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Everything posted by Relic

  1. 2,330 dead in Gaza, 740 of them children.
  2. best time jumps? Name yours All i can think of are - Age of Madness The Expanse aaaaaaaaand.....?
  3. ok, "further alienates". However, there was some progress made between Israel and some of neighbors in the Middle East, progress that is now being undone
  4. Sure, it happens but history has also shown that this particular conflict will not be solved by bombs. It has existed before Hamas, it alienates Israel from the Middle East, and ALWAYS leads to violence. So whatever fantasy some people might hold about "bombing the violence out of people" (yuck by the way, really), they are just strong-man fantasies. The way Israel is responding to the horrors it suffered last weekend is not only going to bite it on the ass, but it will drag its allies into bloodshed as well. The world is watching Gaza right now, and billions of Muslims are taking keen note.
  5. Best way to find partners is bomb them out of their homes and then ask them how they feel about working together.
  6. "The path to hell". The guy in this video is totally correct.
  7. IIRC - After SoS George had a "5 year gap" planned, where 5 years would pass in westeros (and in between 3rd and 4th novel) to allow events to unfold and young characters to age. The first sign of trouble was a couple of years into waiting for the 4th when GRRM announced he was scrapping the gap, and writing a novel that picked up form where SoS left off. A lot of work was scrapped, from what I understand, and the waiting began in earnest. A popular joke back then was that the 5 year gap was an IRL gap between books. Little did we know the series wouldn't be close to complete 20 years later.
  8. No doubt the excuse is that Hamas might be hiding under the ambulance.
  9. 23 ambulances destroyed, 10 health facilities hit, and 15 medical workers killed since bombing began.
  10. 1,800 dead, 8,000 injured in Gaza so far since the bombings began, most of them civilians. 583 children.
  11. Heads up or not, the end result is the same. Civilians dying. Smarter people than I can maybe give you an answer to your question. Wack-a-hamas with rockets in a dense urban environment surely isn't the answer, and just makes Israel look bad to everyone but staunch supporters and Neocons. Again, I have to ask. Why give Hamas what it wants? Look, I get it. I've never been shot at, but I watched the towers come down from my roof in Brooklyn. I was traumatized for months. Maybe still am. But this is not the right response. This will only lead to more blood. Already one terror attack in France today.
  12. So why give them what they want?? What is slaughtering civilians going to accomplish?
  13. I find it weird that on one hand some people claim that "this is what Hamas wanted" and on the other hand they are supporting doing exactly what Hamas wanted.
  14. You can't just say that and hand-wave the atrocities being committed in Gaza. We COULD have focused on what you just said had Israel reacted differently, but its impossible to focus on that while a fucking MILLION PEOPLE are facing death. Sorry. This is exactly how the USA went wrong post 9/11. It squandered all of its goodwill with the dumbshit slaughter is enacted in the name of justice afterwards. Edit - Israel had an opportunity to work with regional nations that it was normalizing relations with to figure out a different way to try and end Hamas. Instead those countries are now looking at Israel and Gaza and are probably going to distance themselves once again.
  15. The criticism is that they are reacting to the horror and terror and murder they endured last weekend with horror and terror and murder of their own. I had no issues voicing my mind about how dreadfully the USA reacted after 9/11, and I have ZERO issues criticizing Israel now. Unfortunately, im just a random voice on the internet, with zero power. All I can do is watch this shit-show and post my opinion about it.
  16. Whelp, ran into Matilda K. Rose and got my poop pushed in. Like, i couldn't even get her dwn under 75%. Her health regen was insane, and 2 hits from her took all my health. Not sure wtf is up with that fight, but i opted to steal her hammer and sneak past her instead. Didnt feel great, but not sure if im undergeared or something cuz that fight seemed impossible.
  17. What sort of logic is this? That all Palestinian men are Hamas fighters? That the only "collateral damage" from bombings that matters are women and children? Huh? It is probably more correct to infer that wholesale bombings rarely hit their intended targets, and that MOST of those killed have been civilians. Furthermore, why are we comparing body counts? Will Israel stop bombing once it reaches X number of child deaths? What Hamas did on Saturday was barbaric and disgusting, and fucking evil. Israel had (almost) everyone's deepest sympathies. Until it started indiscriminately bombing Gaza.
  18. 500 children killed thus far in Gaza in these "strikes against Hamas". Please, stop defending this shit.
  19. 1,500 dead, 6,500 wounded in Gaza, mostly civilians.
  20. I'm playing on the second hardest difficulty, so probably why I was able to do that fight on my second try. I sprinted up to take out the sniper, and then defended the high ground. I randomly run into packs of enemies that take me out at close range cuz im always trying to katana stuff, but otherwise find the game to be pretty easy. Maybe i should play on the hardest setting.
  21. That's a nice thought, but its far more likely that this will lead to an increase of terror attacks in the region and across the world, which will then result in more reactionary slaughter.
  22. I truly dont understand how anyone can watch footage of what's happening in Gaza these past few days and be alright with it.
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