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Every great house declares independence.


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no house can take the vale. so if they wait long enough, the vale can swoop in and defeat the survivors with a fresh army of knights, who can fall back to an impenetrable stronghold

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Everyone gets sick of the unified Westeros and sharing the pot with the IT and the other Houses. They all decide to go into business for themselves. Madness ensues.

Stark (Led by Ned Stark)
Lannister (Led by Tywin, Jamie and Cersie defect, flee from King's Landing with their children)
Tyrell (Led by Mace)
Martell (Led by Doran)
Aryn (Lysa)
Baratheon (Stannis/Renly/Robert all take the crownlands/Stormsend/ and Dragonstone in a unified front)
Tully (Led by Hoster, the Brynden/Edmure sharing the general duties)
Greyjoy (Led by Balon, Euron and Theon go back to the Iron Islands to help the cause)
Raydar and his wildling host

No alliances beyond the banners of your region. The only goal is that you either win everything or you submit to another House. Upon submission all your banners, titles, and inheritance are forfeited to that House. What is the most likely scenario and victor at the end?


Ned isnt his father and would refuse to get involved in sothron war. North would shore up defenses at MC, leave the south to itself and man The Wall (Mance and Wildings have no chance against better manned NW)

Lysa would close the Bloody Gate and Vale would go about its business.


The rest of the kingdoms would just wear themselves out fighting each other and be easy pickings for Doran Martell who would unite five "kingdoms" and make common cause with the Lady of the Vale and Lord of the North and bring peace and stability to Westeros.

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The fact that the andals took the vale , tell us a very different story.


Well in this scenario the Vale would be united, which iirc it wasn't when the Andals invaded. Barring betrayal from a Vale house, it seems almost impossible to invade.

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