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  1. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/we-are-not-another-star-in-american-flag-israel-minister-dismisses-us-criticism-over-emigration-of-gazan-civilians/articleshow/106506694.cms?from=mdr https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-slams-irresponsible-calls-by-smotrich-and-ben-gvir-for-emigration-of-gazans/ You may predict that they aren't going to get their way, but you can't deny that this is their stated policy.
  2. When Egypt is forced to accept 2 million refugees from Gaza, their policies towards Israel are going to change, and this peace will no longer be perceived as viable. And Smotrich knows that the likes of you will assume this change is Egypt's fault. Which is a win-win to him, because he never wanted peace to begin with.
  3. Not even then, because they would still perceive the Palestinians that they ethnically cleansed from Gaza into Sinai as a threat, which in turn would mean that in order to feel secure, they would need to attack Egypt.
  4. As we all know by now, Hamas only exists in Gaza because Israel created (and Netanyahu funded) them, in order to get rid of Fatah in order to prevent a two-state solution. So using this knowledge, we can clearly see that "IDF overthrowing Hamas" (at the cost of at least 1000s civilian deaths) is demonstrably not the only way to get rid of Hamas: it would also be possible to get rid of Hamas by creating and funding a different organization (or by funding Fatah).
  5. You just support bombing and starving them until they overthrow Hamas. But you are not "berating" them. OK, good to know.
  6. People who chant "from the river to the sea" are not sealing off all food and water from Israel, thereby causing acute conditions which will lead to a massive loss of life, unless they are stopped by the US government.
  7. According to Article III of the UN convention ( https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide-convention.shtml ), "attempt to commit genocide" and "conspiracy to commit genocide" is criminalized under the same stature, so if somebody else intervenes and the genocide is thus averted, wouldn't the people who attempted to achieve this massive loss of life via deprivation, still be liable?
  8. I know that they are different. But that's my point: when people say that the people in Gaza should overthrow Hamas and install somebody else, what they mean is that they should install more pliable rulers. Which would turn Gaza more into the West Bank. And we know what Israel does on the West Bank.
  9. Hamas isn't present in the West Bank, but Israel still allows racist Israeli settlers to terrorize the place (and even gives them military protection). "If you overthrow the government and install a peaceful one, we'll stop bombing you, and instead just abuse in other ways" is not a very good argument.
  10. But the only reason you trust Biden's statement about what the evidence he was presented with shows, is because you assume that he would never lie, so if the radar data had shown that it was an Israeli missile, then Biden would have told the world that it was an Israeli missile (or at least not lie to the world that it was a Islamic Jihad missile).
  11. So if you never get see that secret Pentagon evidence, will you dismiss it? Or will you say "I value this claim of evidence at X%?" And if it's the latter, what value is X?
  12. So a deleted tweet is not "conclusive evidence" but "Biden has said that the Pentagon provided evidence that has convinced him it was a Palestinian rocket" is? (Even though you were never shown this evidence). And then you follow up your defense of this secret evidence with claiming that you have to look at the evidence and decide for yourself. Your standard of what constitutes "conclusive evidence" seems very fluid.
  13. Apparently, an Israeli spokesperson initially bragged about they had hit a Hamas terrorist base inside the hospital, before changing their mind and instead saying that it was a Hamas misfire:
  14. Isn't it pretty obvious?: the terrorists caved in, due to the terror bombing of the hospital.
  15. But Hebron isn't even located in Gaza. It's in the West bank, so blaming Hamas would require even more gymnastics.
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