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If you could choose...


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This is a question? Really?

Well... most people here seem to have a good idea how tWoW and DoS would end. But 12 Dunk and Egg novellas could be much more interesting. So far, they've proven to be very engrossing stories. As far as bang for your buck goes, I think Dunk and Egg is more powerful. But you'd get roughly half as many pages with only 12 novellas.

It's a tossup, but if 12 novellas is really in the cards for GRRM, I couldn't see myself wanting to miss out on that.

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Well... most people here seem to have a good idea how tWoW and DoS would end.

And eveyone knows how Dunk and Egg will end. But people have only THEORIES on how asoiaf will end, everything can happen.

D&E are dead-set to die at Summerhall.

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