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GRRM's latest interview - fan's questions (spoilers)


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Q: Will we know in the next book more things about

Rhaegar? Why he waited a year to join the fight against the

rebellion, Lyanna’s kidnapping…?

A: We will know more things, but I can’t assure you that it

will be in the next book. You know, keep reading.

Q: Is there a closer connection between the Children of

the Forest and the Others than it seems?

A: There could be. This is a developing theme in the story.

I can’t tell you much more right now.

Q: In the end of Storm we know that Lysa poisoned Jon

Arryn at Littlefinger’s behest, but who ordered the murder

of Ser Hugh from the Vale? Cersei? Littlefinger?

A: Well it could have been either, I’ll let you think about

that. But it could also have been just Gregor. He’s a killer

beast, he doesn’t need for anyone to tell him to kill.

Q: If Doran and Mellario were arguing because he wanted

to take the children away, why did she leave?

A: It wasn't a good marriage. I suppose they married

for the attraction for the exotic, sometimes attraction

arrives when you least expect it. He was a prince of

faraway lands, she was a very lively woman, with many

charms, that came from a very different culture.

When she arrives at his lands, she finds that there are

a lot of traditions that aren't the same she's used to,

above all offering your children in adoption to a

stranger. It wasn't a marriage that broke off for

political reasons, nor magical reasons, but simply

because of human nature. Sometimes relationships

begin very well, you meet someone else, there's a

great sexual attraction, you establish a relationship,

you marry that someone... And 4 or 5 years later you

realize that you have nothing in common, that at best

you committed a mistake and is trapped in a situation

that isn't that easy to get out of, especially in a society

like Westeros, where divorce isn't that usual. That's an

example that there aren't only the marriages for

convenience that fail, that marriages for love can fail

too. Sometimes in Westeros, the marriage for

convenience ends well and the one for love doesn't.

Simply, sometimes the characters desire each other

and soon cease to. There are marriages that are

borne of feelings, and also marriages that are borne

just of attraction from the loins as well, hehehehe.

That's not a guarantee that they'll end well, and the

consequence of not ending well is that people get

disappointed, and end up separating, each one to his/

her own corner, and some sense of bitterness

remains, especially in Doran's case, since he was

Prince of Dorne and could keep near his children."

I choose to translate this in particular because it ruins

a theory of mine (Mellario could be working alongside

Doran and their estrangement was largely fake), even

if it's still a bit glaring that Mellario would fight with

Doran because of her children and then go away from

them herself, but mostly because it makes a point I've

been meaning to make a long time here: Marriages

"for love" can be bad ideas as much as marriages for

convenience. That most of the time, it's only a

temporary attraction that will inevitably die out and

leave the couple unsatisfied. It's the difference

between loving someone and being in love with

someone. The former lasts, the later doesn't.

Relationships built on attraction only are bound to fail

- Mellario saw only the handsome prince from the

West, Doran saw only the exotic woman from Essos,

and look where they end up.

Q: Considering that there's a horn to summon

krakens, will we see any krakens in action?

A: (surprised face) Maybe.

Q: The dead direwolf and the six pups. Is it a sign

from the gods? Is the three-eyed crow? There are

those who see a symbolism in the death of the

direwolf by a stag’s horn (Stark-Baratheon).

A: Man, I think this is something for the readers to solve.

If it is a symbol that I've worked on and that I put in

the book with a certain subtlety it's because I'm

making suggestions. And if I put suggestions or clues,

I did it on purpose. What I'm not about to do now is

(starts singing and making gestures with his arms):

"It's a symbooooool! It's a symboooooool!" so that it

jumps on the reader's faces. Each reader has to read

the story and decide if this is a symbol, what it

symbolises and what it means. I think this is part of

what one must look for in a work of art: that it is

complex, that it has a well-formed structure and that

it is relatively ambiguous, so that each reader can

have his/her own experience.

