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The Three Heads of the Red Dragon Theory


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Hey guys how are you all out there? For a few months or so now I have found my own personal theory on the truth behind the dragon that has three heads. Before anyone stumbled upon my theory anywhere else, I thought that I would tell you guys out there, first, why I chose these three characters as my "trifecta of destiny," if you will. I think that my answer may surprise you.

First, let me say that I think that the prince that was promised, is likely separate from the dragon that has three heads. At the end of the day, Jon Snow is most likely the ptwp, as he was not only likely born from ice and fire, but also has the blood of both Aerys and Rhaella.

Now what of the three heads? Do they have to be of Aerys and Rhaella, my answer is no. But I do believe that this trifecta of destiny, must consist of the blood of the red dragon, because destiny has already shown that Daeron the Good's bloodline was favored over Daemon Blackfyre, possibly because Daemon may have not even been full blooded Targaryen, whose to say that his mother didn't sleep with another man besides Aegon the Unworthy? But that aside, I personally believe that Aerys and Rhaella are important to history and destiny, and I believe that their union built the new red dragon dynasty. Why is that good people? Well let's begin with my finally unveiled three heads. Dany, Jaime, and Davos! What!? What does he mean!? Dany is the only red dragon there! And Jaime is a Lannister! Davos!? Well if that was your reaction then I understand but don't fret, here's my explaination below.

Let's start with good old Dany. First off I believe that she is Aegon the first reincarnated, she is fierce but also just, and the big black dragon belongs to her, as Aegon once had Balerion. She is also a conquering monarch like Aegon, but since Dany is a woman, the two other heads must be of an opposite sex, therefore Men! But before we go there, Dany was born of Aerys and Rhaella, of their union, and since Viserys croaked and Aegon may be a black dragon, Dany is the last legitimate red dragon born of Aerys and Rhaella. But wait!? Wasn't Aegon the First married to sisters? If Aegon is Dany, where are the two brothers? With Viserys and Rhaegar dead, who could the brothers be? I assert here and now that the brothers of this red dragon trifecta of destiny, are born of Aerys and Rhaella's blood the same as Dany, otherwise Aegon's legacy would be incomplete as he married siblings. But where are Dany's long lost brothers?

First brother (born of Aerys) - as Dany needs brothers, it is only symbiotic and ironic that they come from her parent's love affairs. Aerys had lust, or maybe love for all we know, for Joanna Lannister. Joanna greatly resembles Cersei, as we can see from these pages in Feast. (956-957) And as we have seen with Jon and Baelor Breakspear, Targaryen stereotypical traits are not dominant. So this information alone coupled with Barristan Selmy's accounts of Aerys and Joanna's first bedding, in A Dance with Dragons, would suggest that Tywin's original children, the twins, we're born of Aerys. And since Tyrion is more like Tywin than Cersei or Jaime, this would suggest that Tyrion is ironically Tywin's one and only son. And if you think that Tyrion's eyes mean that he's Aerys? I disagree, I believe that Sheira Seastar is the unseen ancestor in the Lannister family tree, that might be why Aerys trusted Tywin and lusted for Joanna, and since the two Lannisters were cousins, Tyrion likely took after Sheira. So who is the first brother, why Jaime of course! But why? Well why was Jaime bald during his adventure with Brienne, a little reminiscent of Dunk and Egg don't you think? Especially when you add in there that Brienne is a descendent of Duncan. But why does Aunt Genna in Feast on page 717, tell Jaime that he is not Tywin's son but Tyrion is. And why was Tywin angry with Genna about this? Cause it was true I propose. But are there other clues about Jaime? I'd say that him being like Aemon the Dragonknight and Cersei being Nerys, and Aegon IV being Robert, is representative of Jaime and Cersei's true bloodline symbolically. I also think that the line from Tyrion's chapter in Storm of Swords, on page 813, speaks volumes as only a Lannister can love the Rock, and Jaime wants no part of the Rock. It is also in Storm and Feast that Jaime is constantly reminded of Aerys, similar to how Egg was constantly reminded of Maekar, or of how any son tends to think back on their father. It is on these pages in Feast, where Jaime sees Cersei acting like Aerys, more clues. (pgs. 65-66 and pg. 249) Well these first pages show Cersei acting like Aerys in her dream but you probably understand the point. On a side note, please note that Dany's dragon Viserion and his symbolism is on almost exact que with Jaime. Viserion is creme and gold colored, and on one occasion Dany awakens to find her womb moving and the creme egg, before Viserion hatched, feeling very hot, warm. This could be foreshadowing that Jaime will get Dany with child, likely a son, but that may be a stretch, who knows? Jaime's life though has always been surrounded by being in the Kingsguard, so Viserion being kingsguard colors is only fitting. Please also take into account that Viserion and Rhaegal were named for Dany's brothers. Hence it is also fitting that her long lost brothers, receive their true born brother's dragons I think. If you haven't read Feast, please do so you can ask yourself if you now believe that Jaime is Aery's son, which I don't have to because I believe it. Jaime may love the Lannisters, but him and his sister have never fit in with them and both Tywin and Kevan's attitude toward the two of them and their "fiery passion" versus Lannister coldness, speaks volumes in symbolic differentiation as well. Jaime is the first brother to complete Dany's trifecta.

