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Diplomacy - The South, Turn 14 (Year 4, Months 4-6, Summer)


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If the positive traits apply why the hell wouldn't the negatives is the point lol? That's what is trying to be achieved, GAME BALANCE. The idea that a player not from said region ignores the negatives while using the positives is what is ridiculous

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I think the idea was that the mines/farms/trading ports were tied to the land, while the other traits were tied to the players.

So, for example, if I colonize a region in the Westerlands, I won't automatically receive the Regional Silverfingered trait - but I also won't receive the Fearfull Smallfolk.

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I'm moving this here.

"The rules were unclear, but the game master sided with us so stop cluttering"

First of all, that's not what I'm saying - but still, uncanny impersonation. Let's not get personal, ok?

How is it fair to be able to dodge regional negative traits? If you benefit from the positives you suffer from the negatives, that's how traits work, otherwise everyone would have just been using someone else to colonize for them

In the case of the Westerlands, Fearfull smallfolk is there to balance the Silverfingered - not the mines. So, when I colonize a region in the Westerlands, all I can do is build a mine - but I don't automatically get Silverfingered for being there. Therefore, I don't get the Fearfull smallfolk as well.

In other words, I don't benefit from the positive (Silverfingered) - so I don't suffer from the negative (Fearful smallfolk) either.

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The rules, both while being created and as listed in the rules tied the traits to the land, not the players. Only feeble, reavers, silver fingered, the food one, seafarers, and valyrian blood were tied to where a player starts, and with good reason

Syv just said feeble only applies to people with capitals in the vale, and that all other armies move unfettered, which makes no sense is my point

Again, what's the confusion? You seem to think that tying feeble to where a player starts is perfectly sensible.

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