Q: The Lannisters and the Freys have so many

relatives, while there are very few Starks. Didn’t

Ned have any distant relatives that could claim


A: The Starks do have distant relatives, the problem is

to define what "distant" means. There are relatives

like the Karstarks, who have their own keep and are

basically a lineage created by a second son who

wasn't an heir of House Stark, but this was over a

thousand years ago. Yes it's true that the Starks were

united with other families. In fact, it was mentioned in

one of the books that when Robb believes that Bran

and Rickon are dead there was a conversation with his

mother, because even though he had just married

Jeyne, he needed and heir and yet he hadn't produced

one yet. He told his mother: "Mother, I need an heir",

she answers: "Well, yes, we have a close relative... the

closest we have is a descendant from an old aunt of

yours - aunt not in the sense of the same generation,

but a grandaunt or what have you - who married a

noble from the Vale. This is the closest there is to a

Stark heir", and Robb tells her: "No, there is someone

else, who is closer to me", and his mother says to him:

"No. Your closest relative is your cousin from the

Vale". Both characters are saying something clearly,

with no need to make explicit what each one is trying

to say.

But as I say, there are different relationships between

different characters and the problem is the legitimacy

of the claim of certain characters to the throne, in the

sense that in Westeros, after all, wars are started

because of things like these. If they say "No, I'm the

heir because I'm from two generations since a certain

option", "Yes, but I'm from three generations since

this other, closer, option", etc... By things like these, by

questioning who has more right than the other to a

throne, there have been wars in Westeros.

It's true that the Starks have recently grown scarcer, in

the last generations there aren't many of them. Some

say that it could be because all of Ned's siblings are

dead. Brandon died before he could have children,

Lyanna is dead too and Benjen is sworn to the Night's

Watch, so he can't have heirs either. Maybe it is also

due to the fact that their father, Rickard, was an only

son and we have to go back as to why he was an only

son. Either way, it is possible that I'm wrong about

some of the details, because I'm saying them by

memory. At home I have my little cards, my family

tree to check this information, because I can't always

remember the difference between people.

It's true that currently there are many more

Lannisters. One has to consider also that in the North

there have been revolts frequently, that there have

been many rebel lords in the past, who had problems

with the Kings Beyond the Wall, with the whole Skagos

episode and all that happened in the last 100 years. All

of this influenced in the fact that maybe there aren't

as many Starks as there were in the past.

Q: Jaqen in Harrenhal makes reference to the Red God, and

on another occasion, to the god of fire. Is he talking about

R'hllor? In Arya's training with the Faceless Men, it doesn't

seem that R'hllor has special importance.

A: (thinks) Well, remember that when Jaqen named him, he

was about to die burning in a cart. Therefore, it is fairly

possible [that he was referring to R'hllor].

Q: Could you tell us more about the moonsingers that

were so important to the founding of Braavos?

A: The Moonsingers are one more religion. I don't know

how many do you know about this, but the history of

Braavoos begin when Valyrians are coming with one of

their slave fleets, the slaves mutiny, take control of the

ships and decide to flee the farther they can from

them. So they [Valyrians] don't search for them

[mutinous slaves], they sail to the North through the

Narrow Sea and seek refuge in what will end up

becoming Braavos, that for some time is a hidden city.

For one hundred years, its first one hundred years,

practically no one knows anything about the city. What

happens is that since the city was founded by slaves

who were not an homogeneous population, there

were slaves of many origins: They are from different

ethnic groups, different people, different customs and

different religions. And they decide to create this new

religion, that would be one god only, so it could be

applied to the only city: A god very tolerant with

religions and belief, and also with racial origins. In

Braavos there are people of all the colors, of all the

ethnic origins, and that makes it impossible to

establish a physical or genetic standard for the

Braavosi, because they're all a conglomerate, a mix of

different races. In the Lyseni case they have the same

physical characteristics all the time because it's a

Valyrian colony: only and pureblooded Valyrian, for

they have some common physical characteristics, that

are the characteristics from Old Valyria. The

Moonsingers appear inside Braavos to create the

religion I was speaking about and I believe that aside

from some quick mention in text I haven't gone in

depth about the part they do. Where's Elio when I

need him?"

