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Two ghosts of winterfell?


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Here are some theories I've read :

1) Harwin, sent North by the Brotherhood to kill some Freys.

2) the Blackfish

3) Reynald Westerling

4) a literal ghost from the Crypts lol!

5) Howland Reed

6) Mance, despite Theon's interaction with Abel

7) An Umber





But couldnt there be at least two different people be the hooded man? I first though it was one of the sisters/wives of Mance but now im wondering if it could be Theon or maybe Hallis Mollen?? They both have motive and could possibly want revenge for the stark boys and Ned Stark (More Hallis than Theon). Theon by night (killing the freys for Ramsey torturing him) and "Reek" by day so no one thinks its him. No one would think Reek has enough strength to pull it off or the right mindset.


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