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Everything posted by DMC

  1. I am always made fun of by those close to me for having a peculiar affinity for socks. I am happy to find a safe space!
  2. I mean, Johnson has already pretty much taken the plunge. He could always chicken out at the last minute, sure, but that’s just gonna make him look weak as well. Still a possibility, but definitely way less than 50/50.
  3. Um..what? Really don’t get the hostile tone. I went out of my way to emphasize that “unexamined” stereotype - twice. And to be clear - the only time I dated grad students was when I was a grad student. I’ve never dated an administrative assistant. And no woman has thrown themselves at me in at least 15 years, if ever.
  4. I mean, depends on your definition of bipartisan these days, but the three foreign aid bills are being proposed by the Republican Speaker and endorsed by the Democratic president. As Kal suggested, MAGA Senators may whine and moan and demand votes on dumbass amendments for a few days, but if they pass the House, Biden WILL sign them into law within a week. Speaking of dumbass amendments, MTG is currently trolling the House with absurd amendments. My favorite is this response:
  5. The House bill does not order Biden to send ATACMS, it simply encourages it.
  6. Yeah I don’t think it’s that weird at all based on Embiid being back and the Sixers’ recent play accordingly. The Knicks fell into the two seed because the Bucks, Magic and Cavs all shat the bed down the stretch.
  7. So it appears the bills are teed up for as early as a Saturday vote. I mentioned a few weeks back Johnson would have to split up the supplemental. I didn’t expect him to split it into three though - with a fourth that appears to be red meat to his conference and notably does not have the backing of the White House (and thus probably won’t get through the Senate). Certainly promises for an interesting weekend. We’ll see if Johnson actually goes through with putting them on the floor. And if he does, should be interesting to see the roll call on each.
  8. Yeah I heard those rumors too, I just didn’t buy it. And notably, it doesn’t seem Deadline does either. The article above links to their February article reporting Pitt’s casting that states: It just didn’t make sense to me. For all Tarentino’s talk about sequels/revisiting old characters, he’s never really actually done it unless you count the Kill Bills. Plus don’t really see much more to mine with the Cliff Booth character.
  9. I have no doubt and I’m definitely not judging. That’s great for you! Further, your point about men’s insecurities about women making more money than them is well taken. I’m just talking here in generalities. And I think in terms of using income as a proxy for SES/cultural sophistication that can be very muddied. Indeed, at a certain range I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a negative correlation. I know a lot of people that intentionally make less money because they have a passion for a job that’s the best way they think they can contribute to society. Moreover, I know a lot Reaganite types only interested in making money that are decidedly bereft when it comes to cultural sophistication. I guess it just seems weird to me, but then again I’m a guy. Like, I’d never have a standard that I’d only date women that have a PhD.
  10. That’s not what the article above suggested.
  11. Yeah Brad Pitt as a movie critic for a 70s porn mag wasn’t really doing it for me either.
  12. No idea why you’re surprised, and it’s not pissing off any Dems. Republicans are threatening to use the dismissal against vulnerable Dem incumbents, of course, but both Tester and Brown literally laughed that off last week. It’d obviously be worse for them politically to grant legitimacy to such an absurd impeachment, devote multiple news cycles to it, then vote to acquit which ultimately they most certainly were going to do anyway.
  13. Ah. Based on you talking about the differences in flight travel I misunderstood.
  14. So is the basic understanding the difference between flying charter to coach is not going to make up a five times difference in flight time.
  15. Lol. It’s literally ten times the distance and at least five times the flight time.
  16. Oh I can certainly think of a more obvious one.
  17. Really don’t get why you think you need to educate me on the differences. The travel time still grates on any human being - at least based on players themselves mentioning this for decades.
  18. Really?!? My point is flight times aren’t gonna be much different.
  19. Controversial take - I frankly hope none of the money goes to Fred Goldman. Dude is 83. He’s made tons of money..I won’t say exploiting his son’s death, but really close. Ron’s sister, maybe? But she too has monetized the whole thing as well. Whatever is left should go to the two kids. They lost their mom.
  20. Damn dude. This is..surprising coming from you. Kinda feel like I’m reading the script to the end of your romantic comedy..or satire. Either way, I’m in! You’ve said this many times. May I suggest relaxing your standards? May seem self serving, cuz yeah, pretty sure I make a lot less than you. But I’m never going to meet you. Just saying, based on what you’ve said previously, you make more than a lot of people. Which means, ya know, in terms of median income you’re eliminating a lot of the pool. I get making sure the guy is self sufficient, but this requirement is eliminating a lot of the eligible population for a rather unnecessary concern in most cases. I really do suspect there’s a lot of good guys out there you’re missing out on. You can always ask for a pre-nup if it comes to that. Hell, prolly should regardless.
  21. I don’t think you’re old enough to remember the future king of Jordan marrying a British staffer on the set of Lawrence of Arabia. eta: sorry, he was actually king at the time. I meant mother of the future and current king.
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