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AFfC and "off page" events

Will Snow

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In AFfC, more so than any of the other books, we have a lot of major or interesting events that take place without the reader bearing witness. The ones I can think of off the top of my head are:

-Bronn winning control of Stokeworth in a Duel

-The raid on Saltpans


(I know there were a few more but I can't seem to remember them)

My question is, do you think that AFfC would have been a stronger book had one or more of these events been included in a POV? Also, what unseen event from any of the books do you wish was included in a POV?

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Yeah, probably. I think they could've used more action scenes or big events - like you said. I would've taken PoVs involving these events over the ones we got from Dorne and the Ironborn any day.

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Yeah, probably. I think they could've used more action scenes or big events - like you said. I would've taken PoVs involving these events over the ones we got from Dorne and the Ironborn any day.


Especially the assault on Dragonstone, but I suspect GRRM is hiding something there, with Loras being "injured" or whatever

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The TV show could perhaps benefit by having one of these battles on screen, just to make the story televisable. The book itself does not suffer from having these battles off-page. In any case, Brienne's fights and Victarion's battles should be more than sufficient action for any book reader. TBH even the TV show might not need any of the off-page battles if Brienne and Victarion are given enough screen time in their "action" sequences.

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The TV show could perhaps benefit by having one of these battles on screen, just to make the story televisable. The book itself does not suffer from having these battles off-page. In any case, Brienne's fights and Victarion's battles should be more than sufficient action for any book reader. TBH even the TV show might not need any of the off-page battles if Brienne and Victarion are given enough screen time in their "action" sequences.

The show loves Bronn, I think they'll show his bit. Dragonstone raid, if it even happened, would probably be a bit expensive as it isn't crucial.

Screw everyone, I'm looking forward to the kingsmoot and Arienne's boobs.

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GRRM didn't put such a huge emphasis on the battles in the previous books either. So far we've seen only two major battles for ourselves: the Blackwater and the Battle at the Wall, with two more to come in TWoW. But there have been a dozen other battles that he chose to skip, like Robb's. Cat was so close for the Battle of the Whispering Wood, but we still didn't really see what happened.

Battles take too long, he can't just write what happens in one chapter and just end it. And he can't put so much effort into writing huge battle sequences like Oxford and the Whispering Wood.

AFfC was still interesting to me, though. There's the introduction of the Ironborn and the Dornish, and if you're into battles, the invasion of the Shields. Even though it's on a smaller scale than, say, the Blackwater, it was still interesting.

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