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Everything posted by King_Tristifer_IV_Mudd

  1. He and his forces were to surround it I believe. With the Crannogmen on his side it’s be possible.
  2. It’d have been better for sure. It would depend on where Robb is on the battlefield and where the Freys are. If Robb is on the Northern side, he could easily escape.
  3. Yeah I don’t trust Quaithe. But we know according to GRRM Dany will embrace it. Which will make it challenging to root for her
  4. It’s been out since like 2016 or so. I didn’t think it’d matter. That’s a hell of a take. I think if Quaithe is working with Euron she is either manipulating him for Dany’s benefit or Dany for Euron’s benefit
  5. It was Ned, the whole “no one is safe” stuff was purely accidental and George has been rolling with it ever since.
  6. I wanted to discuss Aeron’s second vision in the Forsaken chapter, and about who the identity of the woman with “hands alive with pale fire” is. The dreams were even worse the second time. He saw the longships of the Ironborn adrift and burning on a boiling blood-red sea. He saw his brother on the Iron Throne again, but Euron was no longer human. He seemed more squid than man, a monster fathered by a kraken of the deep, his face a mass of writhing tentacles. Beside him stood a shadow in woman’s form, long and tall and terrible, her hands alive with pale white fire. Dwarves capered for their amusement, male and female, naked and misshapen, locked in carnal embrace, biting and tearing at each other as Euron and his mate laughed and laughed and laughed … To me the “longships adrift and burning on a blood Red Sea” is clearly the Battle for Meereen, that may take place before or after this chapter. But the woman beside him, who could she possibly be? So far as I can tell, the candidates are Daenerys, Melisandre, Malora Hightower, or Quaithe. I’ve also heard that the woman could be a metaphor for Glass Candles. The final part of dwarves, locked in a carnal embrace, and tearing and biting at each other represents the Lords & Ladies of Westeros, fighting each other for supremacy for Euron and the womanMs amusement.
  7. I think he could take storms end, but it’d be costly. And that’s IF Borros’ WIFE wanted to fight. Which she didn’t. If she could surrender and talk Cregan down from killing then all that’s what she’d do
  8. I think Sansa may actually become the most individually formidable and successful of her siblings. I personally think she will marry Harrold Hardying, and he’ll die, be murdered by LF(or Sansa), or become her doormat. Sansa will become the power in the Vale, and she’ll be the one that brings Littlefinger down. So in short, I think the Vale will be behind her. Almost entirely if not completely. I don’t think it’s an accident that the Vale has really done nothing this entire series.
  9. I think Oldtown would fall with little to no resistance. Storms End would be costly but doable. Casterly rock would need to be sieged.
  10. Nah, he is the pinnacle of heroism in the story, and he shall stop the ice demons and the fire demon
  11. What you’ve said is possible but I don’t think likely. I’m certain it’ll be the BWB if anyone that frees Edmure, Roslyn, and Jeyne. I also think Daven Lannister will be killed in Riverrun during the Red Wedding 2.0.
  12. I mark it up as either he is lying (which would be anti climatic) or that GRRM is just bad with numbers
  13. Exactly, the Red Wedding would horrify her, and she’d get approval from pretty much everyone to Dracarysing the Twins. The Boltons, the minute she finds out half of what Ramsay has done she would feed him and his father to Drogon.
  14. As we all know, the Starks are the heroes of the story, but here is how I see their stories unfolding. Sansa will heroically take control of the Vale after it’s been ravaged by the ineptitude of the Arryns and the greedy, uncaring hands of Littlefinger, where she will lead them into a golden age. Bran will heroically stop Bloodraven, who is blood of the demon, from helping the Others. Bran will then will be another Stark fixing the fuck ups of the inbred fantasy Aryan house. Jon will return, a messiah like figure and help end the Bolton’s reign of terror over the North, and help save the World from the Others. And if you believe the abomination’s story, he’ll destroy the House of the Demon forever at the end and save the world again. He’ll then reign for a half century or more as the greatest ruler Westeros has ever had. Perhaps even deified on his death like a Roman Emperor. Rickon will return from Skagos and become the Lord Stark of Winterfell, helping Jon bring the Boltons to justice. Arya will bring swift and unyielding justice to those that have wronged House Stark, she’ll likely help end the reign of the first made Queen, Cersei. She’ll be a figure of justice throughout Westeros. She’ll also likely bring her mother peace so she may finally rest. Lady Catelyn will put down even more evil Freys and Lannisters before she is finally brought peace by Arya so she can join the honorable Ned & Robb in Westerosi heaven. I for one cannot wait to read this. Evil in the story has triumphed too often, it’s time for the Stark’s heroism to rise!
  15. I’m sick and tired of seeing people say “oh, he had a right to be angry. Robb insulted him.” listen, Robb broke a marriage pact that Walder got via extortion of a 15 year. Walder Frey than gave a separate oath to Robb after his was crowned King. Upon Robb’s marriage to Jeyne, the Freys left him, and Robb graciously allowed it. It was treason against their sworn king, but Robb did not quarrel with them or seek to punish them for it. Nor did he seem to bare them ill will for it. Then, to try and bring the Freys back into the fold, he offers them Edmure’s hand. Edmure held the equivalent rank of what Robb’s rank was at the time of the original pact. It was the exact same deal the Freys got the first time. Given the fact that the Freys broke an oath to their King, it was a more than fair offer. Despite that, the Freys still did the unthinkable. They had no just reason to do it other than they felt they needed to jump ship. So to those defending them, and you know who you are, stop it. You are wrong, and it’s annoying to have keep telling you that.
  16. I almost kind of prefer if they merge Cregan and Roddy. I think it’d be better for less fanatical fans of the series. Having a Stark with such a major role. and honestly it’d be cathartic to see a Stark kick so much ass
  17. A girl, being the sole heir of Team Green at the end of the war? The irony is so thick you can almost taste it in the air.
  18. See Storms End I feel like he’d be able to do, cuz the Baratheons were beaten down, their lord was defeated. It’d be costly to Storm it, but I think Cregan could. And I think Oldtown would be easy to take, depending on what the green army did. At this point it’s pretty much over. The greens have no reason to keep fighting. Except for the irony of putting Aegon’s daughter on the throne. Which I highly doubt they’d do considering what started the war.
  19. Had he gotten the rest of the Black to go along with him and attack the Stormlands, Oldtown, and Casterly Rock
  20. I also forgot to add how Rhaenys forced Torrhen to marry his daughter to Ronnel Arryn, which eventually led to her murder via Jonos Arryn
  21. The problem is what Dany Stans view as hate, people criticize her flaws and mistakes, and y’all view it as hate. Then spew garbage about Jon Arya and Bran being the evil villains of the series.
  22. “Are you really gonna vote against me? I’m just a silly little guy.”
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