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Everything posted by Heartofice

  1. It was foretold that Meghan gave herself that we could all live. Did she not endure the endless suffering of nasty gossip so that we may be forgiven of our sins… sins of not liking her. As she turned her eyes to the sky and said ‘forgive them lord, they know not what they do, they do not understand why I am great’ Did God not send down his angel Meghan to give us a model of perfection, that we might learn from her the ways of pure victimhood. And lo, shall the blasphemers be cancel-ed, for their wicked ways, for worshipping false gods and not acknowledging 'my truth', they shall be cast down from their positions, never more shall they be able to say 'is that your final answer'. Never more shall anyone question the holiness of the Queen of Our Hearts (pt 2) For now that humanity has spurned God’s vision of perfection, are we all not doomed to hellfire and fury? What is our punishment oh lord?? Is this endless Netflix torment what we deserved?? Is this not the worst level of hell??
  2. Reposting this because it seems very relevant again
  3. Yes, other podcasters who create a podcast do seem to think people about what they think. Proving my point. So why try and deny that Meghan wants people to know her opinion? Again this is yet another case of you trying to bring up something someone said, don’t understand any of it. You haven’t even listened to her podcast.. so why are you here?
  4. Ok, but as the conversation was about how Meghan thought people were interested in her opinion, her starting a podcast is a relevant piece of evidence that she does actually think that. If you listen to any of these podcasts you will also notice her interjecting celebrities by making sure to speak about her own irrelevant unconnected personal stories.
  5. I don’t know why you keep mentioning the podcast? Like what is the point you are trying to make with it? My point about the podcast is that it’s yet another example of her thinking that people should be interested in what she thinks. What is your point?
  6. How? It happened. The entire story here, all you really need to know is that Meghan married a prince, wanted to be loved and adored by everyone, got really upset when people didn’t even like her very much when they worked out what she was like, and then spent the next few years trying to very loudly tell everyone why they should love her. That basically sums it up.
  7. No, she literally started all of this because she got some bad press. That is the literal truth.
  8. Because all of this fuss is basically all because Meghan didn’t like getting bad press. She couldn’t handle anyone saying anything bad about her, and that’s why Harry left the royal family and any of us are talking about it. She is the main motivator behind all of it. Pfft, she wasn’t getting it any worse than anyone else. Problem is she thought everyone was going to love her and treat her like a princess , but unfortunately she was more of a diva than a princess and you can’t force people to like you
  9. And yet she still wanted to be her and be treated like her.
  10. Well yes. Meghan OBVIOUSLY cares. The reason any of this is happening is because she didn’t like it that the press weren’t 100% gushing over her and treating her like the new Diana.
  11. Agree, and coincidentally Mixed race relationships in the UK are actually pretty popular. Meghan's ability to tell to the truth is kind of at the core of all of this, because she continuously asks that we believe her 'truth'. The problem with that is that she has show time and time again that her 'truth' is pretty unreliable. If she is going to make all these claims, knowing full well that the Royal Family are not going to come out and directly talk about it, then it is pretty relevant that she has a long history of lying about even trivial things. But I think this also gets to the heart of it, because you don't really pay attention to any of the history of what was said or done, you aren't aware of the context, your interest in the whole topic is more based around 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', so it's not like anything you say on the matter is really worthwhile.
  12. I want to thank Tywin again for being so completely disinterested in this topic that he creates yet another thread. Good job. I think this is a pretty good illustration of what I was saying before. Essentially there are a bunch of people who seem to have rather strong opinions about H&M, even if they try to deny it but what they have in common is: 1. They find it all very uninteresting (supposedly) 2. They were never very interested in the topic before all this book and Netflix stuff. 3. They know very little about the Royal Family. 4. They know very little about Harry and Meghan and have never bothered to find out more 5. They know very little about Britain. 6. They make a series of assumptions based on what H&M have said and assume it is accurate. 7. They ignore any evidence that there might be some sort of legitimate reason why H&M might be unpopular. So it is really interesting how much they want to comment on the topic.
  13. Haven’t played second game, first game is maybe the only game on PlayStation I ever completed. Even then I don’t remember much of the story I thought this was a solid first episode. At times I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to handle yet another ‘last day before the zombie apocalypse’ story, seeing how many millions of times that’s been done since Dawn of the Dead. But, and even though it was just a collection of worn out tropes (helicopters in the background, running away from houses while zombies rush out, driving a car down a busy chaotic street) it was well done and kept a level of tension I wasn’t expecting.
  14. Young people are stupid and gullible and believe a lot of very dumb things. This should be a surprise to nobody.
  15. I looked it up and apparently the first month of that channel is 24 hour a day broadcast of Worker and Parasite https://youtu.be/z2_dhUv_CrI
  16. The story is good.. for a game! But I wouldn't want to watch a direct translation of it on the screen. The bar for storytelling is much lower in games I think.
  17. Actually no, mostly middle class ladies and tourists. The ice cream itself was.. not good. I was the only sweaty pervert there.
  18. There used to be a Breast Milk Ice Cream shop in Covent Garden. It was kind of grim.
  19. Why would I have to do that when he’s incredibly public and open about his thoughts and feelings? That and you gov polling putting her just above Prince Andrew in the shittest royal stakes.
  20. Haha, I mean we are all basing our opinions based on the same level of information aren’t we? Whether you think Harry is some heroic ubermench or a poor sad victim of a manipulator you are still using the same sources. Luckily the Sussex’s are incredibly public with their pronouncements and Harry has been in the public eye since birth, so there is a lot of stuff out there to make a judgment from. So yeah, let’s not try and play that game.
  21. I'd say some positive masculine qualities would be knowing your own mind, confidence and being able to lead others. Harry however doesn't have his own opinions, here merely parrots those of his wife, completely changing his own opinions to mirror hers. He isn't strong enough to stand up to an emotional manipulator, he gives in and follows them, doing everything they want ( "What Meghan wants Meghan gets") even if it means destroying his own life and breaking all ties from his family. He doesn't lead, he follows. He has been emasculated by Meghan and is not a positive role model. It is actually really rather sad.
  22. Nothing to do with her being strong or weak, more about being a narcissistic manipulator.
  23. I think there is a difference between paying respect and being emotionally manipulated and becoming subservient.
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