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If GRRM was to make a short story (one-shot) out of a memory/past event....


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even though it seems everyone wants to see a short story of the tourney at Harrenhal and the Tower of Joy, I would love to see a short story of what exactly happened during the long night thousands of years ago. The histories in the books only seem to give a glimpse of what happened. It would be cool to see what really happened with the NIght's king, (who he really was) and how they held back the others way back then.

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The birth of Dany, from the point of view of Viserys, would make an interesting short story.


To add:

Oberyn and Elia traveling with their mother

Doran and Mellarios meeting.

Theons arrival to Winterfell.

Aeron drowning and deciding to become a priest.

Catelyns betrothal to Brandon and his duel with LF.

Catelyn when Jaime is in Riverrun.

Domeric Boltons final days.

When Shireen was born and her greyscale.

Thats all for now.

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