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Everything posted by Ran

  1. We do not know, I believe. However, it's been noted that a "contact lens specialist" is among the crew for the pilot. This could be for the Lannister green eyes, but it seems just as likely that it's for Daenerys and Viserys.
  2. Pretty sure it's the same Qarl. "Pink-cheeked youth" sounds like Qarl the Maid, anyways. And yeah, I think Matthar=Matt.
  3. I'm not strictly sure this is true. It's something you could contact them about to see. I distinctly recall that there was an Aussie who was an extra. Now, maybe he's a resident in Ireland, and thus has the number, but my memory says he wasn't. Could be wrong, though.
  4. Extras NI would be the people to contact. They're the agency that are handling extras for the show.
  5. Terrific job, folks! Thanks to everyone who's been such a great help. :)
  6. So, time to close the thread. Many thanks for all the feedback. While those not wanting the system at all are a majority, it's not a clear cut matter when one adds in those who'd like to see it around with some changes, and those who don't care either way. I personally continue to believe it could have value, but perhaps in the more free-wheeling General Chat it's a hinderance to the board's particular culture of discussion. So. I figure we'll be keeping the system. There will be three changes. 1) The biggest change: no longer in General Chat. I suspect that will satisfy, or at least greatly reduce strength of feeling, of a large proportion of those who voted against the system. I need to install a mod to get that taken care of, and should be able to do that by the weekend. 2) Remove user reputation score from public view. This has already been implemented, I think, but let me know if you spot it anywhere else. 3) Introduce a system of seeing who repped you last, and a way for them to offer brief input for why they plussed or minused. This'll be done by the weekend if the mod doesn't give me any problems when installing it. While some good arguments have been made for and against anonymity, I believe it'll be worthwhile to experiment with this system in the non-GC forums and see if it has a positive effect in shaping conversation with less animus. So, there we have it. Thanks again for all the feedback, folks. :) UPDATE: No longer available in Gen Chat, and user reputation no longer shown as already noted. Tried to install the last mod, and that one is not working, so will have to ask around to see if it's workable.
  7. My posts get negged all the time, without any prompting from me, mind you, but I'm not exactly shitting bricks over the matter. But I kid! I know that the negatives are in fact a mark of universal esteem and adoration for me, the Glorious Leader. Thank you, my minions peeps!
  8. Just a quick mod note, lets not spend time talking about other threads and situations involving other members of the board. Not really needed to discuss the topic at hand.
  9. You can actually filter. I just haven't set up little -1, -2, -3, and so on thresholds to make it more useful. Right now it moves in the same increments as the various ranks, so it's pretty broad.
  10. Oh, dear.... Hrm. Okay, I will add '0' for 'did not vote'.
  11. The experiment's gone long enough now that I think everyone's got pretty informed opinions on how the system has actually functioned on the forum. Time for some feedback. :) The topic will be open for a week, so after voting please feel free to add any additional comments or thoughts regarding poll options.
  12. Has anyone ever told you that you look a bit like Spencer Rice from Kenny vs. Spenny in your profile pic? If I'm not mistaken, he is also Canadian. Hmmm....

  13. The wiki has now finally been updated to Creative Commons licensing, making it fully compatible with Wikipedia and other, similarly-licensed wikis. This does mean that any material posted to the wiki must be CC licensed. If you've placed material there that is under copyright and/or has not been released with a compatible license (public domain, CC), please remove it or acquire clear confirmation that it is CC licensed.
  14. Should be back now. :) The developer is still not finished with his full release, but he has a prerelease out that's just missing some bits of polish. Seems to have installed cleanly. Let me know if there are any issues.
  15. Ah, forgot to say. The upgrade has wiped out the IPB Wiki bridge functionality, so none of that is working presently. The maintainer had planned to release an IPB 3.0 compatible bridge last weekend but fell ill. I think he may release it this weekend, and if so we'll get that installed so that editing can resume.
  16. Need 3 posts before you can PM. Clute, I was probably referring to The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. Also try Mendelsohn, The Rhetorics of Fantasy

  17. No one's spoken of Jon Arryn being cast, either, and he had "The seed is strong!" as a line, so I'm thinking they cut the whole scene.
  18. TPE, But of course, it's a cameo in the pilot. No heads on pikes (yet). ;) antisocial, Oooh. A dyed beard, he could be one of Illyrio's fellow magisters in the feast scene.
  19. A cameo for George? Hurrah! I'd suggest that he be one of the king's scribes, busily writing some official matter down while wine-sodden feast-goers keep harrassing him. ;) And thank you, guys, for taking it this far. May it go further. Good luck with the shoot!
  20. No need for histrionics. They don't care about a handful of random people just wondering why Stevenson should be the Hound, when they can see his audition and they have their own vision of how things should be. For that matter, I never said Stevenson couldn't do the Hound very well. I just don't get why his role as Pullo recommended him to so many people as the Hound. I'm sure he's a good actor and could do a credible job, it's just that I couldn't say that based off of Pullo.
  21. Halfhand, I guess it's the supposed similarity to Sandor. Besides killing lots of people (which could be said, in Rome, of Marc Antony and Vorenus too, for that matter), I don't really see it. It's all very odd.
  22. I'm not trying to typecast him; he played a suitably different sort of character in King Arthur, after all, and I know he was in an unaired zombie dramedy for one of the U.S. networks. But there's many actors who've played textured characters for a couple of seasons -- what puts him on the tip of so many tongues that no one else seems to? Besides the possibility that people just think, "Oh, Pullo, so like Sandor," which would be a very cockeyed way to look at things in my opinion, but all right.. Has anyone seen his work outside of Rome, King Arthur (where he was fine but unexceptional as a stalwart sort of fellow), and The Punisher? Lots of guest spots on various shows over the years ... his most extensive work being two seasons of At Home with the Braithwaites and a long run on City Central, which I'm not familiar with. Anyone able to convey some impressions of his experience in these sort of shows?
  23. I didn't forget those moments, but they're the wanton brutality I already mentioned. If it's just bestial brutality, plenty of actors can do that, so I'm assuming people are stuck on Stevenson for his portrayal of Pullo that somehow fits Sandor in their mind... Is it really just that? A couple of the dark scenes? DocBean, He dropped Mycah's body at Ned's feet. Ned wasn't the boy's father, of course.
  24. You know, I admit, I don't quite understand why Stevenson is touted so much. I liked him very well as the happy-go-lucky killer Titus Pullo in Rome, but I never understood why this immediately suggested him as Sandor to so many people. Sandor is anything but happy-go-lucky, nor is he handsome. I suppose Stevenson suggests through his portrayal of Pullo that he can convey wanton brutality as well as some sort of .... soulfulness? Goodness? But I don't think that's what you want for the Hound. He needs to convey something much more cramped and damaged amidst his brutality. Maybe Stevenson circa The Punisher is closer to the mark? I don't know. Anyways, I liked Pullo, but there's nothing of Sandor Clegane in that character. I won't complain if he's cast, since I think he can act well enough, but I'm just wondering why he leaps to mind for so many.
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