Q: During Robert's Rebellion, what made a simple

criminal like Davos to participate in the war helping


A: Because he had onions! Haha and he asked himself,

"where can I sell them for the price of gold? If I take

them to King's Landing, they'll pay me the price of the

onion, but if I take them to people that are starving,

it's sure they'll pay me way better hahaha

Q: Did Varys and Ilyrio know of the marriage

arrangements agreed between Doran and Darry? Why did

he (Darry) never tell Viserys about them (before dying)?

A: For the first question, no. For the second, Viserys was

an immature whelp, unfit for such information.

Q: Arthur Dayne has been held up as the epitome of

chivalry. How could he put up with Aerys' crimes, ones

which horrified even Jaime?

A:Well, keep reading...

Q: Could you give us the words of a house that we don't

know yet, such as the accursed Freys?

A: I would have to consult what I have written, I don't

remember off the top of my head. I have a mountain of

cards at home where I keep this sort of information. You

have to keep in mind that there are more than 400 houses,

and I have not created a motto for all of them yet. I make

them when I need to. Where's Elio when I need him?

Q: Can you tell us what happened in relation to

Daenerys, Daemon Blackfyre and the Prince of Dorne?

A: Even tough they (Daenerys and Daemon) were in love,

her brother, the King, was more worried about state

matters than romantic matters. There were many

years of clashes with Dorne, being incapable of

defeating them, or integrating them to the Seven

Kingdoms, and he wanted Dorne to stop from

attacking the Realm. So it occurred to the King, since

conquest had fallen, that a matrimonial alliance was

the best way to cease hostilities, so he proposes to his

sister to wed the Prince of Dorne, he uses her. It's a

political marriage, pure and simple, a marriage of

convenience to guarantee the union of Drone and the

Seven Kingdoms. Also, he preferred to give his sister

to the prince of Dorne than to his bastard brother,

with whom he was having frequeng clashes over the

fact that some people were saying he was the

legitimate King. It was the last drop of water that

overflew the cup of Daemon's patience, and from

here comes the first of the Blackfyre Rebellions,

basically because he had enough of taking everything

that came from the king in stride.

Q: In dance we learn more about Brandon's

characters and his interest in skirts, similar to Robert.

Did Brandon have any bastards as well?

A: It's exaggeration to say that Brandon died before

making a son. It has been established in the book

already that Brandon didn't die a virgin. It could be

that he has conceived many Snows all over, boys or

girls, among all the lands he visited and more, could

be that there's a Snow yet out there. What's clear is

that he left no legitimate heir, conceived within the

bonds of marriage

Q: The Targaryens saved themselves from the destruction

of Valyria, heading to Dragonstone with their dragons. But

the other people of Valyrian descent don't seem to have

dragons. Were the Targaryens the only ones?

A: Well, you could say that the Targaryens were the only

noble family with dragons that escaped the Doom, yes.

Q: Now that we know how the "knot" of Mereen

developed,what was really the problem with that part?

Was it the order of the characters arriving to Dany?

Who, when and how would free the dragons...?

A: An essential part in the development of Dance and

the series is to see what was happening in Mereen.

Basically, the story of Dany is there, once she arrives

what she wants is to take control and become Queen,

but she has a series of problems...

For starters, the rebellion of the Son's of the Harpy

with almost-terrorist attacks and stealthy

assassinations on the street, which creates instability

in her court. On the other side she has the external

danger with her Yunkish enemies, who have rearmed

and are preparing and alliance, and sending emissaries

to parley with her and make her submit to their

wishes. There is also the situation in Astapor, she had

sacked the city but from the ruins a new King emerged

who proposes marriage to create and alliance

between the two cities.

