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Why don't the lannisters tame some lions?

Waters Gate

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Having a cool annimal in youre youre house it's sigil and having the power of that animal at youre side comes with some perks in Westeros.

The Targaryans may have their dragons, the Starks might have their direwolves, these things add somewhat to the martial abilety of the family members so to say so usually they are considered a nice thing to have. I'm sure if the Greyjoy could conjur up Krakkens that soon they'd be riding them somewhow aswell, possibly letting them tug their boats.

So why arn't the lannisters taming some lions for their sibblings. Can't be that Westeros is completly devoid of lions right? I guess it would add to the prestige of their house to have a few lions at their side, sure those pesky beasts arn't that straithforward to tame but it's been done, and otoh how does that stack up to taming dragons? Might be that youll loose a few sibblings, not sure if Tywin would have minded if tyrion had become lionlunch, and might as well be that lions know lions, as in their sigil magicly connecting them to these animals as with other familys. I'm sure Cersei would dig a kitty like this at here side for protection.

Robbert Arryn might one day get a giant falcon to fly around on. Wouldn't be surprized really, i mean magic is on the rise, dragons came trough for the targs, direwolves for the Starks and we get mention of emmerging Krakkens, who knows Little Robber might one day find a nest of giant falcons roosting on top of the eyrie, seems not impossible ASOIF style. It's just for what regards the Lannisters, the creature on their sigil isn't reall magical, though propperly baddass in itself to make quite an impression. Shouldn't be to hard for them to find a bunch of lions. Tytos got attacked by a lioness once, that time when father Clegane came to save the day. tytos kinda lacked in being a real lion though granted, with lions around these are the weak ones who'd get weeded out i'd guess. i think the persian kings of old did something similar with Tigers, thy had that in their sigil to iirc.

There would have been something more baddass than Jaime lannister. Jaime lannister with a lion at his side, who the hell wants to fight that?

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"That was in the dawn of days, when our sun was rising. Now it sinks, and this is our long dwindling. The giants are almost gone as well, they who were our bane and our brothers. The great lions of the Western hills have been slain, the unicorns are all but gone, the mammoths down to a few hundred."

"One autumn year, Lord Tytos came between a lioness and her prey. Lioness didnt give a shit that she was Lannister's own sigil. Bitch tore into.mynlords horse..."

The Great Lions are extinct, and the regular lions dont seem the type to be tamed

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"Robbert Arryn might one day get a giant falcon to fly around on. Wouldn't be surprized really, i mean magic is on the rise, dragons came trough for the targs, direwolves for the Starks and we get mention of emmerging Krakkens, who knows Little Robber might one day find a nest of giant falcons roosting on top of the eyrie, seems not impossible ASOIF style."

Yeah.... Sweet Robbin's not getting a giant falcon; he's getting killed.

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"That was in the dawn of days, when our sun was rising. Now it sinks, and this is our long dwindling. The giants are almost gone as well, they who were our bane and our brothers. The great lions of the Western hills have been slain, the unicorns are all but gone, the mammoths down to a few hundred."

"One autumn year, Lord Tytos came between a lioness and her prey. Lioness didnt give a shit that she was Lannister's own sigil. Bitch tore into.mynlords horse..."

The Great Lions are extinct, and the regular lions dont seem the type to be tamed

This. Also the Targs and Starks have magic/sorcery/warging going for them.

Plus, it's kind of an oxymoron, to tame lions.

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"Cersei paced her cell, restless as the caged lions that had lived in the bowels of Casterly Rock when she was a girl, a legacy of her grandfather's time. She and Jaime used to dare each other to climb into their cage, and once she worked up enough courage to slip her hand between two bars and touch one of the great tawny beasts. She was always bolder than her brother. The lion had turned his head to stare at her with huge golden eyes. Then he licked her fingers. His tongue was as rough as a rasp, but even so she would not pull her hand back, not until Jaime took her by the shoulders and yanked her away from the cage."

They sorta did. (and Cersei owned it)

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