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R+L=J v. 26

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If you guys are talking about Jon Snow's mother she was a Danye sister to the Sword Of the Morning. She killed herself when Ned Stark had to Wed Cat

See above; plus, one little question: if it's Ashara, what's so supersecret about it that Ned can't tell Jon, can't tell Cat, doesn't tell - and lies! - to his best friend and king? You know, half the Westeros already gossip about it, anyway, so why does he bolt the barn when the horse is out?

The theory isn't convoluted, and it doesn't take into account her feeling warmth from dragon eggs because that has to meaning to her being fireproof. What does the heat from the eggs have anything to do with her experience in the pyre. Nothing.

Here's a quote.

Tiny flames went darting up the wood like swift red mice, skating over the oil and leaping from bark to branch to leaf. A rising heat puffed at her face, soft and sudden as a lover's breath, but in seconds it had grown too hot to bear. Dany stepped backward.

How does one explain this when trying to argue if someone is resistant to fire?

And your also not taking into account that this is all from Dany's POV. Maybe she feels fire from the dragon eggs because that's what she wants to feel. This story is told through the first-person, we are told objective facts through a subjective lens.

A great catch with the quote! Where is it from?

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It goes both ways, actually. If she is the only one that felt the heat from the eggs, that could mean that either she is so very magical and has some unique mystic connection to the eggs (which could be the case, but since proof in that direction can only be observed once, in the still not-fully explained event of the eggs hatching...), or that she is starting to go insane like so many of her ancestors. I obviously believe the latter explanation to be the correct one; too many small things in her behavior in the books seem to point in that direction, and I don't think it's a coincidence that even in the show she now has that obviously deluded, megalomaniac speech. But, of course, that's a matter of personal interpretation, and/or waiting for either point to be proved in the last books. I don't think we'll ever agree on the subject.

The fact that she hatched the eggs seems to validate her for me, ie not crazy

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If you guys are talking about Jon Snow's mother she was a Danye sister to the Sword Of the Morning. She killed herself when Ned Stark had to Wed Cat

i think ashara dayne and ned starks brother were in love and that when she heard of his death and how he died she couldnt take the grief and killed herself. heres a quote from the tourney at harrenhal were ashara dayne and ned stark supposedly met

"The crannogman saw a maid with laughing purple eyes dance...with the quiet wolf... but only after the wild wolf spoke to her on behalf on his brother too shy to leave his bench."

the wild wolf is brandon, neds brother, and the quiet wolf is ned. notice how brandon spoke to her to dance with ned on behalf of his little brother (im assuming this is because they knew each other already or there romance started from there on), it also says that shes got purple eyes and its known that the daynes have the same traits as targaryens (purple eyes silver hair) it would make perfect sense for ned to plant this rumour once he found out that shed killed herself just incase his nephew jon snow developed silver hair or purple eyes...

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I think if Dany walks into the fire again she'll be toast.

I think likely

IMHO, I think she is a means to an end, fated to hatch the dragons, but it does not mean she gets Westeros, or does anything greater, and may possiby become part of the problem.

I could see that happening. GRRM would do it to further a plot - maybe by starting the war in Slavers Bay and getting all the elements in motion she just takes off eastward or otherwise drops from the story.

She seems to have taken the same attitude Viserys had in terms of Targaryen perogative, (even though Joreh told her Aegon the Conquerer had no "right" to the Kingdom, but took it because he could which Robert did later), and is beginning to sound more and more like him.

(Or, at least the series made her sound that extreme without the benefit of her inner monologue).

She is trying so hard. My personal opinion is she hasnt quite got it to be a ruler - no one to teach her really - but she is close. I could see her fleeing the responsibility for a while if she is overwhelmed, undergoing some sort of revelation that she doesnt HAVE to be ruler of Westeros (it wasnt the Targ home of origin anyway - maybe valyria has something to offer), falling off the dragon, dying of flux, allying with Dothraki. Once she gets rid of the baggage of her followers, either by deserting them or by detaching from them when making decisions, she'll do better and her POVs will become less arduous.

The Dany story really is more than whether or not she has any persistent supernatural powers. I kind of like the thought that her special fireproof incident was incited by the presence of dragons. They seem to be inciting all sorts of phenomena, some relating to fire (the fire walker, the wildfire spells, Mel feeling stronger (or is the the Wall) the glass candles, etc.

She doesnt need to think she is fireproof - her burned hands prove that - and her ducking Drogon's flames. She relates her burned hair to the previous episode but is smart enough to know it is just a coincidence, tho fraught with emotion.

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I could see that happening. GRRM would do it to further a plot - maybe by starting the war in Slavers Bay and getting all the elements in motion she just takes off eastward or otherwise drops from the story.

Really? Her fate is in Westeros, whether that be queen or dead. For five books now her primary goal, the one thing that has been driving her forward, has been to go home. Simple as that.

"If I look back I am lost"

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