There is also the decision of whether open the fight

pits or not (Remembering she has to try to calm the

Yunkish noblemen), Daenerys is trying to solve this

problems to settle her power as she tries to find

different solutions and different agreements. For

example, there is Daxos's offer with his thirteen ships

fleet, which she rejects, therefore going from possible

ally to enemy and trying to blockade the city. All this

creates instability in the city and outside the walls the

Yunkish are preparing for battle with a ready army.

Dany's hand is one of the most valuable assets along

the novel, different men seek her favor, Hizdahr, for

example, which is the favorite among the Mereenese

nobles to make a reconciliation. Or Daario, this

dangerous and charismatic mercenary, the only one

who really gets her interest. On top all this is the

palgue ravaging the city and the releasing of the


There is also a series of characters going towards

Meereen to take into account, there's Quentyn

Martell, Tyrion, Victarion Greyjoy with his iron fleet,

archmaester Marwyn of Oldtown an Aegon with the

Golden Company. There's also to stand out the

situation in Volantis, which didn't happen to be as it

was expected.

What worried me about this matters was kowing when

each of this characters arrived to the city. When they

arrived depended of when and where they departed

from, and the medium of transportation. For that I

had to consult what I wrote on Storm and Feast.

Logically, I'm not hand tied and can take certain

liberties, I can make some of the ones who departed

later to arrive earlier by saying that one of the others

had a drift, a shipwreck or an attack or whatever. But

I did needed to exactly control the cronology and

moment of arrival of each one of them, because each

arrival has an impact in the dramatic development of

the plot.

If Qentyn arrives with his marriage proposal much

before Dany gets married, or if he arrives after she is

already married, logically the result is going to be very

different. So in order to know how evereything would

work out, I wrote those two possibilities, and finally

also a third: That Quentyn arrives a day before the

wedding, when thare was practically no time to

change anything. As you can see, all this changes the

different dynamics of the group.

And on top of all of that, there is the return of

Drogon, where Dany makes the decision of reopening

the fighting pits that have been closed for decades,

this desicion initially was going to be the first chapter

of Dance, before Dance was a separate book from


I know the answer I'm giving you is a bit ambiguous

and I'm drifting a little, but basically I'm trying to

transmit to you the uncertainty and bewilderment I

had at the time, trying to solve this situation... And

that's why I always talked about of the knot. The

material could only be one, I needed to develop

correctly each one of the situations because they had

influence in the general argument of the novel. In the

end I got all of them to arrive but one, who finally,

doesn't even appear in the book.

Q:Why did Melisandre (initially) leave to meet

Stannis? Did she see something at the flames and went of

her own accord, or is she following orders? At no moment

one gets the sense that she is following orders as we know

that, say, Moqorro is.

A: Yes, Melisandre is going of her own accord, she has her

own agenda.

Q: Is Dragonstone just a simple vulcano and so the

deeper you go the hotter it gets, or is there something of

old Valyrian magic in its depths?

A: Well, if we take into account the way Dragonstone is

built, and that in some places the rocks fit together in a

way that implies magical intervention… yes, we could say

that there’s something of old Valyrian magic there.

Q: In ASOIAF, we see that marriages are almost always

between great families as to create bonds and gain

power and allies. In this context, there's always the

strange with about Tywin marriage a cousin of his,

especially knowing Tywin. Or was it really for love?

A: In general, noble houses do marriages of convenience

to gain alliances. It's a practice common not only to

the noble houses, but also the middle classes, and

even the peasants: If somebody has a piece of land,

you marry your daughter to somebody that has an

even bigger piece of land in the hope it ends up being

your grandson's .

About Tywin... (Long, long pause) Probably.

