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Revisiting the Quiet Isle


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4 hours ago, direpupy said:

So thats 11 but if you discount the 4 grandchildren then you have 7 again and the youngest of those is daenerys, might mean something might mean nothing.

But maybe it means its not Jon there wayting for, but rather Dany.

Could be, although that's kind of subtle considering all the signposts and flares already pointing to Dany.  

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23 hours ago, Frey family reunion said:

If we take the Elder Brother at his word, and he is from a House that has previously been mentioned in the books, then I think he had to come from House Fossoway of the Green apple branch.

AFFC followed on the heels of the Hedge Knight.  We observe the founding of the Green Apple branch of House Fossoway, of House Fossoway of New Barrel.  The House is founded by Ser Raymun Fossoway, who provides aid to Duncan the Tall (who in turn may very well be an ancestor of Brienne).

The fact that he served a lord who served a lord who served a lord, makes me think that he had to come from one of the knightly houses from  one of the regions governed by one of the seven major houses.  The knightly houses generally serve under a house of the region and that house in turn serves under the major family of that region.  So Fossoway being a knightly house, serves under another lord in the reach who in turn serves under House Tyrell.  And House Tyrell, other than Dorne, is really the only major house who fought for the Targaryens. 

The Dornish also appear to be readily identifiable through accent and/or appearance.  The Elder Brother is never described as looking or sounding Dornish, nor does he talk as if he considers himself Dornish:

So really the only knightly family we are introduced to in the Reach are Fossoways.

Then the Elder Brother indicated that his father was a knight, and his before him.  That is where he stops.  The Elder Brother's grandfather could have dated back to the events of the Hedge Knight, which could make his grandfather, Ser Raymun Fossoway. who was knighted during the events of the Hedge Knight, and who was relying on being knighted by his cousin Ser Steffon, which makes me think he didn't have anyone in his immediate family who could have knighted him.

Finally GRRM may have given us another clever clue, in that the Quiet Isle is known for it's cider:

And of course cider is made from fermented apples.

There is so much logic here it hurts! Thank you! ( :

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3 hours ago, Lurid Jester said:

Could be, although that's kind of subtle considering all the signposts and flares already pointing to Dany.  

Wel it might not really be about Dany being special but more about there being people in Westeros who think she is special. because so far only people in Essos seem to think she is TPTWP or AA, so this might be a hint at support for Dany in Westeros.

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22 hours ago, YOVMO said:

6 Have been found and we are waiting for the 7th. Like I say, I buy that the 7th is Jon for all the reasons listed including that as the 7th ruby he, internally, is a dichotomy (being the most high birth but being a bastard, being ice and fire) so in the one ruby you fulfill the duality shown in the other items which are found.


What I am having issue with is accepting that the other 6 rubies are the other targs. First, they are not his offspring (though yes they are his blood) but most importantly, none of them that we know (and some could not possibly have been) to the Quiet Island. So when the Elder brother says "rubies" as in 6 rubies have washed up and now everyone (on the island? in westeros? in the world?) is waiting for the seventh. I think the other 6 rubies are not necessarily that list. It mentions







and Jon Snow as the Seventh.

I found someone mentioned that Rhaegar's rubies represent Rhaegar's recognized immediate blood relatives. I can't find the original poster now.


The first six rubies:

Aerys (father)

Rhaella (mother)

Viserys (younger brother)

Daenerys (younger sister)

Rhaenys (daughter)

Aegon (son)


And the seventh is supposed to be Jon revealed to the world. But somehow Aegon the Fake came posing as the deceased Aegon, hence rusted black dragon instead of the seventh ruby.

The conditions for them to be represented as rubies should be that they're recognized as ones, or they're legitimized.

Rhaegar's other siblings are all stillborn (but there are bastard siblings, if Telltales GOT could be counted), thus not counted. Nobody cared about Aerys' bastards anyway.

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1 minute ago, Schwarze Sonne said:

I found someone mentioned that Rhaegar's rubies represent Rhaegar's recognized immediate blood relatives. I can't find the original poster now.


The first six rubies:

Aerys (father)

Rhaella (mother)

Viserys (younger brother)

Daenerys (younger sister)

Rhaenys (daughter)

Aegon (son)


And the seventh is supposed to be Jon revealed to the world. But somehow Aegon the Fake came posing as the deceased Aegon, hence rusted black dragon instead of the seventh ruby.

The conditions for them to be represented as rubies should be that they're recognized as ones, or they're legitimized.

Rhaegar's other siblings are all stillborn (but there are bastard siblings, if Telltales GOT could be counted), thus not counted. Nobody cared about Aerys' bastards anyway.

Again, nothing inherently wrong with this. It looks legit. But it still bugs me that the Elder Brother on the QI says that 6 of the rubies have been washed up on their shores.

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