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Let's make a list of GRRM mistakes

Poppa Chase

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He started the novels with some of the younger characters too damned young (Arya and Bran in particular.)

This is what made the 5-year gap necessary, and his strategic decision to eliminate the gap was not handled well at all.

AGoT spans about 15 months of in-universe time, but as the series progresses each novel spans less time when it should span more.

ASoS and ADwD TOGETHER only span about 8 months, when they should have spanned YEARS to make up for the lack of the gap.

Those are strategic mistakes that affect the entire progress of the books, (and also how long it's been taking him to write them) not details like eye colour or whether someone's horse is a mare or a gelding. But they are mistakes, and very serious ones that limit what he can do with those characters in the books to come.

If you've read the preview chapter "Mercy" ...

Mercy (aka Arya) is doing things at the age of 11 that, when GRRM wrote it, he intended her to be at least 15 or 16. (It was written BEFORE ASoS/ADwD, and before he'd abandoned the gap.) This makes it far more controversial than it should be, and there are certain areas where he can't go without risking criminal charges for creating child pornography. I'd say that's as serious as it gets.

Is it stated anywhere that Mercy had been written years ago, before the gap was abandoned? In the chapter

it is stated by one of the guards that she is very, very young, and that Raff is disgusting. In addition, Mercyy herself wonders if Raff won't think she's too young.

Also did Quentyn.

Too soon... :(

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