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Is It Alright If I Miss My Payment This Month?


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Sorry, a little humor from someone who works for a rather large, and popular collection company. But seriously, The Iron Bank of Braavos. There's a debt. How are they going to react/retaliate?


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They also call in all the other debts of merchants and other lords in Westeros to put pressure on the crown.

You can also raise interest rates on all new loans to anyone from Westeros.

id rather foreclose king's landing. or at least put a lein/levy on it.

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"That's a great smithing shop you have there Tobho. It'd be a shame if anything happened to it."

"Sorry Mr. Mott, but the good King Tommen has evaded us for the last time, and you were last seen serving the crown, reforging a blade from.... what did the ledger say... VALYRIAN steel?! Well it won't pay off the debt, but it's a start. Boys, confiscate all metals, including those from valyria. We'll deduct it from that ravenous Lion hunger for gold that they owe us."

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I wonder if the IB seriously wants Stannis for King or if they're trying to get the Lannister's attention.

Well, all things considered, i think stannis is a man of his word and they know it -- he'd actually MAKE an attempt to pay bank the crown's debts. Most likely on an affordable monthly low-interest installment agreement. lo wmonthly payments he can afford until the debt is paid off. due date and everything.

I always thought being a low level clerk for the Iron Bank would be a pretty job to have. Security without too much danger. I bet they have a good pension plan.

security, but christ, the equivelent to being on phones all day is reading parchments and ledgers. the suicide rate is through the roof.

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