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Can The Starks Make A Comeback?


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They can and they will.

Even now, when they are at their lowest point, many of their bannermen are plotting to put them back in power. Loyalty they've earned through thousands of years now repays itself.

And we really, really need wolf of direwolf smiley, like this: http://discussions.texasbowhunter.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=207331&stc=1&d=1292355437

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Arya's losing it and probably doomed to die, Bran is turning into a tree and will probably never come back, and Jon is a bastard with a very shady future. RIckon is a child and he seems to be in good condition so I'm thinking he could be the key to the survival of his House. I see the Lordship of Winterfell for him. As for Sansa, she might destroy the Stark name (or her future husband could take the name for himself), but I think she's destined for greatness either way (Queen of Westeros, I hope).

I agree with what you said there apart from Arya. she's going to come back and kill a lot of people in the shadows. She's in complete control. She's learning how to lie convincingly and change her face. she's a wild card that can do anything and i cant wait to see what she does!

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Can the Starks make a comeback? Yes, but they need to be cautious....

Jon Snow may just die, but, I don't think he'll abandon the Night's Watch just yet. Nor do I believe he's Rhaegar's Son, I do genuinely believe that he is Eddard Stark's illegitimate child. The Night's Watch would have to be destroyed in order for Jon to abandon it I think. Or he may just be weaker than that...

Arya I imagine will return, in good time for her vengeance. But she may meet a few people that will change her world I imagine.

Sansa, she could be thrown in a lot of ways and most of them are bad unfortunately. The Hound may or may not come and rescue her, I don't think people always consider him. Hardyng, Baelish, too many people want her name and too many don't want her for her. We may just see a matured up Sansa soon enough.

Bran is not going to become a tree, but I think he'll take his sweet time beyond the wall and gather more information on the foe they'll come to fight. I imagine he'll return and he'll need all the aid he can get.

Rickon seems the most obvious one to have as the heir to the North and possibly I don't think a few people wouldn't mind having Rickon get hitched to Myrcella to secure the North for the Iron Throne. Shireen and Rickon, anyone? Don't think Stannis would be above that though.

The Wolves of Winter are in a precarious state, their foes seemingly more powerful than their friends. However infighting weakens them, the Freys, the Boltons, the Greyjoys, Lannisters. The North Remembers well, but Bolton has forgotten and the other ones do not even remember at all. The Wolves will have their day......

I think Jon can abandon the nights watch legally before the wall comes down. I think he's still alive inside Ghost and when/if he get's his body back he's free from the oath he took "my watch shall not end until my death". Technically he died and his watch is over.

Myrcella is going to die unfortunately (from maggy's prophecy) so she won't be marrying anyone, not for long anyway.

I think Sansa is going to come back in a big way. If she holds little Robert Arryns ear, she can manipulate him into doing what she wants. He is the Lord of the Eyrie so his bannermen should listen to what he says, regardless of how young he is. Petr Baelish should have thought about his though the master strategist he is. what happens at the Eyrie next book should be interesting!

to surmise, The starks wlll come back.

Jon isn't a stark and he'll either ride a dragon into battle against the others or end up lord commander of the nights watch again (probably the 1000th lord commander because he was initially 998, 999 would be instated after he dies and he'll make a comeback and be 1000), or both of those things.

Sansa will be important somehow. I have no idea how right now though lol.

Arya will come back and kill loads of people, or maybe she'll go east and see what's going on with Daenerys.

Bran will stay north of The Wall for a while and develop his warging/weirwood skills a bit. maybe he'll fly on a dragon instead of Jon or maybe with Jon against the others

Rickon will most likely be Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North at some point.

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They will make some type of come back, but they've been so decimated it's impossible for it to be very "epic". Rickon is a child, he will presumably be Lord of Winterfell with either Jon or Sansa as regent, Arya will die, Bran is not coming back from the weirwood tree. So, there will be a Stark again in Winterfell.

I've also decided on my reread that Sansa is going to participate in the death of Sweetrobbin, its the only interpretation that is consistent w/all the rest of the ghost of high heart's visions...and that would track w/the statements that whatever occurs w/Sansa in the next book will be controversial.

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I'm not sure how much I put into that, there certainly was no dance of dragons, in ADWD.

