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Why the Red Wedding Hurts EVERYONE...


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but rewarding people who break the rules is IMHO

Now you're expecting war leaders to be saints. Almost as if Tywin should have prevented or punished Walder for killing Robb, which strikes me as ridiculous

The Hound "broke the rules" when he deserted King Joffrey and tried to return Arya to the Starks. Should Robb have punished him if they had met? Tywin and Robb were enemies at war. No trust between them was broken or violated, since there was none there to begin with. The Freys and the Boltons are a different story - Walder broke Guest Right and Roose killed his liege lord.

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And if Cersei is still in power and a situation arose in which the Boltons needed help, of course she'd help them. They are the Lannisters hands in the North. Of course she isn't helping them now, but that's not because she doesn't want to, it's because she can't.

I stumbled upon this, as it looks like an oxymoron: "Cersei helping".

Rant: I my have let myself be deluded and have developed a blind spot, but this makes me think of her "helping" Melara.

I cannot remember Cersei ever helped anyone, struck a favorable deal for anyone besides her own interest. I remember her ordering people on the ground of them having to be grateful to be allowed to keep their heads. /Rant

As to hurting everyone:

Yes, breaking guest right was unspeakable. We have read a number of reasons and reasonings in the thread. That's where it hurts everyone.

And no, it cannot not be traced back as any of the reasons for the demise of the Lannister family. They have been working hard to achieve that. The quarrels between the siblings and Tywin's leading by example through horrific actions, echoed by Cersei's self-conception of righteousness when she echoes that way of leading have doomed the family.

edit: spelling and apostrophe

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