Ir could have been for love but there's another clear

motive, that is it reinforce the family bloodlines. The

Targaryen are the greatest example of this policy: They

only marry inside the family to keep the blood pure

and this way you avoid problems, like we talked about

before, with distinct pretenders to the throne or the

head of the house. If you have five brothers/siblings in a

generation and each has many children, in two or

three generations you find yourself with thirty

potential heirs: There could be thirty people that call

themselves Lannister or Frey, and that generates

conflict, because all would be involved in hereditary

fights to make the thrones theirs. This is, in the end,

what originated the War of the Roses in England: An

excess of candidates to the throne, Edward III's

descendants. It's as bad not to have heirs, as it

happened to Henry VIII, as to have too much. If you

have five sons and wants to avoid problems, it's not a

bad idea to marry the first son's firstborn daughter to

the third son, this way you avoid conflicts and the

blood keeps united. That is, this is the best guess

about Tywin's marriage. It could be that Tytos

arranged it, or even Tywin's grandfather, it all

depends on the moment it was agreed upon, but I'd

need to check it in my notes, because I can't

remember off head.

Q: Is there a small possibility that we’ll see Valyria?

A: Well… there could be. Not too high, that’s for sure.

Chances are that it will be a memory or a flashback.

These are fans' questions from Spanish ASoIaF forum Asshai.com

Much thanks to Lady Lea,Ser Illin',LuisDantas,Ser Patreck and Liar whose translations I have mixed in here,and also to all those chiming in with their contributions :)

Much thanks to Spain,really amazing :)

Also,there you can find this in updated Citadel http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/Asshai.com_Interview_in_Barcelona/

the source

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This was posted on Twitter 40 minutes ago,so I'd say not yet.

I can translate it,but roughly,but I am sure we have somebody here who speaks Spanish fluently.

Grrm : *laughing* Brandon could have little bastards running around :)

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(Not a translation, but close enough until someone comes along and does it better)

1: Will we learn more about what happened with Rhaegar and Lyanna?

Yes, but not necessarily in The Winds of Winter.

2: Is there going to be anything about the relationship between the CotF and the Others?

I can't answer that, but maybe.

3: After A Storm of Swords, we know that Lysa poisoned Jon Arryn, on the order of Littlefinger. Did Littlefinger or Lysa order Gregor to kill Hugh of the Vale?

It could have been either, or just Gregor's monstrous nature. I'll leave you to think about that one.

4: Why did Doran and Mellario split up?

They married for love, not political convenience, and their love dissipated, and the idea of politically marrying off their children was anathema to Mellario.

5: Since there is a horn that invokes krakens, will we see one (a kraken) in action?

Possibly, but not likely.

6: About the dead direwolf and the six wolf puppies, is it a sign from the Gods or the 3EC? Or is it about the cause of death of a Stark by a Baratheon?

It wouldn't be right for me to force feed what the symbolism means. That's up to the reader.

7: Why do the Freys and Lannisters have large extended families, cousins etc., but not the Starks?

Historically, we have stuff like the Karstarks splitting off from the main branch, and obviously The Ned's brothers and sister left no kids. Also, its important that the North is special. When Robb and Cat were talking about a distant relative in the Vale being Robb's heir, he says that that is impossible since he's never been in the North. When Robb says there is a closer option, Cat says "never."

8: At Harrenhal, Jaqen talks about the Red God and the God of Fire. Is that R'hllor? When Arya is training with the Faceless Men, R'hllor doesn't seem to be very important.

Remember that when he spoke of stealing the deaths, they were going to die by fire. That's important.

9: Could you give us some more details on the Moonsingers that were key in the foundation of Braavos?

You know that they are slaves that fled the Valyrians, founded their city, and kept it hidden for the longest time. They are another religion, one that was important in the early days of the city, but the cult still exists today. Beyond that, they probably won't have much impact on the rest of history.

10: What led Davos to take part in Stannis' war effort during Robert's Rebellion?

(jokingly) He had to sell his onions, of course. Who would pay more, King's Landing, or Storm's End that was starving and under siege?

11: Did Varys and Illyrio know of Doran's marriage contract with Darry? And why didn't he (Darry) pass that information along to Viserys before he died?

First question: No. Second question: Because Viserys was just a child, and wouldn't be prepared for that information.

12: Arthur Dayne is supposedly the best knight ever. Why did he support Aerys' and his atrocities, when Jaime went against them?

