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When is 'Mercy'?


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Ok so,

I was reading GRRM's new sample chapter 'Mercy' (if you haven't read it then here: http://www.georgerrmartin.com/excerpt-from-the-winds-of-winter/ ) and I read that some of the Lannister soldiers mention someone called 'The Gold Queen'. I naturally assumed it was Cersei but due to her current situation it didn't quite make sense. So then I read up on some theories that it could be Margery but that didn't make much sense because she is also locked up awaiting trial. So, if both of the people who would be considered as 'The Gold Queen' are locked up at the moment then who could it be??

So then I asked myself; "WHEN is this chapter set?". Maybe 'The Gold Queen' could be either Cersei or Margery AFTER their trials, and this chapter is much later in the book than what people thought?

When do you guys think it is set?

You have to remember that word doesnt get around as fast so for all we know Cersei could have lost her trail and Swift and his men are just assuming that she won the trail by combat cos when he's told to leave for Bravoss the trail hasn't happen yet and i'm sure Kevins death would have postponed the trail so they can bury him

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"If he goes back without the gold the queen will have his head. Besides, I seen that wife of his. Theres steps in Casterly Rock she cant go down for fear shed get stuck, thats how fat she is. Whod go back to that, when he has his sooty queen?"

Is sooty as used here referring to skin color or disposition or what?

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Ah, that makes perfect sense now that I see it spelled out. For a second I was thinking maybe the "sooty" remark was referring to an actual queen. I hadn't actually pieced together that it was Swyft, but going back and reading that seems obvious now as well. It almost certainly has to be Cersei because Swyft has been her lapdog this entire time and she is running short on lapdogs. Anyway, this is a thread about the when not the who or the why. Sorry!

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