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The Cask of Amontillado. Walder = Montresor; Robb = Fortunato

Quoth the raven,

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Walder = Montresor

Robb = Fortunato

In The Cask of Amontillado, Montresor takes his revenge on Fortunato for an unknown slight.  Montresor remembers the night he took his leave of Fortunato many decades earlier.  Montresor is a smart man like Walder and prickly like the Starks.  Fortunato did insult to him but we are not told what this is.  Any guesses?

Montresor is a prideful man and he is like Walder in that way.  But I think being prideful is par for the course among the lords of Westeros.  Bring prickly is not a rare personal flaw but probably one shared by the majority of the lords and ladies of the land.  I'm jumping from one story to another but I think you understand my point.  Fortunato is a proud man as well.  Walder and Robb are proud men. 

If the situation had been reversed and Walder had insulted the Starks, would Robb do as Walder did? 



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7 hours ago, Quoth the raven, said:

But I think being prideful is par for the course among the lords of Westeros.  Bring prickly is not a rare personal flaw but probably one shared by the majority of the lords and ladies of the land. 

Pride is common but prickly is a chip on the shoulder.  Walder Frey can be said to have a chip on the shoulder.  Jon Snow has a chip on the shoulder.  Viserys had a chip on the shoulder.  People who feel themselves disrespected can end up with a chip carried on their shoulders.  We can see in the three examples where this chip came from.   Tyrion has a chip because he's a midget but it comes out through nasty, unprovoked comments that make him an ass in social situations.  A clever ass but still an ass.  Walder, Viserys, and Jon whine about it.  Tyrion goes on the verbal attack.   Is it possible this Montresor has an inferiority complex.  I know that doesn't jive with the analysis above but people who feel inferior can be prickly.

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The best revenge story (my opinion) is The Count of Monte Cristo.  TCMC is not applicable to Walder and Robb but I recommend it to anyone.  It is good reading.  The kindle one is reasonably cheap.



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I like Widowmakers suggestion. The Count suffers quite a lot before he sets upon implacable revenge. 

Tyrion suffers quite a lot more than for just being a dwarf. His mother died at his birth. His father is frightful to him. His sister abuses him before he is cognizant. He loses his first love in a horrible traumatic way. He cannot marry an acceptable woman, and only marries because he and Sansa are forced to. Numerous people, including his father, try to get him killed. He is tortured by Lysa, and Catelyn too, really. He is hand, but for a loathsome nephew, in a family that idealizes revenge, in a society that admires brutality. He is betrayed by his one protector...his brother, and numerous other people. He is framed for crimes that he did not commit, and has been hunted, and kidknapped. Oh, and he is enslaved and owned by a perv.  I can forgive him defensive asshat language, and even his despicable rape, when he descended to his rock bottom. We will see if he redeems himself. 

I’d say that he has quite the back story.

Robb would kill people who broke an honor code, but he wouldn’t brick them up, torture them,  gloat, or humiliate them unnecessarily.

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