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Interleaved Reading of AFFC and ADWD


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Has anyone here attempted an interleaved reading of AFFC and ADWD -- jumping between the two books in order to experience the story as a chronological recombination?

I'm a rabid new fan, having just torn through the first three books. I can't wait to dig into AFFC and ADWD.

But I'm aware that AFFC is a significant departure from the usual cast of characters. Many people whose opinions I respect have advised me that AFFC is a frustratingly long hiatus.

I also know that the events in AFFC and ADWD were originally conceived as one large book, which grew in the telling and which GRRM was forced to cleave in two because of time and length -- and that chapters in AFFC and ADWD occur largely, though not entirely, in parallel.

So my first question is this: can we re-order the chapters in AFFC and ADWD in a way that:

- restores the basic chronology

- keeps the momentum of the major characters' stories going

- and doesn't destroy any narrative reveals?

My second question is this: am I a complete aurochs to want to try?

I am interested in all opinions -- if you think this is interesting, disrespectful, pointless, counterproductive, illuminating, etc. Tell me why this is a good idea or a bad idea.

And if you think it's a good idea, can you give me a recommended chapter order?

But please: NO SPOILERS from either AFFC or ADWD here.

I'd be willing to try reading AFFC and ADWD this way, if there were some sort of consensus by trustworthy experts (you) that there's a valid recombination that would be rewarding to read. What do you think?

Please excuse me if this has already been discussed. I've only skimmed this forum for fear of encountering spoilers.

Thank you, Maesters, for your input.

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I have no set opinion on the matter (although I must say, AFFC is not half as frustrating as some people would have me believe).

But this has been brought up before. Allow me to present some links.


(From there:

and https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q05CDcP8PM2qjcUD20eCFwaeMHzctqKnVKktKLjvlj4/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1# )


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I think its a great idea, go ahead and "break the rules" I wish I had thought about doing it too. I'm sure its rather difficult though considering DWD is ultimately a separate book. And, carrying around two 900+ page books around with you wherever you go must get to be a pain in the ass!

I'd like to hear how it works out for you, post an update if you decide to go through with it.

Oh, and as LuisDantas said, FFC is not really as bad as people make it out to be!

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  • 3 months later...

So, I've looked over those links briefly, and I was wondering, is there a reading-order currently in existence that does what the OP asked for?


restores the basic chronology

keeps the momentum of the major characters' stories going

and doesn't destroy any narrative reveals?

The Global Timeline is obviously more useful as an overall chronology assist, and for those who've read aFfF/aDwD.

And I can't really tell if the doc that was linked to does what I'm looking for because it reorders chapters within the books, not just between the two.

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The reason why I wouldn't attempt this is:

AFFC references some other characters whose stories you have to wait for ADWD as the events of ADWD is occuring. Obvious right? But the thing is, there are assumptions made about those characters and what happens to them (and as we know, GRRM likes to show how information gets distorted as it travels throughout westeros). Part of the fun of going from AFFC to ADWD is the suspense of seeing if what you thought was happening to the missing characters really was, or if there was a twist and the rumors were just coming across as wrong. I feel GRRM did it this way on purpose for that suspense and it would be ruined if you did an interleafedreading.

Probably the best example of this that I can think of which we saw earlier in the books was when everyone thought Bran was dead until a certain Theon chapter. Would your readings have been the same/as enjoyable if GRRM had placed a Bran chapter right after the initial chapter where it was said that he and Rickon had died?

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I get your point, and probably would have considered it myself, but for the fact my brother read CoK and SoS before I did and spoiled the whole Bran reveal AND the Red Wedding.

I just, don't want to wait a whole book to get back to Daenerys... lol

Did you atleast let him know that he is a dick?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have to say I gave this a shot and it didn't work for me. The chapters have to be drastically switched about to get the right chronology, so I had to find a chapter order on the web. But unfortunately you really lose character focus. I was must have been like 200-300 pages in and was only on my second Dany chapter. I have not tried it just by alternating chapters though, although I don't know if that would work.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't see how this is possible without massive frustration and time wasting.

AFFC is a great book, you should just read that one first. I'm 500+ pages into ADWD and I like it even more. The thing to think about, is that even though GRRM originally conceived and wrote this as one book, he did massive rewrites on ADWD after publishing AFFC. GRRM basically rewrote the entire book. It's not going to be the same as it originally was.

Also, the books' POV and timelines have already started overlapping in ADWD.

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I'm gonna be finishing AFFC tonight and as much as I can't wait to get back to characters like Jon/Bran/Tyrion I really want to see what happens next to the POVs of AFFC. I don't want to risk googling anything in case of spoilers, can someone tell me whether or not any of the POV's of this book have any in ADWD aswell?

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I'm gonna be finishing AFFC tonight and as much as I can't wait to get back to characters like Jon/Bran/Tyrion I really want to see what happens next to the POVs of AFFC. I don't want to risk googling anything in case of spoilers, can someone tell me whether or not any of the POV's of this book have any in ADWD aswell?

I'm about 60% of the way though ADWD, and one Dorne POV has already popped up.

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