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Let's discuss Varamyr Sixskins...

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And Varamyr broke all those rules. Especially the "mating" one: he always warged the female wolf while she was taken by One Eye :ack:

I have a feeling, that the Stark kids (Jon included) will break those rules, too. Bran did the skinchanging into a person (and probably the human flesh), Arya (and Nymeria) ate human flesh I think, only the mating remains. Summer and Ghost would need a female wolf to do that. I wonder if any of them will have a thing with Nymeria... (I know they are from the same litter)

There are other direwolves north of the wall. It was just that they hadn't been seen south of the wall in decades.

And while it seems creepy on the surface, given the weird 'I am the direwolf' aspect that the wargs take on, I don't see how such a scenario is any weirder than them being in the wolf while the wolf literally eats a human being.

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Yikes. Hodor is there to help Bran (as he has on numerous occasions). Not to be possessed by him. Hodor is a human being!

I have to agree, and I think, so does Bran himself, otherwise he wouldn't keep his warging of Hodor secret. I'm hoping that it's still the wistful child in Bran and he will realize this is wrong. Yes, there were times he did it to save them all, momentarily, but that's not the same as pushing a scared Hodor's consciousness down into submission, and going for a joy 'walk' around the caves or anywhere else.

I'm still working on the meaning of Varamyr and his wolves, and the fact that they are around that cave now, too, even supposedly being submissive to Summer. Well, other than the working out that Varamyr is a disgusting pig, truly a small man who selfishly wasted a huge gift, but other than that, I'm still contemplating all the various meanings of Varamyrs prologue and of his continued existance in One Eye.

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Varamyr was a serial killer, a psychopath. That much is obvious. And he was certainly a greedy abomination. Although he seemed to be one of the most powerful skinchangers, he always adopted feelings and traits from the beast he wore, each time losing more and more of his humanity. That can also be related to how weak and inferior he considered himself as a human. He had a deep inferiority complex that can match Walder Frey's.

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And Varamyr broke all those rules. Especially the "mating" one: he always warged the female wolf while she was taken by One Eye :ack:

i guess i'm the only one who found that description arousing? >.>

I think sixskins is by far the most interesting of the wildlings, and I wonder what his plans will be now hes part of Summers pack

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