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What if Robb had married Margaery?

Pod The Rod

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Say Catelyn arrives at Renly's camp after Stannis has him assassinated, Robb never marries Jeyne, and Catelyn is able to pull off the diplomatic adlib of all time and negotiate a marriage between Robb and Margaery. What happens then? How does Westeros look at the point we're at now in the novels?

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Only way it would work is if Robb took the Iron Throne or both Mace and Robb had a change of personality and decided lets put Stannis on the throne. Either way Robb would have curb stomped the Lannister's and the Iron Born and lived happily ever after making a shit ton of babies (Margaery is hot) until Dany shows up with Dragons (I doubt Aegon could even dent Robb with the Tyrell's at his side).

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I don’t believe that there was any possibility that this could happen mostly because the North was so far away from the Reach and they wouldn’t be able to help them when the Crown would attacked them and also because the North was fighting for independence with the annexation of Riverlands and that was not good enough. Of course there is the small matter that I don’t believe that Cat would be able to make such arrangements.

He would still go make amends with Walder Frey and get killed in the process probably.

also this.

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I think he would have definitely lived , , , even Walder Frey had to understand being passed over for a Tyrell.

I doubt he'd understand but he wouldn't do anything about it, Robb only went back to him to get his men with the Tyrell's he doesn't need them and gets a fleet to deal with the Ironborn.

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Actually Robb believes Stannis deserves the IT, but would Stannis have allowed the "rebels" to live even if they had won him the crown? He is very strict with his justice.

He wouldn't really have been in a position to dispute Robb at that point. The only leverage he would possibly have is if he somehow managed to capture Sansa on the Blackwater.

Also, Jon's Queen Consort, remember, this is about what would happen if this scenario came to pass. I think it was possible, you might not, it didn't happen in the event, but what if it had happened?

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Actually Robb believes Stannis deserves the IT, but would Stannis have allowed the "rebels" to live even if they had won him the crown? He is very strict with his justice.

Huh? I thought the original reason for Robb having a problem with the IT and declaring independendece was that he believed that Joff was the rightful king and Robb thus wouldn't follow neither Stannis nor Renly as they were trying to ursurp their nephew's throne, nor serve Joff, as that little shit had his father imprisoned and later killed.

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Well Robb would have an open battle in the middle of his army as I'm sure the Frey soldiers would freak out, then assuming that Robb could get to his would be queen before being killed, Tywin would've sued for peace and may have, given Stannis's non bendable knees offered to ally with Robb since it would be the smart move by him. Tywin could have joff killed and Sansa returned and offer an alliance through marriage of him and cat (that would b a sight wouldn't it lol) that should appease Robb n the northerners I think enough to see the benefit of destroying the stag instead of fighting the golden lion. However if by some miracle stannis does decide that Robb isn't a usurper and would rather work with him than shadow baby his ass, well Tywin would see his family destroyed. Dorne stays neutral if allied with Ty but joins in on the fun if Stan can see the light. Then at the end of it I could see a stark royal family betrothal of next generation making northern independence not needed and civil unrest would cease. Westeros is united against outside invasion as well as an other attack.

Edit spelling/grammar correction

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Could easily have happened. Robb would have ruled the North and Riverlands. Mace could have set himself up as King of the south. With their combined might Tywin they could take down all their enemies.

Unfortunately mace did not have such lofty goals

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Huh? I thought the original reason for Robb having a problem with the IT and declaring independendece was that he believed that Joff was the rightful king and Robb thus wouldn't follow neither Stannis nor Renly as they were trying to ursurp their nephew's throne, nor serve Joff, as that little shit had his father imprisoned and later killed.

Yep but that was before he learns of the twincest. I don't think he mentions his feelings on the matter afterwards or whether he believed it though I bet he did. He didn't seem to be bothered about it because he sent his mother to treat with Renly not Stannis.

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If Catelyn phrased it right, Mace should've seen that bending the knee to Robb would eventually consolidate the 7k anyways.

Mace bends the knee, the combined power of the three kingdoms almost automatically cancels out the remaining Western forces and intimidates the Stormlands.

The Dornish and Valemen might remain neutral, but they were doing that already.

Robb can annex the west at will, and install a lesser Lannister as his westerlord.

After demanding a huge sum as penance for the actions of the old, no longer living blood.

What can Stannis do against that?

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Could easily have happened. Robb would have ruled the North and Riverlands. Mace could have set himself up as King of the south. With their combined might Tywin they could take down all their enemies.

Unfortunately mace did not have such lofty goals

Mace couldn't be a king he has trouble enough from bannerman who think he's a jumped up steward the legitimacy of House Tyrell's rule over the Reach comes from being a LP under the authority of the Iron Throne. I reckon if he did make himself king he would start a civil war in his new kingdom. My opinion of course.

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Also, Jon's Queen Consort, remember, this is about what would happen if this scenario came to pass. I think it was possible, you might not, it didn't happen in the event, but what if it had happened?

Ok then. I don't believe that it would matter. I believe that since not all of the Reach's army would be able to go to Robb's side, since they would be necessary to protect their land. Robb would had to go to the Twins to make amments with Walder where he would be killed and then the Reach would have bend the knee to IT.

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Ok then. I don't believe that it would matter. I believe that since not all of the Reach's army would be able to go to Robb's side, since they would be necessary to protect their land. Robb would had to go to the Twins to make amments with Walder where he would be killed and then the Reach would have bend the knee to IT.

Not if the twins are destroyed.... Ah that would be beautifully sweet, but then again instead of Walder n Roose being dicks we might all hate Robb for being an oath breaker

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If Stannis had ultimately won while Robb was alive (unlikely) I think Stannis would have pardoned him IF Robb bent the knee. Stannis said as much to Cat and he would never have gone back on his word.

Pod I understand that you are asking "what if," not "how," but I think the problem is that it is too farfetched to easily answer your question. It would never have occurred to Cat to propose it because she was too strong in her beliefs of honor. Robb was promised to a Frey and that,for her, was that.

Also I believe that even if it had been proposed Mace Tyrell would have easily looked at the other possibilities for his daughter's hand and seen Joffrey standing there already in possession of the Iron Throne, with all the might of the Lannisters and their allies to back him. It simply would have made no sense to ally with the far weaker party whose goal, after all, was not to win the IT...just independence from it.

Even if Robb had married Margaery and been successful in winning freedom for the North, Margaery would have been queen of a much less prestigious realm and thousands of leagues from her family in the wild barbaric North. I think it would have been a short and unhappy alliance with a short unhappy marriage before they found a way out of it. But yes, Robb's chances at still being alive might be better.

Unless you believe that Mel's curse was what set the deaths of the "usurpers" in motion, in which case Robb would simply have died another way.

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