Second Brother (born of Rhaella) - While Aerys had a love child of destiny, it is only fitting that his wife had one too, Dany of course being their own living child of their true union. But who would Rhaella's son be? For this we turn to the arguably closed lipped Barristan Selmy in Dance. It is upon page 577, where one can see not only Barristan's commentary on Aerys lust for Joanna, but also of Rhaella's love for a certain, almost commoner, landed knight from the Stormlands. This my friends is one of our clues. What main character do we know that is always said to have a "common" face, a face that would ironically never convey an inch of royal or noble blood? Why Davos of course! But before we come back to good old Davos, let's go to Feast again. It is here that we find Jaime, Aerys son, leaving Harrenhal, a castle of kings, under the protection of a faithful knight Ser Bonifer Hasty. It is on pages 578-579 that we are hinted at who Ser Bonifer really is. This coupled with the evidence of Barristan Selmy, would suggest that Bonifer was Rhaella's love. And if that wasn't enough to convince you that the queen had love for Bonifer, resulting in a child, let's go back to Rhaegar and Lyanna. Like mother, like son I say, as Rhaella's story of forbidden love mirrors that of Rhaegar's. More symbolism yet again. So if Rhaegar's tourney of love resulted in Jon, whose to say that Bonifer's tourney in which he gave Rhaella his favor, did not result in a child? But wait, Bonifer and Rhaella's son of destiny couldn't be Davos now could it?! Think again friends, Bonifer likely had, has a most "common" appearance, whatever that might mean. Likely it means a face with brown eyes, brown hair, and a straight nose. Anyway add that to the fact that Targaryen genes are recessive, and we have the making of a most "common" looking prince don't we? Oh the irony! And what of Davos' strong faith and connection to the Seven, well we know Bonifer has a great connection to the Seven now don't we? And what of where Davos was raised, King's Landing right? Flea Bottom to be precise, and as we have seen with Robert's kids, it is very easy to hide a bastard or two in Flea Bottom, King's Landing in general. And what of the symbolism of Bonifer at Harrenhal with Jaime, could destiny have once again shown Jaime the face of his half-brothers father? Also Harenhal is the seat of kings, echoing the true destiny behind the illegitmate son that Bonifer had with Rhaella. It is in Davos that we find not just faith but warmth and duty, echoing the red dragon ancestry of himself, Jaime, and Dany. It may also be good to note that Davos has lost fingers, Jaime has lost a hand, perhaps Dany may lose part of one of her hands too, or a metaphorical hand, like Barristan Selmy. Speaking of Selmy, I feel that his visions were one the reasons why he has lived while his old white cloaked brothers died. Barristan is one of the keys that will link Davos, Dany, and Jaime together. And to finish with Davos, one might ask why he ended up in Flea Bottom? Well it could be that Rhaella hid the secert of his birth, or it could be that his grandfather Jaeherys, ordered the baby to be given to good people in Flea Bottom, and on that note I'd like Selmy to talk more on Jaeherys and older Egg in the future. I personally think that Egg may have known what Targ bastards were capable of, you know war and what have you, so to keep his granddaughter and the legitimate Targs safe, he helped his great-grandson find a loving home in Flea Bottom, maybe even in a residence owned by his best friend Duncan the Tall's family? Sounds kind of warm and romantic to me.

