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Everything posted by Castellan

  1. If not plant, is it a man-made object? PS What does physical object rule out? Imaginary or mythical objects?
  2. Someone please start a new game, I don't want to host.
  3. Great. I have just noticed your Romanian proverb and like it very much. I won't be able to start a game till the morning (just going to bed) but if anyone wants to jump in and start one before then feel free.
  4. because of 'cheeky' in your comments I thought it might be Brienne's check bitten by Biter but it doesn't really fit.
  5. Is it the single breast that was sometimes displayed by Dany's garments and sometimes covered?
  6. I liked the Searchers too although In the Woods will always be my favourite. I have found a historical series I never heard of - Conor Brady's series set of three police procedurals set in Victoria Dublin.
  7. Everyone has been riveted on the TV or internet, I suppose, watching idiots playing at insurrection or COVID explosions. If anyone hasn't I congratulate you. I haven't been able to resist but I think I would have been better off pottering in a garden.
  8. It was weird, we ignored New Years Eve, went to bed, then I happened to wake up and looked at the time and it was 12:00. Actually, I suppose someone must have made some tiny peep of sound that woke me, though it really would have been tiny, as all is quiet and gatherings over 5 people or something banned due to a new outbreak.All is peaceful here with the steady unseasonal mist and rain. Quite a change from the bushfires last year.
  9. Not feeling like drinking, did enough of that at lunch yesterday. Doing desultory house cleaning, otherwise reading. It's the day after boxing day. Not sure what day you all are on. I like the way time seems to stand still at Christmas. I'm sure I did not see a single car on our street on Christmas day (its a small town) and it was very very quiet.
  10. when I first got on the forum in 2013 it was very lively with people desperately hovering over elimination games etc maybe when/if TWOW comes out there will be a bit of an influx,,,
  11. I think the author has left it up in the air, put in some hints that way that could also be explained by Jon Arryn's poor reproductive record (crummy sperm?) and Lysa's poisoned womb and terrible job raising him. Anyway, wouldn't Lysa have delighted in telling Petyr? I also don't think Petyr would care. I think he is quite unfeeling and wholly focused on power. He would despise SweetRobin whether or not he was his child.
  12. https://www.bookseriesinorder.com/ann-cleeves/ There is an Inspector Ramsay series which I find too old fashioned. Of course you could read the Shetland series, even if you have seen the TV series. I liked her The Last Call (2019) although it seemed rather similar in mood to Shetland and other series although starting in a different regional area and giving the character a different kind of back story.
  13. I loved In the Woods. I have read some of her later ones but for some reason none of them are as memorable as that one. I didn't mind The Wych Elm, I got absorbed in it, but can hardly remember it. It also did not seem particularly original, more like an exercise in a particular kind of mystery/crime novel. Broken Harbour I remember the broad theme and nothing else. I just checked her book list and think I might have missed one somewhere, as well as not having read the latest one, so I am off to amazon to order them.
  14. I read a few when they came out but I could detect what I thought was a pretty plodding mind at work and the terrible pop song theme reinforced that impression, I got annoyed and gave up.
  15. I have tried the Mark Douglas-Home Sea Detective series recommended by Hereward, and like it. The main character is well drawn, and seems to owe quite a bit to M C Beaton's Hamish MacBeth, which may be reinforced in my mind by the fact that the audiobook is read by David Monteith who also did Hamish. So far the first two books are pretty gripping and switch viewpoint between two characters with different stories that intersect in the plot. I'd like to plug Steve Hamilton. He has a series started 1998 with PI Alex McKnight, a former detroit cop now located in northern Michigan. He has more done a few stand alone novels and a second series which are really thrillers, of which Exit Strategy is pretty fascinating.
  16. I would like to recommend Lisa Sandlin's two books. (I am not sure if we are recommending to anyone in particular anymore!) That said, I seem to remember one of them does concern serial killing of boys, I remember because I just find that stuff so depressing. What I like is the set up - the first book is called The Do-Right - do-right being slang for prison, and the main character is Delpha Wade, released from prison in 1973 after 13 years for killing one of the men who raped her, and needing to find a job and place to live in the small town in Louisiana she came from. She gets a job with a man who is just setting up a PI practice and things take off from there. I can't remember details of the actual crime plots! PS have reread - has quite a horror story tinge to it, not at all cosy. I usually google "best crime novels of xxxx" for example early in the following year and see what reviewers are pushing. Some of their picks are just disappointing best sellers but I have found some good new series this way.
  17. Castellan

    Board Issues 4

    Ignore Was having trouble using search but when I searched in google instead it took me to the correct place in this website.
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