Well, it wasn't called A Dance of Dragons, but A Dance with Dragons, where people are trying to work with Dany and Aegon.

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I try to look at everything from an historical perspective. It seems logical to me that if you decide to write a story that focuses on a specific fraction of an 8000 year timeline, then that fraction has to be absolutely epic to have warranted all this attention.

Now, the type of events that gain historical "epicness" are ones such as Brandon Ice Eyes hanging the entrails of the slavers from the Wolf's Den's hearttree.

1000 years from now it will make a poor tale if the only time that the ancient Starks were deposed from their seat, they just quietly took it back again without major vengeance, Biblical type retribution and devestation.

So a hypothetical Old Nan of 1000 years in the future might tell of how the Starks came back in the heart of an icy cold Winter and laid waste to their enemies on an epic scale. How the haunted ruins of the Twins and the Dreadfort are now home only to the spine chilling howls of wolves, and how the death of the Young Wolf was the spark that lit the fire of grim northern vengeance that brought about the return of the King in the North after 300 years of the the Old Gods displeasure at unworthy southron rule over the Land of the First Men.

It has to be something epic to be worthy of being the only part of Westerosi history that we get to experience ourselves.

:agree: it has to be an epic comeback! the rich and long history of the Starks DEMAND IT!

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I'm certain the Starks will make a comeback because people want them back. But they probably won't do it in the fashion that is expected, I'm hoping for something twisted and contraversial :devil:

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The Starks will come back so hard we will be rooting for the Lannister's in the end

:P I would love to see that. But I don't think the Starks will destroy the Lannisters, that's going to be left to the Lannisters ;) so much better

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The Starks are definitely coming! All of their routes have had them forging alliances or gaining power or skills somehow. While everyone else is playing the game, they're in the shadows waiting to pounce. It's going to be so redeeming.

A part of me is hoping that Jon will wind up dead, or he'll come alive with the Others... but him warging somehow seems to make more sense. Even though I hope he's dead, I just can't see it lasting. Everyone talks about him now as though the stabbing never happened. I'd much rather see Rickon wind up as the Lord of Winterfell than Jon.

I don't think Arya will die. The comment about her controlling an army of wolves was incredible... I'd never thought about it, but man would that be incredible. Especially if Bran and Jon warged Summer and Ghost and the direwolves fought together.

Come the end I think Sansa will be one of the most beloved and powerful figures in Westeros.

Should Stannis survive, I can't see how he wouldn't accept Rickon as the rightful heir of Winterfell (assuming Robb's will is never found and/or Jon remains in the NW or is dead, and Bran remains whispering through the trees for the rest of his life), seeing as how he seems to do whatever's right, and he's a just man. Why would he not honour the rightful claim of a Stark in Winterfell?

They're coming. Were they not, GRRM would've killed them off already, I think. After the fighting that's due to come, they'll be ready to swoop in afterwards and make their move.

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Bran will stay in the cave ,carrying on with his Bran stuff

Rickon will be lord of Winterfell .

Sansa will possibly be the most powerful of them all. I can see her being Queen to Aegon and rule the kingdom.She'll be a major political player.Part of me wants her to end up with Tyrion though.

Arya will die and I think her family will never reunite with her,or know what has happened to her.

Jon will die defending the Wall against the Others with Dany.

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I hope the Starks reunite and take back the north as much as anyone, but I think Ramsay on the show summed up the story perfectly, "if you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention". But we know it will be bittersweet, I just think more bitter than sweet. I will expect the worst, and be happily surprised if good things happen. Rather than expect the best, and be dissapointed when it doesn't work out.

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:P I would love to see that. But I don't think the Starks will destroy the Lannisters, that's going to be left to the Lannisters ;) so much better

The Lannisters were fucked the moment Tyrion killed Tywin. Say whatever you want about Tywin but that guy knew his shit. There was a slim hope for the Lannisters after Tywin when Kevan was the hand as he thought alot like Tywin but we know how that ended.

Everyone expects Cersei to run the Lannisters into the ground and she probably will but I could see her do a 180* and try to think before she acts although I think Aegon/Dany will do in the Lannisters. The Starks will have to settle with fucking up the Freys/Boltons/Greyjoys

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