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[ADwD Spoilers] Where to send typos?

Eddard Stark

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Concerning the "Giantsbabe" thing:

Tormund did at one point mention it in one of the other books (ASOS I believe) when he was talking to Jon and telling him the story of how he was (supposedly) adopted by a female giant while traveling and she made him drink from her breasts. IIRC he said sth to Jon along the lines of "don't mention the story to the others, Giantsbane sounds much better than Giantsbabe".

So I guess it was intentional on the part of Jon.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know if it's the same for all copies, but the version of the first book I read, the one with the HBO pic on the front, was very typo ridden, frequently one or two per page, with a few sentences barely making sense. I still remember a moment that refers to someone donning a long 'clock'.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Late to the party but I think I found one on pg 379, US HC first printing. I am to assume further editions have already been fixed but figure it's worth noting:

"You heart does not concern me. Just your hands."

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I can't give hardcopy pg number, cause I'm in too big a rush to look it up, but on my nook version, page 581, in a Tyrion chapter it says "hands of gold are always gold, but a woman's hands are warm"

One would assume hands of gold would be gold, would one not?


"hands of gold are always cold, but a woman's hands are warm" are lyrics from a song which is a sort of recurring theme for Tyrion.

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  • 1 month later...

Martin, George R. R. A Clash of Kings: Book Two of A Song of Ice and Fire. New York: Bantam Books, 2011. (ISBN: 9780553579901):

p. 725 Down in the yard, a uneasy crowd

p. 879 smooth cheeks of a eunuch

Martin, George R.R. Game Of Thrones Book Three Of A Song Of Ice And Fire: A Storm Of Swords. 2011. (ISBN: 9780553573428):

p. 295 Jaime had been been looking

p. 562 or was he was running with some wolf pack

p. 672 that seemed almost one with rush of the river

p. 923 he was taking with a piss with the right

Martin, George R. R. A Feast for Crows: Book Four of A Song of Ice and Fire. New York: Bantam Books, 2011.

p. 330 of Aerys Targ-aryen and the way

George R. R. Martin. A Dance With Dragons. Bantam. Kindle Edition.

“No.” How could I ever hope to sleep, knowing that my captain so close? (Kindle Location 5941).

“Even death is not sacred to a Dornishmen. “ (Kindle Locations 9881-9882).

A chain of golden hands. For hands of gold are always gold, but a woman’s hands are warm. “Are you a maid, Penny?” (Kindle Locations 10359-10360).

When the cheers began to ebb, she allowed to herself to sit. (Kindle Location 13513).

“We’ll take it for the Ned and for his (Kindle Location 16041).

Hammer was sleeping off a drunk when they reached the forge, (Kindle Locations 16927-16928).

Ser Barristan sat along in the dark, listening. (Kindle Location 17172).

Hizdahr sighed. “ ‘Your Magnificence,’ please. Though at his hour, ‘Your Sleepiness’ would be more apt.” (Kindle Locations 17218-17219).

her captains a nd commanders: (Kindle Location 19434).

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@ronbarak: Thanks for the list! “alarums” might be intentional, though? And “a eunuch” is used throughout the books.

P.S.: To add some more:

Chapter 8 (Tyrion), p. 114: “which makes more sense than Munken’s version” (Munkun)

Chapter 24 (The Lost Lord), p. 314: “King of Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms” (the Andals)

Chapter 27 (Tyrion), p. 353: “West of the Rhoyne, he knew, the wharves of Volantis teemed with sailors, slaves, and traders, and the wineshops, inns, and brothels all catered to them. East of the river, strangers from across the seas were seen less seldom. We are not wanted here, the dwarf realized.” (seldom or less often)

Chapter 31 (Melisandre), p. 416: the drunkard Septon Celladar” (Cellador)

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  • 1 year later...

These are based on the ePub ebook, eISBN: 978-0-553-90565-6
I don't have page numbers since they depend on the viewer app.

Chapter 56 - The Iron Suitor:

Euron had taken Kerwin off Greenshield, where he had been in service to Lord Chester, tending his ravens and teaching his children, or perhaps the other away around

Should be "other way around"?

The dead cities rotting on that fervid, sweltering shore were best avoided, every seamen knew

Should be "seaman" singular?


The map was beautiful, painted by a master’s hand

Perhaps it should be "maester's"?

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