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About King_Tristifer_IV_Mudd

  • Birthday 04/19/1996

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  1. The problem with the “subverting expectations” shit is that when you lean too hard into that, you get seasons 6-8.
  2. I don’t see her going but, as she did in the show. But I could totally see her going to Westeros as a tyrant. Also seeing all the toxic Dany/Targ fans on Twitter and tiktok cry about it would be so cathartic.
  3. She didn’t necessarily kill them herself, but her utter lack of foresight and planning led to Astapor falling
  4. I can’t seem to find it. I’ve heard so many others speak of it, I just took it for truth to be honest.
  5. Except now they are bond to those men, who’ll no doubt continue to rape them
  6. When the Dothraki attack the Lhazareen in GoT, Dany essentially forces the men to marry the women they were raping. Essentially forcing these women into sexual servitude and no one seems to bring it up.
  7. Oh I think she is Azor Ahai. I just think the PTWP and Song are different
  8. Referencing The Others, Daenerys, and Jon? I think most of us are aware of the interview where GRRM confirmed that Dany is the Fire while the Others are Ice. But could he have been speaking more of Daenerys’ bloodline? And if the the theory that the Starks are related to the Others is true. Then Jon’s bloodline would be of Ice and Fire. And his existance would be the song as it were.
  9. Any northern lord with a brain knows Ramsay is an aberration amongst aberrations. And again, you act as if Jon is coming in with a clean slate, when he already has a reputation. And if and when he becomes KITN, his true lineage may still be a secret.
  10. I personally think the green men are a different species all together than the COTF.
  11. Jon still has Stark blood from his mother. The North, while not as progressive as Dorne, does seem to grant women more respect than the south. Plus he was raised by Ned, and has a reputation of his own throughout the North. I’m not saying it’d be perfectly smooth or without opposition, but he is Ned’s son. To partially quote from Guardians of the Galaxy 2 “Rhaegar may be his dad, but Ned is his Daddy.” Im sure Northern Lords would rather follow him than a child. And what if Jon having Targ blood does the opposite then what you say? The Northern lords have a chance to put one of theirs on the IT.
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