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Ser Scot A Ellison

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Everything posted by Ser Scot A Ellison

  1. I never liked Danny’s character… but I do wonder what happened to him.
  2. I think polling is less accurate than it once was… but… we should work to get out the vote as though this was the last election we will ever have… because that is a possibility.
  3. Matt Walsh can go fuck himself… https://x.com/highbrow_nobrow/status/1726783607224553553?s=46
  4. If anyone is interested this is the full oral arguments of the Appeal of the gag order against Trump in the DC case:
  5. The SCOTUS has denied Cert. to Derek Chauvin. The murderer of George Floyd will remain in prison: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/chauvin-appeal-in-floyd-murder-denied-by-us-supreme-court#:~:text=The US Supreme Court rejected,a fair trial was violated.
  6. Nope. I can’t “let it go” until I don’t have to smell that crap ever again. Every time I smell it I get angry all over again. Yes, it is perfectly legal… but… it is still awful and always has been.
  7. Do these douchecanoes really think they are going to successfully tap into Geek culture?
  8. Yeah… Dennis Leary and I would never see eye to eye on this issue. Smoking will always be nasty in my view.
  9. Watching all engines burn without a flameout was pretty cool as was the “hot staging”… They’re getting there. Now get ride of the “Musky” taint and keep it up.
  10. Hardly… I’ve hated smoking my entire life.
  11. I don’t like this from Christian fundamentalists… I don’t like this from Islamic fundamentalists… your faith is yours. You are welcome to your faith. It will not enter my home… https://x.com/worldbywolf/status/1725055848035102946?s=46
  12. Let People have their pleasures (in the privacy of their own homes) be it pot or naps.
  13. It seems George (if that is his name) Santos has decided not to seek re-election. But he isn’t resigning… https://x.com/mrsantosny/status/1725182414769512783?s=46
  14. Hamas and Likud both suck. They both feed off the violence of the other.
  15. Interesting. I was born in 1971. Both parents smoked. Both sets of Grandparents smoked. All my mother’s sisters smoked. Only my father’s sister didn’t. I have… always… always… always loathed smoking.
  16. That would make the stupid blowhard a marytr. Bad plan.
  17. A history prof in undegrad liked to tell the story of a student of his who attended a “Just Say No” meeting where an officer went on and on about Pot being a “gateway drug”. She raised her hand and calmly asked what was the correlation between drinking dairy milk and heroin use. They asked her to leave… a little to much actual logic for their taste. I still hate smelling people’s fucking cigarettes or joints.
  18. I think this douchecanoe is making his play for national relevance. He’s doubling down on his pugilistic bullshit. This is what we have become… https://x.com/dabbs346/status/1724794310833664372?s=46
  19. Okay if not pro wrestling fans perhaps the Republican Party is attempting to activate and get out the former grade school bully vote? They’re defending the pugaliatic Republican Oklahoma Senator… https://x.com/seanohhhh/status/1724620093617803477?s=46
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