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Is R+L=J viable ?

Valyrian Perfect

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Hey guys ! This is my first post on this forum, so please, don't be very harsh and pardon me if I missed out something of great importance. Thanks for reading this !

There are many clues that this theory is true. Although J hasn't got any Targaryen traits, it could still be possible.

When Ned and Robert talk about J's mom, Ned mentions a woman called "Willa" which actually works at Starfall for House Dayne.

Also, if you recall the Tower of Joy event, Ned fought three members of the KG along with 6 companions. When he entered the tower to meet Lyanna, she said "Promise me, Ned !". We know that Ned was a honorable man and that he return Dawn (Arthur's sword) to Starfall. My theory is that 'Willa' was only nursing Jon Snow, because otherwise it would mean that Ned spent NINE months in the South (he took the baby to WF) to wait for the birth of the baby, which simply doesn't make sense !

We all know that Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna and probably he raped her. It is plausible that Lyanna asked Ned to look after her baby when she died at the Tower of Joy. So....this means that the baby = Jon Snow ? If he was a mere bastard of Ned, why would he care to take him to Winterfell ?

I remember that once Ned told Jon: "You have my blood". I think he was reffering to the Stark blood, not the Ned Stark blood, if you know what I mean. Plus, Ned doesn't really want to talk about this with Robert Baratheon, as he would possibly want Jon DEAD (like the rest of Rhaegar's kids).

So...I leave it to you to decide. Is there any truth in this theory, and if yes, why is that ?

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Is this a serious question?

If so, the answer is yes for pretty much the exact reasons you laid out. Check R + L = J 1-84 for more details.

If not, well there's a reason why you didn't lay out any alternative.

The only alternative that might be possible is that Jon is simply Ned's bastard, and Willa is just a tavern wench, which is too god damn simplistic.

Martin probably prepared a greater future for Jon :D

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The promise me Ned kinda sealed it for me .the 3 Kingsguard at tower made me think they got married. Rheagars last words we Lyanna he loved her married and wanted her to be his woman.why they fought I don't know an why Ned just didn't say fuck you Robert I will never know.

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What are you basing that on?

(Honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not. Giving you the benefit of the doubt.)

Robert Baratheon said that Lyanna was kidnapped by Rhaegar. And also, why would he send three members of the KG to protect the tower ?

In a 'beautiful and peaceful' place like Westeros, kidnapped women are treated with respect, even in times of war (oh the sarcasm)

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The promise me Ned kinda sealed it for me .the 3 Kingsguard at tower made me think they got married. Rheagars last words we Lyanna he loved her married and wanted her to be his woman.why they fought I don't know an why Ned just didn't say fuck you Robert I will never know.

So you suggest that they started the war for the sake of Lyanna ? Hm, yes, that sounds plausible but Rhaegar was married to Elia Martell, if I am correct.

Probably there was some kind of rivalry between them two, but the war was started to get rid of The Mad King.

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You know, this is exactly what the pinned thread is for. There is a reference guide right on the first page addressing the most common issues.

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