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Everything posted by ninewinter

  1. I'm not sure if it's ok to post some Show "world" trivia here, but I want to ask what are your thoughts about Tyrion saying Kings Landing has a population of 1 million? It seems pretty canon in the show that 1 million is the population of KL. As far as I can remember it's only half a million.
  2. It's a little bit more complex than the real carrier pigeons of our world. It is said in the 5th book of A Song of Ice and Fire A Dance with Dragons, that the Children of the Forest taught the first men how to delivery these messages, at first, the Ravens will speak the words, or the Ravens can be skin changer and thus can travel from anywhere around Westeros. In time, when the First Men lost their magical affinity with the Children, they train to carry messages on paper by runes, or by letters as spread by the coming of the Andals. According to the published chapter in the Winds of Winter, Some special Ravens can travel to different locations as they memorise it and can learn through the words of the Maesters, but most Ravens are trained to go to one place only. If you release it to it's cage, then it will go for ex. a Raven specifically brought up to King Landing will go to KL after you release him in Winterfell. Kind a like how people who have birds as pet they release their animals somewhere in the forest and their birds can go back to their home. In that sense, it means that only the wealthiest and most powerful houses can have Ravens. some houses may have Ravens going through Kings Landing only.
  3. Game of Thrones Season 4 Finale Analysis This season shifts away from the traditional penultimate episode 9 cliffhangers, creatively spreading the thrill throughout from ep. 2 Joffrey’s death, ep. 6 Tyrion’s demand for trial of combat, ep. 7 Lysa’s death, and ep. 8 death of Oberyn Martell against the “the Mountain” Ser Gregor Clegane. the Wall The Negotiation: The show tries to portray the Jon’s attempt to assassinate Mance, and they did it well. The wildlings are not evil, they simply wanted to hide at the wall before the Others (whitewalkers) come. The Battle:okay My first impression was, wait, there’s hell lot of horses! And I think the show had quickly explain the victory better. Viewers can remember how Stannis was able to loan again from the Iron Bank of Braavos and can conclude that this was an army of sellswords. It was different in the book but the objective was the same and attained in the same matter. The few top shots reveal that the 100,000 wildlings are hiding in the wall, but Stannis’ cavalry made a pincer movement only to the center. As in the books, the victory was meant not to completely crush the whole Wildlings host but rather to disperse them in confusion, capture the King beyond the wall, and shatter wildling unity. Jon meets Stannis:okay This is not directly shown in the books, and it was different then. (Jon was with Mance’s tent while her wife gives birth). But scene was well played. The music can both bring chills to the side who thinks that wildlings are good and here’s an evil unwanted king, or to the the Night’s Watch who was saved from being slaughtered, the message was clear, there is a new very powerful force that comes to the north, and you will be either bend the knee or be destroyed. Jon and Stannis just arrived to an uneasy alliance. And Now Their Watched has Ended:good I think it is good to show Maester Aemon there. It is very important because it means he was, as for the moment, the primary voice of the Watch. Stannis clearly will have his say in a while because all looking at Castle Black’s ramparts are men wearing the Stannis’ fiery heart sigil. Melisandre is not with Stannis side which is odd. She was completely opposite Jon Snow and her face was different, unlike the decisive look she always reveals, but a look of attention and surprise, even a hint of fear. Clearly she saw something in the fire that talks about Jon’s fate and origins. Show fans can shrug, but books fans can guess a thing or two. Jon Snow’s Parenthood, and the Azor Ahai prophecy. Ygritte’s Funeral: bad still believe that Ygritte’s funeral is anti climatic. I didn’t mean that the scene shouldn’t be there. I only believe that they could draw from the books better scene than that. Who would lead the Night’s Watch now, or what will Jon Snow play in Stannis’ struggle to gain win the Game of Thrones? I couldnt ask for more in Arya scenes. And the only thing I hate in other scenes is Tywin not saying "Wherever Whores go". But I guess it's not necessary for the plot. My verdict is an 8/10
  4. 1) It looked like Stannis has the lager army and Mance was standing with 40 men max. Many showfans will say how did Stannis got that foce? Isnt he defeated in blackwater? And they will say, yeah, he loan some money. Where are the mammoths and giats and the 100,000 wildlings? or at least the 20k wildlings? 2) Leaf, a children of the forest, looks like simply, a child. I thought i remembered reading she had catlike eyes and copper/bronze skin? I was thinking of a night elf looking, with diff. skin colou. and the Bloodraven seems just an oldman sitting in a tree, not the very withered one i imgained from the books. 3) Wherever the whores go? Okay so no tysha, so no where whores go. But shouldnt tyrion say something to shae first? 4) Jaime and Cersei sex scene is anti climatic for me. Jaime is supposed to save Tyion in a few while. his mind set is getting different. he's stated to fall away from cersei. 5)Ygritte funeral fire is okay, but no dialogue between Stannis, Mel, and Jon? i think it is a better ending for season 4. 6) There's no Lady stoneheart.
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