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favorite/most interesting house and why

Drowned Men

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I think its fun to revisit topics. If someone has already participated in a similar thread elsewhere and isn't interested in commenting then they don't have to, but for relative newcomers like me its fun! :)

One of the things that makes ASOIAF so great IMHO is the depth and detail GRRM brings to the houses of Westeros, whose rivalries and motives are such a driving force behind an enthralling story. Really, almost every single house has at least one character I simply love and an interesting enough back story to keep my full attention. I could probably sit down and read a three hundred page book on the history and lineages of any one of the Great Houses, as well as a number of lesser houses, and be highly entertained.

House Stark: for the longest time this was hands down my favorite house and it wasn't even close. Eddard, Benjen, Robbard, Jon, Arya, and Bran have all been top characters for me throughout the books. The back story that precipitated Robert's Rebellion heavily features the Starks and I just think it is so interesting with Lyanna and the older Brandon. They were once the Kings of Winter and in the North and they are supposedly founded by the epic hero of legend Bran the Builder who put up the Wall, built Winterfell, and helped in the design of Strom's End. Throw in dire wolves? I'm yours, House Stark. They are still by far my favorite house, but others have really become interesting to me as well.

House Lannister: this is the only house that has such a breathe of characters comparable to the ones I've come to love in House Stark, and its amazing that even when I "dislike" a Lannister character I can't help but seem to respect them. The love affair many have with Tyrion I think is well founded- a powerful unique charcter in fiction with some of the best scenes and lines in the entire series. And Jaime? How the f*** did GRRM get me to LIKE this guy after he tried to kill Bran to cover up an incestuous relationship with his sister?!?! Amazing charcter development. Tywin is an amazing character as well. Bringing his house back from ruin, eradicating threats to Lannister rule in Westerland (so nasty they made a song about it), managing to serve as such an effective Hand of the King under the Mad King, ruthlessly waiting to see who would win in Robert's Rebellion before decisively acting, getting his daughter married to the new King making her and her descendants royalty, leading the devestating attacks on the Riverlands early in the War of the Five Kings, saving King's Landing and his grandson's throne by smashing Stannis, engineering a powerful alliance with House Tyrell, etc. GRRM has shown ASOIAF to be a brutal, hard world, and Tywin has shown himself to be among the most brutal, hard men who are determined not only to survive in it, but thrive in it. You have to respect a man like that, even as an enemy. Its a shame he'll no longer be in the series, but what an interesting way to die too!

House Baratheon: the founder of the line is very interesting to me as is the backstory of Storm's End (Storm God and a young Bran the Builder) and I really like the contrasts between the various brothers and how their clear sibling resentments shaped the wars that engulfed Westeros. I'm not as sold on Stannis as many people here seem to be, but I do respect him for going to the Wall. I can't help but think that many people like Stannis because of his close association with Davos Seaworth, who is, of course, friggin awesome.

House Tully: the Blackfish. 'Nuff said.

House Tyrell: the Queen of Thorns and Loras, the Knight of Flowers, are two very engaging characters. I love the less common sexuality GRRM addresses through the relationship Loras and Renly shared, and the Queen of Thorns is just such a snarky, clever ole bat. Love her.

House Martel: Oberyn Martel has got to be one of the most interesting characters I have ever seen in a book. Confident, dangerous, uncaring of who tries to judge him, and unafraid of the Mountain. It is truly such a shame he was killed so early because I could have seriously red about this guy throughout the series and been very. very happy. And how about the Sand Snakes! Some bad, bad girls, let me tell you!

House Greyjoy: if there's one house that started off disappointing and made a huge comeback, it was House Greyjoy. I never really liked Theon (and the TV show torture scenes just made me even more disinterested) but his character Reek is a perverse investigation into a broken human psyche and that is pretty interesting. His father, Balon, was just such a moron. I still think that possibly the worst decision made in the entire series is when Balon rejects Robbard's offer of alliance and recognition as King of the Iron Islands. Everything in ASOIAF history tells us the Greyjoys have no hope of sustained independence (see Greyjoy Rebellion) without a powerful ally supporting their cause, and once they have an offer for one Balon just casts it aside. For what? So he can raid the Stoney Shore? Ridiculous. But Victorian and Euron are very cool characters and I've always kind of liked Asha, though I thought it was stupid of her to remain in Deepwood Motte as long as she did.

House Arryn: this is another house that I have some difficulty liking considering what they have been reduced to, but the figure of Jon Arryn still figures prominently over the events that have unfolded in Westeros. I think its clear that he was, in fact, the leader of a budding conspiracy against the Mad King. He fostered Eddard Stark and Robert Stark, married a Tully to bring them into the alliance, helped led the rebellion, served as the Hand of the King, uncovered the bastard origins of Robert's supposed heirs, etc. His focus and planning are what brought the Targs down, and that should not be undervalued.

And of Course:

House Targryen: the amazing lineage, the compelling personalities throughout their history, theor Valyrian origins, THE DRAGONS, the Conquest, the Dance of Dragons, the Great Rebellion, Rhaegar, the Dragon Knight, the Conqueror, the Mad King, Daenerys, the Blackfyres,King's Landing and the Red Keep, Dragonstone, Summerhall, the Tower of Joy, etc. etc. etc. Its actually pretty overwhelming just how amazing the detail of this house is. One of the great creations in all of fantasy writing.

