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B + R = D for Davos


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Hey Everybody, (How’s it going?)

So all in all I am not sure if a lot of people out there have heard this theory of mine that I put on here last year. http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/94388-the-three-heads-of-the-red-dragon-theory/ // If you have free time you can check that one out as it connects to what I am about to tell you. Also if anyone out there has come up with this theory before me, then I am sorry if it looks like I am taking credit for it. But I want to get the theory out there for sure, especially in the case that nobody has likely mentioned this.

Theory: Ser Bonifer Hasty + Rhaella Targaryen = Davos Seaworth

Listener- “So Maekar where is the proof dude? I mean really.”

Well if that’s what you are thinking then let’s get started.

Clue One: “Who really is Davos Seaworth?”

(Info quoted from the Song of Ice and Fire Wiki Page)

“Davos is a man of low birth, born in the wretched Flea Bottom ward of King's Landing to a life of hardship. In his youth, he found service on the Cobblecat under Roro Uhoris, a Tyroshi smuggler and pirate. Eventually Uhoris was caught by the Night's Watch fleet from Eastwatch, where he was executed for trading weapons to wildlings. While impressed by this event, Davos did not refuse to trade with the members of the Night's Watch later.”[4]

Now as far as we know there has never been a mention of Davos’ parents indicating several possibilities. It could be that Davos was an orphan for a while; it could be that he saw little of his parents for more than one reason, or it could be that he loved his parents dearly and him being a warm man doesn’t like to think of them for fear of crying? I for one do believe that Davos was raised by good parents so I choose the last option as an explanation. But just who were Davos’ parents? Well we cannot say factually anything yet but I think that we can ascertain that even though they raised Davos in Flee Bottom, they were good and honorable people as their son turned out to be as much. Now based on other events in A Song of Ice and Fire, truly good and honorable might be a rare find in all of Westeros indeed including in Flee Bottom. So just who were Davos’ parents? No mentioning of them is a potential clue, but the clue at first is meant to possibly deceive as Davos is deemed “low-born” hence no one would suspect his parentage to come into question.

Clue Two: “The Symbolism of an Onion”

For anyone who has ever seen the original Shrek movie, what does Shrek say to Donkey? That Ogres are like Onions. Why does he say that? Because Ogres have layers, they have emotions and parts of themselves “hidden” underneath their outside appearance. So why does a man of low-birth just so happen to have an Onion as his symbol? Well because he smuggled them to Stannis of course! But what does the Onion really mean? After all in Westeros symbolism means a great deal to the story, Tywin is a predator and so are Lions, Gregor and Sandor act like well-trained dogs and their sigil is a Dog. The Starks are an old family of the North who currently possess direwolves and did in ancient periods. So why does Davos end up with an Onion? Maybe because when you begin to peel back the layers you might find something that you didn’t notice before? And when you peel onions back you might also find yourself getting “emotional” and crying. Does the onion mean something so simple or something much, much more than ever expected?

Clue Three: “Of GRRM and Davos”

On page 620 of ACOK- “A grey man,” she said. “Neither white nor black, but partaking of both. Is that what you are, Ser Davos?” “What if I am? It seems to me that most men are grey.” This quote shows us GRRM’s special place of Davos in the series. GRRM’s message is that life is grey, especially in his series so why is it that really only Davos understands this in the series? If Davos is just a minor character then why did he survive the Blackwater and why is he so wise for a man of low-birth in general? Why does Davos “get” George’s message while most don’t? Well it is because Davos is very, very important to the story and his personal history will eventually be brought to light. But what is his personal history, and why do characters who are “grey” have such big hearts in this series? Why do people like Jaime and Davos have checkered pasts but kind hearts? They are onions and Davos quite literally is the “Onion Knight.”

Clue Four: “So you say you like to read Davos?”

