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did tywin ever win a war?


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I don't see where people assume Tyrion is smarter than Tywin. They're both very bright, but Tywin backs his up with discipline and relentless energy; Tyrion gets in own way too often. Anyways, Tywin won a few wars, and was probably on his way to winning the current one when killed. The GJs and Stannis were still out there, but they were next on his list. The only real mistake he ever makes is underestimating Robb...and imo, most would have done the same; you don't usually expect a prodigy...and once he adjusted, he dealt with that situation. I love the guy on the show; in the books I was indifferent to dislike, but I do not understand people who marginalize him. I think it starts with poking a hole in the belief that Tywin was a brilliant battlefield commander; he probably wasn't...but as an overall commander/leader/ruler, he was about as good as we have seen.

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I respect Tywin for what he did, but i don't give him credit for winning the war of five.

At best he removed a powerful adversary in Robb Stark, but the war continues all the same.

The Greyjoys still war in the north, and powers still defy the lions in the riverlands, at the time of his death.

He drastically improved his families hold, but nothing was decided.

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technically he won the war of the five kings seeing as he was controlling Joffrey's army and Joffrey was the winner in that particular war.

He can be credited for being a part of Robert's victory over the Targaryen's

The Rains of Castamere is also a credit to his victory over one of his liege lords, (not sure if it was actually a war though)

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He was obviousley a skilled battlefeild comader (not as good as maybe robb, tarly or stannis) but better then average. He was one of the most skilled politicians in all of westeros as he got both the freys and boltons to defect, allied with the Tyrells and the vale(technicaly). He was also a very gited stratigest as he knew when and where to fight and when not. Implimenting fear in his oponents, drawing there forces and seperating them making them divided so they are easly defeated (riverland raiding) and getting your enemies to fight for you (using river lords and north lords).

Now that I have gotten that out of the way.

Everyone is putting enphisas on his death from tyrion and how it was him loosing a war? First, it was not political it was personal. Second, How was he, or anyone, to predict or safeguard that his dwarf son would somehow escape his guarded cell, happen to pass by the hidden tunnel access to his chambers while escaping thus getting passes all of his guards and then catch him at his most vunerable time when he could not deffend himself (if he wasn't on the privy and in the room he may have fought and won).

Tywin won many wars, The Reyne-Tarbeck rebelion (which if you think about it would be equal to the greyjoy rebelion just scaled down to westerlands instead of all westeros). In Roberts Rebelion he wasent the "winner" as he was not the leader on either side but he was on the winning side and was so because he waited and saw how things progressed and he also increased his familys status by making his daughter queen and the linneage of kings after as half lannister (or all lannister as it turned out) And he won the WoTFK as it refered mainly to Robb vs Tywin, Tywin vs Stannis, Balon vs Robb, and Stannis vs Renly and in each case, all kings were defeated (though not necessarily killed) with him orchistrating the defeat of all his immediate enemies.

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Consequentialism runs rampant in here, S.I.B. Renly was an idiot for not accounting for something that had never existed before, whereas Stannis was wise by counting on it.. Rhaegar should have known Brandon would commit suicide by cop, Aerys would start collecting heads, etc. Robb should have known Balon would decide to attack the meagre resources of the North rather than the rich pickings of the Westerlands/Reach. On and on.

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robb could not have known that, even now after i read that book 2 times, that move makes no fucking sense, except for screwing the north.

tywin could've known that when a person holding a crossbow aimed at him, u can't say to that person to just fuck off. well played lord of casterly rock, protector of the west.

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robb could not have known that, even now after i read that book 2 times, that move makes no fucking sense, except for screwing the north.

tywin could've known that when a person holding a crossbow aimed at him, u can't say to that person to just fuck off. well played lord of casterly rock, protector of the west.

Im pretty sure he knew he was fucked right from the start, there was no way he was leaving that privy alive

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