(cryptically) Good, keep reading.

13: Could you tell us some of the mottos of some of the other families, such as those damn Freys?

I can't remember all of them off the top of my head, and I've got a bunch of notes at home. Where's Elio when you need him?

14: Could you tell us something about Daenerys, Daemon Blackfyre, and the prince of Dorne?

Daenerys and Daemon truly loved each other, but Daeron II saw the political marriage to Dorne as more important, fully joining the Seven Kingdoms. Also, this took some power away from his bastard brother, who was definitely inconveniencing him already.

15: In A Dance With Dragons, we learn that Brandon has a thing for the ladies kinda like Robert Baratheon? Does he have any bastards?

Hahaha, yeah, it is very possible that Brandon has some little Snows running around.

16: The Targaryens were saved from the Doom of Valyria by fleeing to Dragonstone. But none of the other Valyrians seem to have had dragons. Were the Targaryens the only ones?

It is possible to say that the Targaryens were the only noble Valyrians to escape with dragons, yes.

17: Now that we know how the Meereenese Knot developed, what was the actual problem? The order of arrival of characters, how to get the dragons free...?

There were an infinite number of factors: How to get Xaro there to offer his service and turn that into war, Dany's marriage to pacify the city, the order of arrival of all the major people running toward her (Tyrion, Victarion, Quentyn, Aegon, Marwyn...) Daario, the one Daenerys really loves, the Pale Mare, Drogon's return...

Basically, everything would effect all of the other events, and I ended up writing them in various orders before finding the one that stuck.

18: Why did Melisandre go to Stannis? Did she see it in the flames herself and went of her own accord, or was she sent? Her agenda isn't as clear as Moqorro's, for example.

Yes, Melisandre has her own agenda.

19: Is Dragonstone just a volcano, or is the source of its heat magical, Valyrian for example?

Well, look at how it was built, with the rock structures etc. There is definitely some bit of Valyrian magic going on.

20: We see almost all families marrying for political agenda, tying their family to other families. But Tywin married his cousin. Was this for love, or what?

Well, it could be for love, and it could also be considered an attempt to be like the Targaryens, not diluting the family with marriage outside of it.

21: Will we get to see Valyria?

Maybe. Not too high a chance. Its more likely if its in a memory or flashback.

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OK, first half:

1 - Will we know in the next book stuff

Rhaegar?, Why took a year to join the fight

against the rebellion, kidnapping Lyanna ...?

They know more, but I can not assure that the

next book. You know, keep reading.

2 - Is there a closer relationship than it looks

children enter the forest and the Others?

It might, he could have. This is a topic to be developing in

that qieda history. No I can tell you right now


3 - A Storm end we know that what Jon Arryn

Lysa poisoned at the behest of Little, but who

Being ordered the murder of Hugh del Valle? Cersei ¿?

Little ¿?

As might have been either, I'll let

Think about it. But it could have been

simply a matter of Gregor. It is a murderous beast, not

need anyone to encourage killing.

4 - If Mellario Doran and discussed because it wanted

take the children away, why will it?

Well ... this, unlike other marriages of the

saga, it was not for political or win partnerships. Was

for love. Doran was a prince, attractive in his youth,

Mellario and he loved it. As in real life, two

attract people and their lives together. But then the love

can disappear and then come the things you

separated. Another factor that was coming from the Mellario

habit of sending your children to other sites was something

unthinkable, and did not understand. Everything was influencing, and

end to it and not tied to anything Dorne.

5 - Given that there is a horn to summon

kraken, kraken will we see some action?

Mmmm ... there is that possibility. Not too high, but

there is.

6 - Subject to 6 dead wolf pups. Is it a sign

of the gods? Does the three-eyed crow, even? And there

who sees symbolism in the cause of death

wolf by a deer antler (Stark-Baratheon).

The two interpretations could be valid. O no. Has

to take into account that I like to put details

clues and symbolism everywhere in my books. But

then it would be wrong myself identifying any

these symbols and where they are. It is the job of the reader.