So in conclusion I hope this theory is appreciated, and I hope you guys liked it, and I hope that it brought you hope for what is possibly to come. In conclusion, as you can see here we have a red dragon trifecta, a son born of love and raised common born, a son born of lust and raised highborn, and a daughter born of true marriage and raised as a cast away, vagabond. A prince born of the mother, a prince born of the father, and a queen born of the union. The red dragon has three heads, and destiny has given them to us. Have a good one everybody.

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Well thoughtout and written. But Davos and Jaime's ages do not seem in sync with your theory...I dont have text proof with me..but isnt Davos much older than Jaime? Having had 7 sons..2 of the quite grown up...while Jaime..we can assume from Cersei having Joff as her eldest at 14 or 15? and having married at an early age(need numbers) would not have been quite so old.

ETA: even if we consider that Rhaella's affair happend long before Aerys's rape/affair...(i dont think so..) it still seems far-fetched to me.

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I do think this makes a lot of sense, but if this is true how would Dany discover this and even if she did Davos would probably still fight for Stannis. Jamie may join Dany but only if she promises to let him and Cersei wed if Cersei surrenders the throne to her.Younger more beautiful queen. Even then though it's a bit of stretch, I don't know what Dany would do about Tommen and Myrcella.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well. This sounds reasonable. Personally I don't know if I would like Davos to be half-Targ, I've always liked him because he was humble and lowborn and could face noblemen without fear. However, I must admit it is possible, even if I don't know how a Targaryen princess could hide the fact that she was expecting a baby.

However I don't really think Davos would abandon team Stannis. As long as Stan lives, Davos remains his man. As long as he lives. And, well, as someone a few posts above pointed out I don't think he would actually burn thousands of people. Same goes for Jaime: he killed Aerys when he threatened to burn KL, would he do exactly the same thing just because he found out that the king he slayed was his father?

And, what would be Cersei's role in all this? If Jaime is a Targ then she is too, then Dany would have three half-siblings and not two, and the Aegon comparison kind of falls... maybe one of them might have an Orys Baratheon-like role to play?

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Interesting theory, seems you worked hard to do this.

I do think the Jaime theory is possible, since his quest is about redemption and would be fitting for him to be one of the heads.

But the problem is Dany knows he is the kingslayer, and her last chapter shows that she seems heading toward a darker Dany so I doubt she will forgive him, only if he finds a way to help her.

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And, what would be Cersei's role in all this? If Jaime is a Targ then she is too, then Dany would have three half-siblings and not two, and the Aegon comparison kind of falls... maybe one of them might have an Orys Baratheon-like role to play?

Well, its technically possible for Jaime to be Aerys son and Cersei being Tywins daughter. There have been real world cases of fraternal twins being bipaternal. I'm with you though I really dont want Davos to be part Targ. Another possibilty also exists. Aegon V had two sisters and a third son. Any one of them could have married into house Lannister thus making Cersei, Jamie and Tyrion Lannisters but with a bit of Targ blood.

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Well, its technically possible for Jaime to be Aerys son and Cersei being Tywins daughter. There have been real world cases of fraternal twins being bipaternal.

Yep, I thought you may say that, but I guess those cases are about dizygotic twins (I'm not 100% sure, I seem to recall some biological reason) while Jaime and Cersei are often said to look exactly alike, so I really think their dad is the same.

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  • 10 months later...

Read your theory off the back of the other more recent thread about Bonifer being Dany's father, not sure I buy either one but it sure beats some of the crap on here. If I read another "who's your favourite....title" thread, I will vomit.

Cudo's for originality and effort & who know's apparently 1 in a 1000 of these theories is correct. Interestingly Pobeb's other thread about Tyrion being a Gargoyle was inexplicably locked.

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