On page 111 of ASOS- says Barristan- “As a young boy, the Prince of Dragonstone was bookish to a fault. He was reading so early that men said Queen Rhaella must have swallowed some books and a candle whilst he was in her womb.” Now on pages 730-731 in ASOS, Davos and Maester Pylos talk about the importance of reading. Davos wants to learn how to read and write so he can help Stannis but I believe that we may be seeing irony here. Rhaella’s son with Aerys reads because he has an interest, love of reading and the past. Davos, being poor for the first half of his life always wanted to learn and tried to learn quite a bit, but after the Maester’s encouragement he is even more inspired to learn how to read. The symbolism here might not be much but as time goes by you will see that Davos has more in common with Rhaegar than you might otherwise think. On a side note Devan, Davos’ son shows a deep interest in reading and in Targaryen history.

Clue Five: “On Davos and the Targaryens”

Davos is often enough linked to something to with the Targaryen family. After all he was raised in their home, capital city, but that is just one part of it. On page 863 of Storm of Swords there is an interesting statement made by Davos, in his thoughts anyway. “The Targaryens were the blood of old Valyria…” Why this mentioning of their blood when we already know that the Targaryen conquest began originally from their home on Dragonstone? It would seem to me that there is an undercurrent of “shadows” and “shadow dragons” following Davos, but add that to the fact that Davos is often around Dragonstone with Stannis. Almost as if Stannis and Davos were meant to live there for destined reasons…..blood reasons? After all why even with Maester Pylos was Devan the only one of three children listening to the history of the Targaryen family, who didn’t have a Targaryen ancestor? The blood indeed calls out to Davos and even his son it would seem, it calls them to learn you might say.

Continuing on though, Davos sure knows quite a bit about Targaryens for someone so “low-born.” He even knows more about them than anyone at the White Harbor Tavern in ADWD. On page 200 of the book there is a little bit of a discussion/argument at the tavern between various people in which Targaryen family history is discussed. Davos corrects eventually with the right answer as to who Rhaegar’s sister was “Daenerys.” It is as if Daenerys and Davos are linked somehow based on that one dramatic statement at that precise time, at least symbolically. Davos also knew enough to know that Daenerys was named for Daeron the Good’s sister who wed the Prince of Dorne. Now how is it that a man from Flea Bottom follows the royal history so well? Because he was “called” to learn it perhaps by destiny?

Clue Six: “Irony you Bet”

What would happen if Davos turned out to be Rhaella and Bonifer’s son? Well it would be very ironic as Davos recalls time and time again when Stannis’ bannermen and others would mock him for being so low-born. How those lords would come to eat their proud words if Davos was revealed to have been the son of a Princess/Queen. That is my statement there on that, and irony can be very important.

Clue Seven: “My Notes from my Other Theory”

While you may not agree with my red dragon theory if you have read it, this section is copied from the Davos part and is relevant. (some clues from this you might find relevant.)

