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Around the world and back again


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Say Martin decided to continue his little tale of Planetos, would you guys be into a hero that travels to the unexplored East and islands?

Or just travel around Westeros and the Free Cities?

I would like to see the far East, beyond the Bone Mountains, where the people are free from the dothraki, and the people barely know the Valyrains touch, a land completely new.

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Say Martin decided to continue his little tale of Planetos, would you guys be into a hero that travels to the unexplored East and islands?

Or just travel around Westeros and the Free Cities?

I would like to see the far East, beyond the Bone Mountains, where the people are free from the dothraki, and the people barely know the Valyrains touch, a land completely new.

You basically just described a prequel of Lomas Longstrider. While that book could be interesting, frankly I'd rather get that information from TWOIAF. I'm not sure how good of a story could be told with that kind of narrative.

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Say Martin decided to continue his little tale of Planetos, would you guys be into a hero that travels to the unexplored East and islands?

Or just travel around Westeros and the Free Cities?

I would like to see the far East, beyond the Bone Mountains, where the people are free from the dothraki, and the people barely know the Valyrains touch, a land completely new.

I've been expecting Dany to do this. Probably on drogon. To fulfil the you've got to go east to go west, south to go north 'prophecy' / curse conflation of mirri maz sur and THOTU.

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I'm generally interested in what's connected to the actual story, rather than more general world building. I'd be interested in seeinh Asshai, as we've seen at least one person from their who is integral to the plot, but all the other things that are general world building are interesting for their own sakes but not as a part of asoiaf. So, not realy.

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Unless plans to make ten instead of seven, I don't see Dany going down that road, and to be honest I see such an adventure more cared for by fans when the current series ends and it not being a side story to ASOIAF

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Unless plans to make ten instead of seven, I don't see Dany going down that road, and to be honest I see such an adventure more cared for by fans when the current series ends and it not being a side story to ASOIAF

I know what you mean about having to write 10 books to do this, which is why I thought the only viable way to do it would be by Dragon. Although I don't know what she does with the entourage. A road trip round the free cities would be fun. A kind of grand tour. The sort of thing tyrion had fancied before his barrel trip forced a rather different trip. I agree with the poster about asshai - that's got to be good.

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To be fair, I think that not seeing these lands adds more to the mystique of the world. It would be good to see them but unless GRRM ever creates a lexicon, I think it would cheapen the series to make indirect prequels/sidequels.

Although Asshai has got be seen - either through POV or memories, too much material not to embellish it!

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I don't really see that Skittle090, I find the world of ice and Fire to be full of adventure, and to expand it with a writer like Martin would be great.

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You basically just described a prequel of Lomas Longstrider. While that book could be interesting, frankly I'd rather get that information from TWOIAF. I'm not sure how good of a story could be told with that kind of narrative.

It could be a story where it's written by Lomas after his adventures, with the fun part being which tribes of cannibals he actually escaped from and which he just heard about but was too afraid to visit, so he used what tales and rumors he knew and passed it off as factual history.

See also for real world equivalent: Marco Polo.

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There is actually a lot of unexplored land and islands, Hell, there are two whole continents we never even seen yet.

I want a Pre-Doom Valryia.I would like to learn more of the history behind the founding of the Valryian Empire and also the founding of the FM all leading up to the "The End Of An Era".I want that as badly as I want a freaking Akavir version of Elder Scrolls

Elder Scrolls VI Akavir

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I don't really see that Skittle090, I find the world of ice and Fire to be full of adventure, and to expand it with a writer like Martin would be great.

Yeah I agree, I just meant that if those stories were ever told, I would be better to make them stand alone. I like the idea of a Lomas Longstrider book! But to try and connect everything about the world would be too convoluted in my opinion.

But I do really want to see more about Valyria and Asshai.

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It might be that circumvening the globe would be easier to do on Terros than it is on Planet earth.

It deffinatly didn't help magellan that he had to start from the Northern hemisphere yet had to sail all to the southern hemisphere to pass the American continent, and all aroudn africa on the way back to go back north.

If only the panama and Seuz canal had already existed by that time, his voyage would have been shortened considerably.

But even then, the easyness by which we on earth can circumvent the earth is for a large part depending on the accesabilety of seas and the positioning of continents.

Say for ex. that North America and Siberia hadn't been in the way, or had been more south, to the point that maggelan might have passed north of America on a clear sea and north of siberia to sail back home like that, then he would have had a significant shorter voyage.

As might not be to hard to understand, the world at the north pole is less wide going from east to west than it is at the equator. if magellan had been a South African or patagonian, he would have had it much easier to round the earth, only having to sail around antartica really. Though he might still wanted to have avoided sailing on open seas, thus taking a bit of a detour by following coastlines

In the world of Asoiaf, it might be that one could do a rather short trip around the world along the north maybe, as Westeros seems to be the only continent extending to the pole's, maybe you could sail from Eastwatch by the sea to the shadowtower along the north trough the shivvering sea and it would actually be a relativly short trip. You can also follow the coastline easely allong the north of Essos passing Ibben. it wouldappear that these waters are indeed safe to sail along atleast upto Ibben.

I took some reference's from the map given in "the world of ice and fire". Something that bothers me though is that it is a perfectly flat square map. It begs to question how the map is to be interpreted for what regards it's projection, the more because the map is as wide at the north as in the south, and one can clearly distinguish the north but the south of the map seems more likely to be sitting at the equator where the world is wider.

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A Queen themed musical involving the City of the Winged Men, oh wait a minute.....

I wonder if the men really have wings. Seriously, there is so much Martin could do with this.

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