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Everything posted by RhaenysBee

  1. glad you got home and warmed up. Yup so it’s not a local thing, everybody half asses these guidelines. Sad. Holy smokes, that’s a lot of time to stand in line for a test. Fingers crossed for a positive result. Ah, I’m sorry. Let’s hope that things will take a positive turn in a few months and we won’t be needing all that much testing.
  2. Oh god don’t say such thing yup. Everybody. Weather is cold and windy though we don’t expect a blizzard. (It’s a running joke here that after laughably mild winters the public holiday of March 15 arrives with snow - sadly this has happened quite a few times in the 21st century). hope you get to cozy up later today. Do people actually keep a 2-meter distance when they stand in line over there? Because the max amount of space I’ve seen between people here in any line is 70-80ish cms. glad you’re moving along though. And fingers crossed for a negative test. This was me when I stood line to post Christmas packages back in December. It took altogether 2.5 hours. Keep calm and post. (And I hope you got your test by now and with a favorable result.)
  3. I watched this YouTube channel while I had covid and it was life. Never expected that effect from a snake rescue: Check them out if you enjoy nature and animal content. https://youtube.com/c/FloridasWildest
  4. There’s no such thing as a race anymore, so you aren’t missing out on anything it’s no coincidence the thread title says it might end
  5. Aaaaaw that sounds heavenly. One day I’ll see a hairdresser again as well. I hope nice to hear things are going well. Enjoy the normal-ish schooldays! Hiiiiiii! How are you doing?
  6. Daario Naharis (which may be spelt differently) Joey Batey
  7. Thank you I’ll arrange a test for sister, which will likely be positive as well since she already has an itchy throat and is going ballistic about it, and then we are done and I hope we won’t see each other for some time. That’s much needed and appreciated indeed thank you! Thanks
  8. Sister left after all and relocated to her own apartment. Somehow she thinks this is a convenience move and is angry that she won’t be able to come back tomorrow to pick up more stuff. She’s generally quite pissed off at all the inconvenience she must suffer and is reluctant to get herself tested. I really hope I didn’t pass it on to her (though who knows, she might have had it first asymptotically). Anyway, I’ll try to make things up tomorrow. But as of now I’m alone and pissed off as well, at this entire predicament and all the uncertainty. At least I can leave my room and do the laundry. And I suppose my ten day quarantine is starting tomorrow? Or today? Not sure. I don’t care, I’ll stay 20 days too; I just want to be fine. I took a lemsip after lunch which improved my symptoms significantly, but I suspect it’s going to be a roller coaster. (Oh right, my pcr came back positive as well) I suppose I’ll see how I am tomorrow and decide if or how much I want to work next week. Take care y’all. I won’t say wash your hands and socially distance and wear a mask and take vitamin D because I did all that and it was worth fuck all, so just take care however you see fit and stay safe and healthy by the grace of god/fate/whatever your beliefs dictate.
  9. I wholeheartedly sympathize with that. I mean I would count my lucky stars if the PCR turned out to be negative, though that’s a rather slim chance. Mostly I’m just hoping I’ll be able to sit this out at home and not get very unwell. And thanks, I’ll post if I get official results. Oh right! We are so stuck in this situation I didn’t even think of that. Sister could as well pack up and isolate in her own apartment at this point. She absolutely won’t, but that’s a sensible enough solution. As for food at my doorstep, that’s another thing she absolutely won’t do and I hope I won’t need it either. :/ oh damn... I hope you find a suitable testing solution.
  10. indeed a funny teacher you are that you presume to teach your students! ah I’m sorry about it, but safety and precaution is very important and as it turns out one can’t overplay it enough. I just got two swabs stuck up my nose and my rapid test came back positive in an instant. Still waiting for the PCR but I doubt it’s a false positive. So just keep calm and let people terrorize your nose for the sake of safety! Do you have drive-through testing points at all? We have a couple of those in the city. Maybe that’s an option and there’s one in your area. well quite a few of my current problems would not exist if she had already moved, but I’m sure I stress and annoy her as well.
