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Can The Starks Make A Comeback?


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I don't think they'll all have a happy ending, but sure. Sansa in particular could gain a huge following between the North, the Riverlands, and the Vale. All the Starks have ties in each, even if those ties do not currently hold power over any of them. There's certainly some interesting stuff in store for Jon, even considering recent events. Bran's warging and other powers are going to play a pretty important role in the next two books. Arya will surely have an important role to play, though she is particularly psychologically damaged from the events of the first few books. Rickon may never be a viewpoint character, but his blood could give him considerable power with the right allies, just like any other Stark.

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The Starks will make a comeback. But they are lucky in that Ned and Robb left behind the groundwork and pieces that make it possible for them to attempt a comeback. Ned's reputation as a beloved, honorable, and just lord. Robb's successes in the Riverlands and the loyalty he gained from a number of the Riverlords. Ned's ties to the Vale and the respect they have for him. They're all scattered pieces of the bigger picture and it's up to the remaining Starks to rebuild their power base while the rest of the realm is distracted by the upcoming Dany/Aegon/Ironborn conflict that is going to engulf the South.

Every remaining Stark has a role to play in restoring their house to its former glory and I can't wait to see it all come together. Jon surviving and taking the military command for the Stark cause against House Bolton. Rickon being publicly revealed as the Stark heir with the Skagosi army backing his claim and forcing all the Northern lords to choose their loyalties. Bran's intelligence network as he sees through the trees and how he conveys that intelligence to his siblings. Sansa currying favor in the Vale while steadily climbing to power and persuading them to back her own agenda and motives. Arya as a tool of vengeance, wrecking havoc amongst their enemies by stealthily eliminating pieces in the game, from the pawn who carried out the order to behead Ned Stark to the Queen herself, Cersei.

I can only hope that along the way to restoring House Stark, the remaining Starks truly up their game to deal with their enemies: House Bolton, the Freys, Littlefinger, Cersei. It's not enough to see the Starks merely survive and restored to their position. Their sigil is a direwolf for a reason and I want to see the wolf pack hunt its prey. Let the world see what happens when Winter comes and the wolves of Winterfell remember what was taken from them. Show them how it feels to lose what they love!

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