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  • Catastrophe Waitress
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    from Manila to Berlin
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    from Manila to Berlin
    reading, records, newspapers, indiepop, 60s pop, pasta

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  1. Thanks for the Restrepo recommendation. I hope the shops here carry her work. It's been years since I last read that book - I have forgotten a lot of the details already (and I couldn't find my copy anymore) but I still remember the visceral feeling I got after reading it. It's the kind of book that makes you think, "what the hell was that?" after you read it. But then you also felt pleased that you finished it and you pick it up again. I also remember thinking that her writing style on that book really matches her subject, that distant voice and staccato phrasing and everything was just so ugly and closed. Jelinek's idea of a woman's inner life is unapologetically bleak, which I found to be a compelling read. In the hands of a lesser writer, this would have become an exploitative trash. ETA If you really hate Rushdie, pray that his Facebook exchanges with a reality tv starlet would turn off the Academy. Also, he weighed in on the break up of Kim Kardashian through twitter, ffs. Those are 2 things that doesn't make this world right. Ugh. Why do I know these things?!
  2. Huh, I never really thought of that, although I can see the reasoning behind it. I've always considered him to be more SF/F. Not overly familiar with the writers of McOndo crowd, but from what I've read so far, I think there's a potential for a lasting legacy from them as a literary movement.
  3. I like Banville more as Benjamin Black, though but then I am more into detective fiction. As to his chances, I must agree with you that his crime-writing ways could be a liability. He's not really your average, run-of-the-mill crime writer. Sure there's a lot of murders, but he writes it so beautifully - the "Banville" part still comes out - I sometimes forget I'm reading crime fiction. ETA: If we're talking about Ireland, I would love to see William Trevor and his dark, bleak, funny-strange literary world, in contention. Murakami. I'm always pleasantly surprised that his name comes up in this. The Academy is allergic to genre and he's one of those writers who straddles SF/F and the "literary" fiction world. The man won a World Fantasy Award! You don't get much more "genre" than that. Marquez - yeah, he can get nominated, but doubt that he would win it. Not so much because of the rules, but because the South American literary world has moved on from magic realism. See Macondo vs McOndo.
  4. Would be interested to read your thoughts on this one. She's one those authors who caused Ahnlund to leave the Academy. I have not read the latest Roth books (which must be remedied ASAP), but I love the stuff he wrote in the 90s. (The Human Stain, American Pastoral, I Married A Communist). I started with Portnoy's Complaint though, which was a hoot. That he's still writing quality books all these years really amazes me. Aside from Roth, the other American writer I want to be given this prize is Ray Bradbury.
  5. I hope they don't give it to another European writer who is read by just 10 people. *looks at Jelinek* I enjoyed Jelinek's Piano Teacher, but her other works gave me a nosebleed. I'd be fine with Atwood, Murakami (just read 1Q84) or Roth. I agree, Roth is a deserving winner. He's one of those writers who became better with age.
  6. noooooob. no, not really. do you still have runny nose? i did this afternoon bec it's cold in seoul. then i had korean vodka. that's why i'm writing thisn now. giooodbike.

  7. prearts. wehre are you? its cold in seoul. i had dakgalbi. soju is awful. tastes like cardboard, although i havent eaten cardboard. might try it when i get home. :)

  8. underachievers please try harder

  9. salamat eyelesbarrow! :) isang masayang dekada para sa yo at sa mga mahal mo sa buhay!

  10. Hey N. Happy new year. Sana maging masaya ka sa 2010 :)

  11. Hello everyone! I started with AGoT last year, but I'm only finishing the series now. Reading the books while on the ferry to work/home is always the highlight of my day. I was introduced to GRMM years and years ago, when I was a lit major. I had a roommate who hated reading (!) so I helped her with her report by reading and summarizing The Portraits of His Children in exchange for coffee and dinner. (There was also Iain Banks' The Wasp Factory. The exchange was cake. Good cake. Am I cheap? Hahah.) Anyway Portraits was one of the best novellas I've ever read so I'm glad I helped out. I read a lot of things. I'm rediscovering Sf/f again, after spending like 2 years reading scandinavian detective fiction (among other things). I like to cook and I listen mostly to indiepop/rock stuff. I collect vinyl records. I work for a newspaper and right now, my literary hero is Seymour Hersh. He's a journalist and a muckraker and he wrote arresting pieces that changed people. :thumbsup: This forum looks/reads mighty fun (the knowledge of the people here is amazing and quite intimidating :) ) and I hope we could be friends here. :cheers:
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