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Daemon was a troublemaker in time before Daenerys was married (they were in love) and Daeron saw her marriage as double opportunity to bind Dorne to realm and to get rid of Daemon up to a certain point.

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Do Rhaegar?, do took a year to join the fight?

against the rebellion, the abduction of Lyanna...?

Know more things, but I can not assure you that in the

next book. You know, keep reading.

2. Is there a closer relationship than it seems?

you enter the children of the forest and the others?

It might, might be it. It is a subject to develop in the

that history qieda. I can not tell you now

much more.

3. At the end of storm we know that Jon Arryn to the

it poisoned Lysa to Meñique instances, but who

He ordered the murder of be Hugh of the Valley? Cersei?


Because it could have been any of the two, I will leave that

you think of it. But it could also have been

simply sew Gregor. He's a beast killer, not

you need no one to encourage you to kill.

4. If Doran and Mellario discussed because it wanted to

take the kids away, why is she going?

Well... this, unlike other marriages of the

saga, was by political issues or to gain alliances. It was

by love. Doran was a Prince, attractive in her youth,

and Mellario fell in love with him. In real life, two

people are attracted, and together their lives. But then love

It may disappear, and then there are the things that you

they separate. Also influenced that Mellario came where the

custom of sending your children to other sites was something

unthinkable, and didn't it. Everything was to influence, and the

end to it already not you tied to Dorne.

5. Taking into account that there is a horn to invoke

krakens, will see some kraken in action?

Mmmm...There is that possibility. Not too high, but


6 Item dead Wolf and 6 puppies. It is a sign?

from the gods? The three-eyed Crow, even? And there are

who sees a symbolism in the cause of death of the

loba by a deer (Stark-Baratheon) shaft.

The two interpretations may be valid. Or not. It has

bear in mind that I really enjoy putting details,

tracks and symbolism everywhere in my books. But

then it would be good that I indicate which

These symbols and where they are. It is work of the reader.

7. To the Lannister and Frey family below out them

stones, but the Stark are very scarce. Ned does not?

would distant relatives that could claim


It is true that now the Frey and the Lannisters have

very large families. The Starks are now scarce. But

There are several things that have influenced: in the North are

common conflicts; a branch of the Stark is has

gone away long ago and has formed his own House

(the Karstark are the example, but there may be more)... and

should take into account the situation at the moment: the

Ned children already know how they are; Brandon and Lyanna

died childless; Benjen became the guard of

Overnight. And there is another very important issue to consider: the

North is special. To the North doesn't govern it any.

Remember when the conversation between Robb and Cat

talk about precisely this topic: Cat speaks of a

distant relative of the Valley with Stark, and Robb blood says "no"

You can govern the North, has never walked. There is a

"much closer option," and then is Cat

"never". Well, you just reject two options at once.

8 Jaqen in Harrenhal refers to Dios red, and

on another occasion the God of fire. Do refers to R'hllor?

In the statement of Arya with the faceless men,

does not seem to R'hllor has a special importance.

(think) Well, remember when appointed him: are to

point of dying burnt in a cart. Therefore, it is

quite possible.

9 Could you give us some detail on the Lunar bards

(moonsingers) that were key in the foundation of


Well, as you know, were slaves who fled from

Valyria, and reached as far as possible. They founded Valyria and

the city kept hidden for a long time. Are

another religion, the most important principles of the

City, but still maintain his cult now.

Beyond that, is not expected to have much more

importance in history.

10 - During the rebellion of Robert, what led to a

simple criminal as Davos to take part in the war

does helping Stannis?

Haha... is clear: onions. Onions had to sell.

Could take them to landing, but it would have not taken

A lot. But Stannis were starving. It was

clear them which were to pay price of gold, or that they

It took the onions, haha.

11. What sabian Varys and Ilyrio of the marriage contract of?

Doran with Darry? Why this cannot be told never to?

Viserys dying?

