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Did Elia Cheat on Rhaegar?

Fire Eater

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I doubt it, because she and her lover would have been burnt alive for causing any 'dishonor' to the Targaryens. Aerys wasn't exactly reasonable at the best of times, but any slight towards his son would be certain death. And Elia was said to have '"a sweet and gentle wit" i.e. she wasn't stupid enough to do that.

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I think privately Elia and Rhaegar did not love eachother. They both agreed that they could pursue other men/women if they desired, which is why I think Lyanna was ok with having an affair with a married man because Rhaegar told Lyanna about his open marriage with Elia.

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I like this theory, it makes sense. It fits well, it’s interesting and fun. When a was reading the OP, I remembered this dialogue between Tyrion and Oberyn from ASOS, Tyrion V (ch.38).

[Tyrion] "You were close to your sister?"
[Oberyn] "As children Elia and I were inseparable, much like your own brother and sister."
[Tyrion] Gods, I hope not.

So... like it was said upthread, we really don't know Elia, therefore: This is a very interesting theory.

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I like this theory, it makes sense. It fits well, it’s interesting and fun. When a was reading the OP, I remembered this dialogue between Tyrion and Oberyn from ASOS, Tyrion V (ch.38).

I always took it as Oberyn making a dig at Tyrion about the rumors of Jaime and Cersei which he would have heard by now.

Not only that put Oberyn had been screwing women left and right. Elia wasn't even married yet when Oberyn slept with Lord Yronwood's paramour.

Oberyn and Elia seem much smarter than Cersei and Jaime.

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I think what that dialogue implicates that Elia might be more interesting character that I looks at first sight (ill, weak, resigned, boring). I’m not saying they were incestuous like Jaime and Cersei, neither Elia is another Sand Snake. Being close to Oberyn means she is not an innocent naive daydreamer with no voice and no will. She is not some passive hot-crazy-Rhaegar's victim.

It looks like Elia could have her own story. But of course, we won't have her PoV.

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I think what that dialogue implicates that Elia might be more interesting character that I looks at first sight (ill, weak, resigned, boring). I’m not saying they were incestuous like Jaime and Cersei, neither Elia is another Sand Snake. Being close to Oberyn means she is not an innocent naive daydreamer with no voice and no will. She is not some passive hot-crazy-Rhaegar's victim.

It looks like Elia could have her own story. But of course, we won't have her PoV.

I have always liked Elia and thought she was interesting moreso than Lyanna at least to me.

Of course she was more, that doesn't mean she cheated on her husband.

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I think privately Elia and Rhaegar did not love eachother. They both agreed that they could pursue other men/women if they desired, which is why I think Lyanna was ok with having an affair with a married man because Rhaegar told Lyanna about his open marriage with Elia.

Exactly my thoughts. They both knew that it was a political, arranged marriage; neither loved each other romantically, but they got along well and had a better (albeit platonic) relationship than Cersei and Robert. Plus Elia couldn't bear any more children; I wouldn't be surprised if she had a male paramour or if she was seeing Arthur Dayne on the side :pimp: :commie: . I imagine that wouldn't go over well with a lot of fans though, since the Sword of the Morning was the epitome of honor.

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Exactly my thoughts. They both knew that it was a political, arranged marriage; neither loved each other romantically, but they got along well and had a better (albeit platonic) relationship than Cersei and Robert. Plus Elia couldn't bear any more children; I wouldn't be surprised if she had a male paramour or if she was seeing Arthur Dayne on the side :pimp: :commie: . I imagine that wouldn't go over well with a lot of fans though, since the Sword of the Morning was the epitome of honor.

But I think that is the thing. Most fans don't say that Elia wasn't okay with Rhaegar having an affair. They say that Elia probably wouldn't be okay with Rhaegar marrying Lyanna and getting heirs on her which can potentially damage the status of Elia's own children. Both Dance of Dragons and the Blackfyre Rebellions come to mind.

There are some people who use the Elia had a paramour to besmirch her reputation. And make all of Rhaegar's actions leaving her with the mad King to run off with Lyanna justifiable because she was a cheat.

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I would think the queen more likely to cheat than Elia given the loveless and abusive marriage. Elia cheating I see as less likely as she may have that Doran side to her and understood the importance of the[ politics. Targs on the other hand have there own rules and politics. I bet we find out that Rhaegar had more of that Targ demi god attitude than we are led to believe.

One thing I always enjoy is the unreliable POV can make it really difficult to ascertain what the characters from the past were really like. Selmy thought Elia was nice but not all that and thought Ashara was crazy hot. Where as Howland Reed thought Elia was really beautiful. We never really get the truth or more like we get everyone else's truths but not are own ability to make up are minds for ourselves because everything is based off different opinions and not really facts.

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