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  1. I gave it a 7, an improvement on last week's. I liked Jon being beyond the wall. I like Brienne as Lord Commander of the King's guard and Davos as Master of ships. Even quite enjoyed Bronn as Master of Coin. Not sure about Bran as king of the six kingdoms though. Even though I didn't hate this as an ending I do hope the books are considerably different to this.
  2. I liked this a lot, more than last week's battle episode. I really liked how it gave the characters space to breathe and there were some great emotional scenes. It also set up everything for the final Game of Thrones to play out. A few shocks in there as well.
  3. yeah, this was too dark for my eyesight. I had to turn on Audio Description for Game of Thrones a few years ago and been using it since. Scenes in the House of Black & White along with most castle by candlelight scenes are just too dark for me. As for this episode I did enjoy it but there weren't too many stand-out moments though. I think Battle of the Blackwater was better.
  4. A solid season opener, laying out the pieces and setting the scene for what's to come. Some touching reunions, glad they got them all done and dusted early and didn't drag them out over too long.
  5. Sorry haven't read the 17 pages. I made a thread to ask this but it has disappeared. Any idea what the Hound meant when he said to the Mountain "You know who's coming for you"?
  6. 9 Glad the Sansa Arya plot has worked itself out. Didn't really like it but at it finally ended Littlefinger I'm ok with it. The only surprise with the Cersei story was Jamie leaving. Wish Bronn had gone with him. Hopefully we get a more redemptive arc for him now. Not a huge death-toll this year but I guess the show's attrition over the previous few years meant there weren't as many major characters left to kill.
  7. Thank you, Live long & prosper! Personally I would prefer they use artistic license with logistics then limit the story to a small geographical area. The whole capture a wight idea was silly but logistics was the least of its problems.
  8. I wavered between a 7 and an 8, went with 8 as I did enjoy the banter. The logistics of folk getting around so quickly don't bother me anymore. They could write the show in a way that the logistics were more realistic but that would involve having to put in lots of filler so the timing worked. With infinite budgets they could pull it off but even then we'd have to watch lots of filler (some of which could be interesting world building but by this stage of the story even interesting world building would be annoying).
  9. An impressive 9 for me. Some good character moments with Sansa & Arya, Jon & Dany, Jon & Theon. Some great action scenes, the fight between Brienne & Arya was quite good but the battle was excellent. There was real peril there, I thought Bronn was a goner. Didn't think they'd kill Jaime but the chance is there. Team Dany has had some major loses recently so it's about time team Cersei lost a major player or two. Bran's "Chaos is a ladder" was a nice moment, the look on Littlefinger's face.
  10. Anyone else use the Audio Description feature on Sky Atlantic in the UK? I've had to since the lighting on the show went quite dark a few seasons back. Apart from them calling Ser Davos Seaforth rather than Seaworth, this week it had quite a big gaff. It described the Lannister army with Jaime on horseback with Kevan Lannister. I was quite confused as I thought he had died in Cersei's purge last season. But from reading other comments I think it must have been Randyll Tarly with Jaime. This makes much more sense. Good episode either way. Plenty of plot progression. Some good interactions - Jon & Tyrion and Jaime & Oleana in particular. Minor gripe with the Iron Bank of Braavos being in the Slave Trade when the city of Braavos was founded by escaped slaves and it's the one city in Essos which never had slavery. A minor plot point which doesn't ruin the show for me.
  11. A steady 7. Good progression on several plot-lines, they're not dithering much this season - with us drawing close to the end of the story and with only seven episodes this season they really are marching at a pace. Some great scenes with Jon & Tyrion (Davos and Dany were good too), Jaime & Oleana, Sam, Jorah & Archmaester. I liked that the battles were brief (save the big battle scenes for later in the season). My one gripe was that the Iron Bank of Braavos suffered a down turn in its slave trade. The whole point of Braavos was to escape slavery. No way is the Iron Bank funding slavery anywhere. But meh, a minor plot point.
  12. What is Baelish up to? Is he trying to antagonise Jon in order to make fuel the rivalry between him and Sansa? I'm not liking Sansa just now, wondering if she is acting under the influence (even if unknowingly) of Littlefinger?
  13. Another solid 8. The stories are moving along at a reasonable pace, no too much dithering. Arya had some great moments. Meeting Hotpie, finding out about Jon, turning North and then meeting her Dire Wolf again. Melisandre getting right down to it at Dragonstone, Jon heading there for dragon-glass and allies. Only grumble here was Sansa arguing with Jon again. They're building this Jon / Sansa rivalry thing which I'm not enjoying. Then we get some decent action scenes with the naval battle. A cull of sand-snakes can't be bad any time!
  14. A solid 8. It covered almost every character and set up their plots nicely. Couldn't really expect much more from a season opener. They packed a lot into that episode and it nearly all was important story building.
  15. My first 10/10 this season. I thoroughly enjoyed that 69 minutes of television. A great end to a solid season. There was a lot in there, perhaps a little too much as it did feel a little rushed in places. The opening was so atmospheric, that piano music was chilling. Lyanna Mormont FTW! The White Wolf, King in the North! Promise me Ned. Frey Pies! Tyrion Lannister be the Hand of the Queen. Even Dorne was ok due to Olenna putting the Sand Snakes in their place. I'd have swapped the final two scenes. I think ending with Cersei sitting on the Throne would have been better. A shame they killed off Margaery, I had hopes she was planning something.
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