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US Politics - Even an Aussie can start a thread about it


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Sorry, haven't yet read all the posts, but...

from the little I've read so far (just a few posts) I want to say, In OUR WORLD as it exists today, the more money you have, the more civil rights you have, the more money you have, the more free speech you have (you don't even have to go out of your house, let alone hang out in assigned protest areas), and (maybe most importantly) the more justice you have. Sorry, but my reaction the couple posts I've read so far is anger. I don't have a lot of money, power/influence, or even health (for that matter). Even if I thought it'd be helpful to go protest in a fenced off lot, miles away from the decision makers, I couldn't do it. There is no democracy here in the US, nor do we even have representative government anymore. Our elected, almost without fail get into office because of big money, and once there do as big money directs them to. What we have is a Fascist (look it up) Oligarchy (look that one up too). I'm sorry I couldn't stay awake to read more, but have an early appointment to keep. Will book mark and read more tomorrow. Can't believe that anyone could think that a Corporation, who's legally bound main concern is the bottom dollar, should be treated with the same rules as an ordinary citizen, But be do that now and with a vengeance against us commoners.

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I thought the idea was, One man one vote. In Canada we have the debate also about campaign contributions. Corporations do not line up at the halls, as we do and pencil in a vote. By allowing Power Blocks and corporate headquarters to be in the bedroom off the politician We have lost our democracy. The political machines must eat and they do so on the millions funnelled into them. And that fuel buys corporate America a seat at the trough. I briefly thought once that, well, that's only one CEO, CFO, here and there, that's only a few votes, they only are allowed one each. How naïve to think the Coke brothers 2 votes weigh the same as mine and my brother's. Only those with the right to vote should have the right to contribute to a politicians' purse. When he is elected We pay him.

Okay, I want to stop the rant.

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Democrats and Liberals are the same thing. I think you meant either Democrats and Republicans or Liberals and Conservatives.

Only in the confused US terminology :p

But we must give Mazigh a break, it cannot be easy to be a Shiite Berber, such a tiny minority. Unless of course they are confusing Ibadism for Shia, which must be taken for a sign how lost their own roots are.

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