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Lost Melnibonean

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Everything posted by Lost Melnibonean

  1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZsY3lcDDtTdBWp1Gx6mfkdtZT6-Gk0kdTGeSC_Dj7WM/htmlview# Checkbout ship speed calculator and distances by sea.
  2. https://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/Historical_Influences_for_Dorne/
  3. Oh, so you live in the old world. In the new world, we got Barristan. I any event, we're supposed to use spoilers whenever we discuss material from Winds.
  4. Theon was "published" on the George's website. Barristan was published in the back of the paperback version of Dance. I remember going to Barnes & Noble when it was released to read it. A little proof (cause everything on the Internet is true)... https://www.vox.com/2019/5/20/18631417/game-of-thrones-winds-of-winter-martin-release-date
  5. No, Barristan I was published in the paperback version of Dance. Theon, Winds was never published. I say no more.
  6. The quote below is going to be eerily similar to the situation in early Winds... The Targaryen Kings, TWOIAF Stannis is sending men to hire sellswords, a kraken is reaving, and a terrible winter has begun. The paragraph above is followed by the one below... The Targaryen Kings, TWOIAF Enter Stannis and the Northmen.
  7. I am putting this in spoilers since we are addressing the unpublished Winds spoiler chapter... aboard the ships that Manderly has hidden up the White Knife. With Tommen fighting Aegon, and both of them fighting Euron, and with tales of Daenerys finally reaching Stannis's ear, he's gonna head south.
  8. Jon is on ice, literally and figuratively. Manderly has pledged his support, and Stannis ought to be able to able to lead a force of Northmen south like Creegan did to save their damilies from more mouths to feed. That's where Drogon can melt his face, and Daenerys can take his troops to help her battle Aegon. And then Satin, dressed like Prince Charming can give Jon a kiss and wake the sleeper to battle the Others. Ok, maybe not quite like that, but perhaps you get my point.
  9. The Boltons are going down one way or another. The George has set up an additional purpose for Stannis down the road. Some think he will fight the Others, but that's Jon's purpose. I think Stannis heads south to add fodder to the Second Dance of the Dragons. Since Dumb & Dumber planned to have Jon and Daenerys lead the aarmies against the Others, they didn't need him to the north, and they didn't need him toward the South since the cut the Second Dance of the Dragons. So Bolton defeated Stannis, and Dumb & Dumber had Jon take Stannis place in that respect. The George, though, still has plans for Stannis.
  10. As opposed to HBO's GOT, there is no reason for Daenerys to go bananas to justify killing her off in ASOIAF. There, we will have a Second Dance of the Dragons, in which she can heroically, but tragically, die as she is overwhelmed by three treasons. If it weren't for that darn lemon tree...
  11. I don't think anything could soften that blow for Daenerys fans.
  12. I think Bran will be a king. With Daenerys dying and Jon returning to his watch (or saying f#@& all that and joining the Free Folk), Dumb & Dumber needed someone to be king, so why not Bran? The show, of course, completely cut out the Second Dance of the Dragons, and reduced the Aegon subplot to having the Golden Company sell their swords to Cersei. That ain't happening in ASOIAF. Aegon won't win, and Daenerys will die, but their will be an heir. And I expect Tyrion's arc will end during that Dance. 
  13. Yeah, a lot of folks state things they believe to be true as fact. The actor says he has been told that the books have been written, but the George struck a deal with the show's producers. A lot of folks think that to be true, and a lot of folks have denied it. Dance made a hell of a lot of money when it was released a month or two after the first season...
  14. There were more than one or two. Stannis tells Jon in a letter that his ranks are swelled by survivors of the sack of Winterfell.
  15. Not that soon after, and not south of the Neck.
  16. Foreshadowing for when a polygamous Targaryen prince wants a new bride?
  17. I think the difference between the dragonlords of Valyria and the rest of the men in ASOIAF is at least reminiscent of the difference between the Númenoreans and regular men in Middle Earth.
  18. Thanks. I meant something more recent, but I do appreciate the response.
  19. Anybody know what's up with the next installment of the Tales of Dunk and Egg?
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