  11. Oh nooo how sad! Why though? I would think you are stricter than the intern, but interns were also a bit annoying and when I was a school we evidently didn’t mind getting back to our regular teacher even if the substitute let us slack. Is it the nose swab part you find scary? well, the standard price of a PCR is €52, if you want a combined test, antigen and antibody tests cost around 30-25 respectively. Housecall (which you must take if you have symptoms, testing stations won’t take you if you’re ill) is anywhere between €10-30 and if you want a specific time slot rather than starve around all day if they happen to arrive in the evening, that’s an additional €5-30. It’s a whole business, covid tests. Well I don’t understand her moving at any of fifteen occasions that have presented themselves over the past...4 months. It’s been 4 months since her original “move date”. overheads are just electricity and... facility fee(?) I’m sure that’s not an actual expression. The fee you pay for facility upkeep (cleaning of common areas, lift maintenance, waste disposal, recycling, etc)
  12. Oh that’s nice! Hope you get to see them and feel slightly more normal! I’m sure the kids are happy to get back to school as well, even with masks. I would very much like to get tested weekly but nobody’s paying for that and honestly there’s no reason either. Right now I’m still debating if I should pay €110 for a test or I should just trust that this is just a random bug and not an extremely mild case of covid. sister is now buying decor for her flat but her moving is still not in a two-week sight. I mean the flat is movable and has been since October, but something is always more important and urgent and there’s always a couple last things still missing. I have risen above it and just trust that the day will come when I don’t pay the overheads and the internet for an empty flat. And you know... that an obscene amount of money didn’t just go into storing pretty stuff.
  13. Ehh, yes, it would probably be great for me to be around actual real life peers, god forbid friends. On that note I texted my friend to ask if she had time for a call, and her reply was:” sure, all weekend, Friday or even tomorrow #lockdownlife “ I guess we are all going a bit mad. I haven’t been in close contact with anybody outside of sister for two weeks. It was just shop/pharmacy trips and I had repairmen over at sister’s flat last Wednesday, but with being 2+ meters apart, having all windows open and wearing masks, I can’t possibly imagine that I got covid from them. And whatever time wasn’t spent 2 meters apart lasted less than 5 minutes altogether. love the idea, alas I don’t really have a youthful mind, I’m mostly a selfish grumpy and craycray grandma these days thanks, you too
  14. So after I finally pulled myself together for 4-5 days I feel weirdly unwell again. I have a sore throat and a minor headache, this is about the same thing I felt at the beginning of last week for two or three days. Not sure if I should do something about it. Not sure what the living hell brought it about since I haven’t even been outside since Sunday. It just feels like a waste of money to get a covid test when my biggest chance to conduct the virus is from 5-minute grocery store visits and 10-second deliveries. Besides, I should have been consistently ill if this is covid not barely unwell with an entire week of difference in between. You could say it’s cold weather but it was 5-10C at the weekend and I didn’t feel cold at all, or you could say I drank water that was too cold but I don’t think that should bring about sore throat above the age of 5 right? Maybe it’s stress, but I’m 28, if I were a decent adult, I should be working 12-14 hours a day and still love my life. One long day with a bunch of stress shouldn’t give me a headache or a sore throat. overall I’m just sick of covid, my job and the general standstill the world is in, and I still feel that there’s no moving forward in any regard, only backwards if there’s anything. And I still dream of going on a one year sabbatical to get my life on track and invest my time in my personal projects and read books and just not have to deal with all the shit in the world. I think my emotional maturity is stuck at the 16-18y/o level. oh and by the time I finished typing this I don’t feel the throat soreness. I’m sure it’ll come back in a couple hours to keep me wondering what it is.
  15. Fingers crossed for you, I hope know that you’ve successfully passed by the time you read this! You’ll rock that exam, thinking of you!
  16. Nope, I visited my mum (another reason why I dearly hope this isn’t anything major) and it’s pretty damn cold in the country, the house is cold too and I spent a lot of time outside, in hardly suitable footwear. So I’m hoping it’s just that, a cold, which will go away in two days. Good luck with your studying and the exam! Fingers crossed for a little socializing!
  17. Ehh. I feel a little shit. I sincerely hope that it’s only a cold after freezing to death all weekend...
  18. RhaenysBee’s not sure about her participation just yet, depends on the timing of the game, but thanks for thinking of me
  19. I don’t know how many years that is, but I wouldn’t mind retiring early, pension or not.
  20. Great to hear the vaccination is going well over there. My mum’s registered to get one as well, but she’s only 54 (next week actually) so it’s going to be a few more weeks before they get there. And my dad wants to get the Moderna shot as well, I’m hoping he will have an access soon enough. Thus far I have only medical worker acquaintances who actually got the shot. And it’s being rolled out for people above 75 I believe as we speak. I was 19 when I joined and now I’m... 28 that’s so frightening. I didn’t even notice being 27, it flew right past me, because of covid. Curfew feels weird. Hang in there!
  21. It’ll be my 9-year board anniversary in spring probably the longest time I’ve stuck to anything after Facebook and YouTube.
  22. This is a beautiful way to celebrate something beautiful. (I mean not the poet’s death, but art in itself).
  23. I agree about the book, though I like my coffee 75% milk and as I got older I’ve grown to prefer Gin&Tonic. I suppose the forum is a great support for one’s sanity as well as a welcome distraction from quarantine boredom. Have fun here!
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