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The Great Walrus

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Status Replies posted by The Great Walrus

  1. 5000th post written today... God only knows how much foolishness is there in those posts :)

  2. Enjoying summer, inside of course.

  3. and now my watch begins...

  4. Someone should apologize to Lyanna Wildheart for all she has suffered at this forum past 2 weeks... In that name, Lyanna, dear, please know, we support you with all our hearts.

  5. back to black hair methinks

  6. And now my watch begins. It shall not end until my banning. I shall take no thread, hold no forums, father no trolls. I shall wear no mod hats and win no glory. I shall live and die at my keyboard. I am the report button in the darkness. I am the watcher on the board. I am the fire that burns against the guro meditation, the light that brings the flames, the horn that wakes the moderators, the shield that guards the forums of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Trolls's Watch, for this...

  7. spending way too much time in westeros

  8. Actively killing time on this forum.

  9. The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep

  10. mermaid or pixie i haven't quite decided yet

  11. He will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. We will race behind him. We will stumble. We will fall. But in time we will join him in the Sun. In time he will help us accomplish, wonders.

  12. Tonight! GOT S3!! Can't wait!

  13. Scheming to get to WorldCon

  14. Making friends with loads of cats recently, could this be a sinister hint at what my future holds? A crazy spinster cat lady.

  15. Very happy right now XD

  16. E-Ro: The man will fight for Stannis to the bitter end and then some. He will be back...

  17. There's no school like the old school and I'm the fuckign headmaster. That's why they come to me.

  18. There's no school like the old school and I'm the fuckign headmaster. That's why they come to me.

  19. Actively killing time on this forum.

  20. i just ate half a plum, before realizing something wasn't quite right, opening it up, and seeing it was all disgusting and mouldy inside.

  21. Apologies to all my friends that have dealt with serious trolling last night. Thanks for all your support. It means a world to me...

  22. I kick Daenerys haters in the crotch.

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