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Winterfell uninhabitable?

Vaedys Targaryen

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I'm not quite sure if this has been asked before, but I would like to get some more information about Winterfell, its hot springs, its descruction and its possible rebuilding.

I just started re-reading ASOIAF again and I've barely made it past Catelyn's first chapter. In this chapter, we at first hear about how Winterfell is built on top of hot springs, making Winterfell actually quite warm and allows the Starks to have very warm baths.

I then remembered that in ACOK, Ramsay sacks and burns Winterfell, effectively leaving it destroyed.

Later on, when Ramsay is to be married to Farya, Roose makes a few squatters repair the castle. They stay there even until after Theon and Jeyne escape.


What I would like to know/discuss, is if Winterfell were to be rebuilt, would the people rebuilding it be able to make the hot springs go through the walls again? And should they fail, would Winterfell be uninhabitable?

Sorry for my poor wording.

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7 hours ago, Vaedys Targaryen said:

What I would like to know/discuss, is if Winterfell were to be rebuilt, would the people rebuilding it be able to make the hot springs go through the walls again? And should they fail, would Winterfell be uninhabitable?


I'd say the stone/ceramic work which is likely what the heating system would run through would be undamaged by fire, the roofs and floors would need to be repaired but the stonework should be intact as the castle wasn't attacked by siege weapons so structural damage would have been minimal.

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4 hours ago, The Ice Wolf of Loki said:

I'd say the stone/ceramic work which is likely what the heating system would run through would be undamaged by fire, the roofs and floors would need to be repaired but the stonework should be intact as the castle wasn't attacked by siege weapons so structural damage would have been minimal.

Not to mention the increased time, labor, and supplies that would be needed to be rebuild to make the castle suitable for the events.

However it should be mentioned that at the end of ACoK, Hodor did have to struggle to get the Crypt doors open because large stone blocks had fallen onto the door, keeping it shut. So at least some stonework/masonry had collapsed (perhaps from the first keep).

I would also like to mention that though the stonework would not be damaged in a fire, the wood used for stairs, roofs, flooring does provide some lateral support, keeping the structures standing longer. If a stone structure were to fall into disrepair (like the King's Tower at Castle Black) they begin to look very precarious. Proper maintenance of the wooden structure within, can go a long way to prevent this.

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I think somewhere in ADwD it says that only the inner wooden buildings were burned (stable, kennels, etc.) I'd say structural damage is minimal and most furnishings are probably still there since the fire couldn't really spread inside. It took the fire of Balerion to do real structural damage to Harrenhall, and even after that it's still a functioning castle. 

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