Best of the Rest Non-Great Houses:

House Dayne: the Sword of Mornings, an office with a great title, unknown criteria to be named as such, and a sword that makes Valyrian blades look like copper dagger, Dawn. So, so amazing, I'm dying to know more about this house. Not to mention the members of the house from its history such as Ulric (I think) of the King's Guard during the Blackfyre rebellion, Arthur Dayne during Robert's Rebellion who was at the Tower of Joy when Ned found his sister, Asha Dayne, Gerold Darkstar who, unlike so many, I find to be a very interesting character and hope to see more of, and the mysterious origins of Edric. This is a house that has my full attention.

House Royce: Bronze Yohn is cool, and his armor even cooler.

House Bolton: the closest to true evil by any human in the series. The Flayed Man sigil, the theories about why they flayed their enemies (anti-skin changers or trying to gain the ability themselves), the cold, almost other-wordly presence of Roose, their ominous ancient fortress, the Dreadfort, their millenia long wars and rivalries with the Starks, etc. Bad? Sure. Good to read about? You bet!

House Reed: I am dying for Howland to make some sort of appearance and the full account of what happened at the Tower of Joy to be revealed. I also hope Jojen didn't end up as paste...

House Redwyne: cool name, control the Arbor, and seem to control the most powerful single fleet of true warships in all of Westeros. They are a force to be reckoned with.

Some Quick Honorable Mentions:

House Manderly

House Mallister

House Yronwood

House Florent

House Hightower

House Glover

House Umber: Greatjon, Whoresbane, Smalljon... doooooooooope

House Clegane: Sandor, the Hound, is an amazing character, and the Mountain was nasty

House Blackwood and Bracken and their ancient feud, personified even in the Blackfyre Rebellion when Bittersteel, a bastard scion of Bracken, sided with the rebellion, and Bloodraven, from Blackwood, sided with House Targ.

There are so many more that I'm forgetting. But these are my most interesting/favorite houses off the top of my head. Love it!

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Greyjoy and Martell are my favorite. I think the Lannisters are interesting as well. And who could hate the Starks?

Of the minor houses I really like the Harlaws, Tolands, Botley (Mainly because Tris), Mormont. From the Reach Florent and Hightower. And last but not least HOUSE HAYFORD!

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House Stark- The Oldest of the Great Houses, the Starks were once Kings in the North, and hopefully will be in the future. The are descended from the First Men and have ruled the North for thousands of years. Their founder, Bran the Builder built Winterfell and maybe even Storm's End, which are amongst the best castles in Westeros. The current Starks are the only known wargs, Skinchangers south of the Wall and there is even a Greenseer, which is extremely rare.

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House Targaryen and everything interceptor said about them. Biggest impact on the series and westeros in general hate them if you want but this house is hella interesting and has some great characters that even some starks admire.

honourable mention to house stark though for its rich history and having a 8000 year old dynasty.

House Martell- any ancestor that threatens a dragon rider in their face has to be badass

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House Dayne: the Sword of Mornings, an office with a great title, unknown criteria to be named as such, and a sword that makes Valyrian blades look like copper dagger, Dawn. So, so amazing, I'm dying to know more about this house. Not to mention the members of the house from its history such as Ulric (I think) of the King's Guard during the Blackfyre rebellion, Arthur Dayne during Robert's Rebellion who was at the Tower of Joy when Ned found his sister, Asha Dayne, Gerold Darkstar who, unlike so many, I find to be a very interesting character and hope to see more of, and the mysterious origins of Edric. This is a house that has my full attention.

Yes, yes, yes. House Dayne are among my favourite, including Darkstar!

I don't think Ulrick Dayne was in the KG but he was Sword of the Morning.

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Gotta go with the Lannisters. Not that I like its members, but they are the most interesting House. I love the Starks - but a lot of 'em are just plain. The other houses range from meh to awful.

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Favorite Major Houses- Stark and Lannster are tied in my opinion.

Starks- are the "good guys" of this story but I use good guys loosely. They have all shown to have a great moral compass and though some are currently losing theirs(Arya) or have made mistakes(Robb and Ned) they have tried to atone and set things right. Not to mention they have an interesting history.

Lannister- while I hate most if them with a burning passion(except Jaime) they have the most interesting POV'S in the series. Jaime is one of my fav characters and I love reading his redemption arc. I thoroughly enjoy reading about Cersei and Tyrion. While they are morally reprehensible Tyrion is one of the funniest characters in the novels and it hilarious and interesting to read about Cersei's slide into madness. They have a dad less interesting history the most of the other major houses

Favorite Minor House-

Dayne- by far the most interesting minor house in the story. Ashara's mysterious death is one the most well written mysteries in literature and Arthur Dayne is a BAMF with BA title

Least Favorite Major House-

Arryn- mainly because there have been so little of them and we know little of their history

Least Favorite Minor House-

Frey- for obvious reasons.

They are treacherous little weasels who would betray each other for petty titles. Honorless little monsters who's few redeemable members are probably screwed.

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