mean all of them, but I think too much is being made out of this. It is almost like a Stark has to die or it will be unMartin all of a sudden. If anything, I can certainly see Cat dying for good, but I believe this will occur after she sees her kids alive again and she can rest eternally. But honestly, I do not foresee any more Starks dying. Possible perhaps, but there doesn't seem to be any real evidence to suggest one will other than Martin likes to kill people.

I might ad that while Martin wants to avoid cliche, he is certainly in danger of becoming cliche within his own work. Ned gains power; Ned dies. Rob gains power; Rob dies. Jon gains power; Jon is stabbed (not certain he is dead, just injured). Right now Ayra, Bran, Rikkon are presumed dead and Sansa missing by most people in Westeros. Bringing any one of them back to a position of importance and killing them would be terribly repetitive, even for Martin. The other possibility is Martin just kills them off in some random occurrence, which would seem far too contrived.

I think you're right that the Starks will rejoin in the end; but as I said before, Sansa hasn't been a real Stark since Lady was killed. I think she will be offed because she never seemed like she was going anywhere anyway. It's possible that she'll become an avid player of the Game of Thrones, as some suggest, as I could definitely see the foreshadowing for this, but with the GOT drawing to a close with the arrival of the Others, she really has no place in the conclusion of the story.

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I hope none of them die if im honest, Martins unpredictability is starting to get a bit predictable now, sometimes it feels like he throws spanners in the works just because its whats expected of him. Theres no reason any of the remaining Starks wont be able to exact revenge without anymore of them get killed off etc.

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Seriously doubt that a Stark will die in the upcoming book. Loads of Lannisters, Tyrells, Greyjoys - yes, Starks - nah.

Bran is gonna live forever as a deity of some sort.

Arya is gonna die at the very end of the series.

Jon is not going to be resurrected only to die a chapter or two later. Plus how much of a Stark is he considered to be!?!

Sansa is pretty much the only character that is completely safe to be alive till and after the very end.

So that leaves Rickon as the only candidate to be a Stark casualty. Still doubtful, though since he is so useless that him dying will not have any emotional impact or cause a wave of sheer shock or outrage.

Ps if arya dies im done with this series!

She will not die, she will kill herself; it will be her own decision, her own doing. Not happening in TWOW though. Moreover, she will probably warg Nymeria and live as a direwolf which will be a fitting ending for her since Arya was never made for/nor fitted in human life.

Oh God, if a Stark has to die, please let it be Sansa!

Instead of a bittersweet end to the series, you will get a very, very savoury one.

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I see them all living to the end of the series besides Arya, and maybe Jon. Jon is gonna be leading the fight against the Others, so there's a reasonable chance he'll be killed or have to sacrifice himself. As for Arya, I don't see her returning to Westeros without abandoning the Faceless Men and turning her back on their teachings and philosophies. Something tells me they don't take too kindly to deserters.

. Or Arya could be sent to Westeros on a secret FM mission and tragically die while succeeding this mission. Then she Wargs into Nymeria and gets to be truly free and not in violation of any FM abandoning us laws. It would be awesome to the tenth power if she was able to cross some names of her list killing as a real Wolfe!!! Some kewl things do happen in these books :) ovi.
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