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Romance in ASoIaF

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Yes. You heard me, romance. I know that it is impossible to predict, but I was pondering which characters might get a happy ending after all. And realized that in any other story the happy ending involves some sort of romance coming to a happy conclusion. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, you name it, there is always a couple to get to live happily ever after. But when I tried to fallow this thread, it came to nothing. There are no people genuinely in love in ASoIaF :ack: I have never ever thought about it, but now that I have, it is weird. I mean, even statistically.

I have combed this forum and found that people think something might be in store for Sansa and Sandor Clegane. Is this that "something" I do not see? I mean, all I can say to those two is "weird".

Arya and Gendry are just kids.

Brienne is on her way to kill Jamie, if I understand correctly.

Have I missed something? I have just got fixated on this, because I fear I have missed some important plotline with my carlesness in all things related to love.

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- I really hope that at the end of the serie Marg is going to have a happy marriage and her husband will someday die peacefully of old age

- Sansa needs some happiness but I can also see her as political player in a marriage of convenience

- Davos should return to his wife and live happily and die of old age. Unfortunately I am not sure whom he loves more - her or Stannis - so there might be a conflict of interest and I really cannot picture Stannis in a menage à trois :-)

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Yeah romance seems tricky in Westeros. And occasionally dangerous.

There aren't too many obvious candidates for a happily ever after right now. Maybe removing removing the 5 year gap has made a few plot ideas difficult to include.

I imagine Dany and Jon will have some further romances (I don't mean together - but who knows) as romance has already been part of their arcs. Brienne and Jaime seem the most likely to happen, but it's difficult to see how that'll pan out right now.

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I have often wondered about this too. I mean, there has to be some happiness in there somewhere? Can't have bittersweet without a tiny bit of sweet, right?

But I seriously have no idea who the lucky characters might be.

Sansa and Sandor? Would be nice, but Sandor has "going to die saving the day" written on his forehead. Same goes for Davos.

Maybe Jon can live happily ever after with Val as king beyond the wall? :wub: [/disneyland]

There are plenty ones I want to have a happy ending, but I don't see it happen, sadly.

Probably Lady Stoneheart will enjoy eternal UnLife with Frankengregor...THAT would be bittersweet^^

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My feeling was that fraternal, family love is more important in Westeros than romantic love. Those family ties and troubled relationships seem to me to be the big stories. I'm looking to see how the Starks, Martells, Greyjoys, Lannisters and Tyrells manage their family dynamic not to see star-crossed lovers. Besides marriage is just politics by another means for those people.

If we take lust out of the equation then looking deep into each others eyes, skipping through flower filled meadows romantic love is just something for the singers and as we're told 'life is not a song'. Along those lines observe the current Westeros custom of presenting your sweetheart with the dead head of someone who annoyed her.

But if you're an optimist then you've got Bran's puppy love for Meera :love: . That's obviously going to work out really well!

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I go with Jon/Val, they are perfect for each other, it is known ^_^ but Jon/Asha would please me too. Bran/Meera would be incredibly cute :wub: Sansa/Aegon, Rickon/Wylla Manderly :bowdown: Jaime/Brienne and Arya/Gendry. I'm still looking for a cute girlfriend for Edric Storm.

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I see. So there is no one big couple I have missed? I thought that maybe I have skipped some longing glances or whatnot.

Unusual. I start to think that we are missing all sorts of character dynamics. Beause none of them are staying in the same place for longer periods of time.

If we get to vote on happy endings though, I pick Arya and Gendry. Not "a boy gets a girl", but "a girl gets a boy" -_-

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Uh, why not Sam and Gilly? There's the whole NW+Maester thing in the way on his part, but their relationship seems to be what one might call a true romance. He'd marry her if he could, and she seems to feel the same way. And if the Night's Watch is dissolved after the story's conclusion, Sam is free to marry her. Provided neither of them dies along the way, which might very well happen in a GRRM story.

Also, Edmure and Roslin. Sure, House Frey seems to be doomed, but perhaps she might get a pass, and Edmure just might survive his captivity (and eventual rescue by the Blackfish).

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