“Second Brother (born of Rhaella) - While Aerys had a love child of destiny, it is only fitting that his wife had one too, Dany of course being their own living child of their true union. But who would Rhaella's son be? For this we turn to the arguably closed lipped Barristan Selmy in Dance. It is upon page 577, where one can see not only Barristan's commentary on Aerys lust for Joanna, but also of Rhaella's love for a certain, almost commoner, landed knight from the Stormlands. This my friends is one of our clues. What main character do we know that is always said to have a "common" face, a face that would ironically never convey an inch of royal or noble blood? Why Davos of course! But before we come back to good old Davos, let's go to Feast again. It is here that we find Jaime, Aerys son, leaving Harrenhal, a castle of kings, under the protection of a faithful knight Ser Bonifer Hasty. It is on pages 578-579 that we are hinted at who Ser Bonifer really is. This coupled with the evidence of Barristan Selmy, would suggest that Bonifer was Rhaella's love. And if that wasn't enough to convince you that the queen had love for Bonifer, resulting in a child, let's go back to Rhaegar and Lyanna. Like mother, like son I say, as Rhaella's story of forbidden love mirrors that of Rhaegar's. More symbolism yet again. So if Rhaegar's tourney of love resulted in Jon, who’s to say that Bonifer's tourney in which he gave Rhaella his favor, did not result in a child? But wait, Bonifer and Rhaella's son of destiny couldn't be Davos now could it?! Think again friends, Bonifer likely had, has a most "common" appearance, whatever that might mean. Likely it means a face with brown eyes, brown hair, and a straight nose. Anyway add that to the fact that Targaryen genes are recessive, and we have the making of a most "common" looking prince don't we? Oh the irony! And what of Davos' strong faith and connection to the Seven, well we know Bonifer has a great connection to the Seven now don't we? And what of where Davos was raised, King's Landing right? Flea Bottom to be precise, and as we have seen with Robert's kids, it is very easy to hide a bastard or two in Flea Bottom, King's Landing in general. And what of the symbolism of Bonifer at Harrenhal with Jaime, could destiny have once again shown Jaime the face of his half-brothers father? Also Harenhal is the seat of kings, echoing the true destiny behind the illegitimate son that Bonifer had with Rhaella. It is in Davos that we find not just faith but warmth and duty, echoing the red dragon ancestry of himself, Jaime, and Dany. It may also be good to note that Davos has lost fingers, Jaime has lost a hand, perhaps Dany may lose part of one of her hands too, or a metaphorical hand, like Barristan Selmy. Speaking of Selmy, I feel that his visions were one the reasons why he has lived while his old white cloaked brothers died. Barristan is one of the keys that will link Davos, Dany, and Jaime together. And to finish with Davos, one might ask why he ended up in Flea Bottom? Well it could be that Rhaella hid the secret of his birth, or it could be that his grandfather Jaeherys, ordered the baby to be given to good people in Flea Bottom, and on that note I'd like Selmy to talk more on Jaeherys and older Egg in the future. I personally think that Egg may have known what Targ bastards were capable of, you know war and what have you, so to keep his granddaughter and the legitimate Targs safe, he helped his great-grandson find a loving home in Flea Bottom, maybe even in a residence owned by his best friend Duncan the Tall's family? Sounds kind of warm and romantic to me.”

Clue Eight: “The Princess and the Queen/Rogues Tie-In”

Now people already largely know that Targaryen genes are not dominant either from Baelor Breakspeare or even from Jon Snow who many believe is a Targaryen. Let’s look up a page from the Rogues Prince Daemon Tale to show us a tie-in to Davos though. From pages 789-793, we see mention of Harwin Strong and the children that he in all-likelihood fathered with the Princess Rhaenyra. They are described as “common” looking with the roughly same physical traits that Davos has!(Brown hair and eyes, ect.) Thanks to this little story we can connect Davos to the three sons of Rhaenyra, as one can look quite common and be a Targaryen. Rhaenyra and Rhaella also have quite a bit in common you might say, but that is for another time.

Last Clue:

Davos, on a side note, is also described both in Kings and Storm of Swords as “thin.” This might not mean much in the long run but Rhaegar, Jon, and most other Targaryen males share this common trait. (Baelor Breakspear shared it as well.)

Conclusion: A big thank you to any, all who read this and this is dedicated to those who read and to Davos, one of the most interesting characters in A Song of Ice and Fire. B)

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Sorry but I think Davos is way too old to be Rhaella's child.

There's no way the Princess of Westeros could have hidden a pregnancy before her marriage, and if she slept with Bonifer after her wedding, then it would be Rhaegar who is Bonifer's son (which, interestingly enough knocks Jon and Aegon out of the running for TDtwP).

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Sorry but I am going to be a little harsh with this theory. Your whole assumption is: It would be so ironic if that were true, so it must be true.

  • Liking to read means literally nothing. It is definitely not a genetic trait and indicates no relationships.
  • A lot of people are raised in the capital. and we don't know their parents. Is hotpie a Targaryen too?
  • The onion is a symbolism for us as readers. A symbolism that Martin uses, not Davos, to show us that Davos is a man with many layers. How does an onion lead to the conclusion that Davos is (again) a secret Targaryen is beyond me.
  • The other things that you mention are even more irrelevant than the first and it is impossible to even link them to the possibility that Davos=BH+RT.

So you really have zero evidence, and the theory is really unlikely because: Bonnifer Hasty is unlikely to have had sex with Rhaella, and even if he did it would be before her engagement and she would have to be very pregnant when married. She couldn't have possibly given birth without everyone knowing that she was bearing Hasty's child.

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