To the first question... no. And the second, Viserys was a

immature kid, there was even prepared for the


12 Arthur Dayne has presented to us always as

the quintessence of the cavalry. How supported the?

Aerys, to Jaime outrages him

They horrorizaban?

Follow... good reading.

13. What we could give the motto of some House not?

have appeared so far, as the damn House Frey?

I would have to see if I've created, I do not remember from

memory. I have a lot of cards at home where

I keep this information. You have to bear in mind that

more than 400 houses, and I have not created a slogan for all

yet. I do if necessary. Where is Elio?

(webmaster_de_Westeros.org) when I need you?

14. What can you tell us what happened in the relationship?

between Daenerys, Daemon Blackfyre and the Prince of


Indeed, Daenerys and Daemon is loved. But

Daeron preferred marriage with the Prince of Dorne

because thus it finally linked to the seven kingdoms, was a

political marriage. And also, in this way, be it waged

a little bit of his bastard brother, who had already been a

time causing discomfort.

15. In Dance we know a little better the nature of

Brandon Stark, and his interest in skirts, equal to

Robert. He also had bastards Brandon?

Lol, Yes, it is very possible that there is little snow

little bastards of Brandon scattered there.

16. The Targaryens were saved from the destruction of

Valyria marching with their dragons to Dragonstone.

But the descendants of valyrios in other colonies not

They seem to have dragons. Were the Targaryens alone?

Well, you can say the Targaryens were the only ones

nobles with dragons who escaped the destruction of

Valyria, Yes.

17. Now that we know how developed the "knot"

of Meereen, which was truly the problem with

that part? The order of arrival to Dany of the?

characters; who, when, and how freeing to the


Well, now already be explained the problem I had

with this part. Meet an infinite number of factors:

We started offering Xaro, than not to accept it is

He becomes enemy and declares war; is the

marriage of Daenerys to pacify the city. the

arrival of the army of Yunkai to Meereen doors; the

order of arrival of people running towards her

(Tyrion, Quentyn, Victarion, Aegon Marwyn...); In addition

It is the Darioo, that dangerous mercenary Charter and hard to

He is the one who likes to realmemte the theme of the plague; the

return of Drogo...

You have to understand that these things are thrown balls to the

air, and that they must be intertwined and fit

chronologically: that the arrival of one of the

suitors be sooner or later affects the rest;

as with the return of Drogo to the city...By putting a

example, I wrote three vseriones of the arrival in Meereen of

Quentyn: one in which came much earlier, to another in the

that came much later, and another in which arrived the day

before the wedding (which was which was finally). AND

I wanted to write the three to compare and see how

the arrival of the other characters affected. There are even

a character who has not yet reached there...

I know that I have reviewed the plot above, down to

respond, but was to make you understand the enormous

difficulty that I found to fit all these pieces


18. Why did Melisandre for Stannis? Did you see it?

in flames and going for free, or has sent it your order?

Does not give that feeling at any time as

It is clear with Moqorro, for example.

Yes. Melisandre is going completely for free, has its own


19 Dragonstone (Dragonstone) is a simple volcano and?

why the more low more heat does, or is there something

in its depths of ancestral magic valyria?

Well, if you look at how it is built

Dragonstone and that in some rocks constructions

they are engaged in a way that implies that he intervened the

Magic can... Yes, agree that there is something of the magic of

Valyria there.

20. In the song, we see that marriages almost

always include large families to join ties and

gain power and allies. In this context, it has always

the marriage of Tywin with a strange result

his cousin, and stranger still knowing Tywin. OR?

truly there Yes is guided by love?

(Long, long pause) Mmmm...It could be for love, Yes. AND

should also be considered to try as well as

the Targaryens: not join his blood with another family

to maintain the purity.

21. There is a small chance that we see


Pueeees... could be it. Not too high, that Yes.

There are more possibilities, if you see, that is a memory

or in some flashback.

There are more possibilities, if you see, that is a memory

or in some flashback.

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