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Best food in Westeros

Maester Mando

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The single most appealing dish in series, imho, is still that sister's stew Davos gets. No idea why, I just adore stews and soups. Especially when you add bread et al. Usually I just ignore George whenever he starts his food porn, but this one time...

BTW, was I only one who was disappointed when OP just asked region instead of particular food? Well, not like that stops us.

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What can i say? I adore potatoes and lamb. Though now that I think about it they still have all those pork and sausage monstrosities. And black pudding ewwww.

German food? "50 Shades of Sausage"? I might have to clarify now that in the whole world there is no type of food I ffind more revolting than sausage in any shape or form, so German food was a no-go for me. Also don't like Suaerkraut. And, oh god, all that grease....

Never been to Denmark , so i can't say anything about Danish food.

And frankly, as to your comparison; I hsave cooked with almond milk before, it's tasty. Though I'd rather exchange the steak for a fish ^_^

Medieval Food in general would take a lot getting used to though if we look at it realistically.

Well, can't do much about German food if you don't like sausage. Danish food is probably the best in Northern Europe though, I would say, and I don't think I'm alone in that. Quite a lot of fish actually. 

The single most appealing dish in series, imho, is still that sister's stew Davos gets. No idea why, I just adore stews and soups. Especially when you add bread et al. Usually I just ignore George whenever he starts his food porn, but this one time...

BTW, was I only one who was disappointed when OP just asked region instead of particular food? Well, not like that stops us.

Yeah, that one sounded nice. Suckling pig is hard to beat as well, even though it might not be particularly exotic. 


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As a foreigner (Spanish) living in Germany for years, I think that German food (especially southern German) food is better than most Northern European and British. I dont want to offend no one but my experiences in England, Scotland and Norway were, ew, not so good.

ImO best food is in southern Europe as well as parts of central Europe. Even inside Germany you notice a big difference in quality and diversity between the north ( mostly boiled stuff, meat as well as fish and vegetabes, always potatoes as side dish) and the south (more dough-based foods like dumplings and noodles, and roasted meats). Also cheeses in the south are more alpine-oriented, wheres in the north they are scandinavian-oriented.

Generally speaking the best regional food in europe is to be found in the "northern parts of southern Europe" like much of France, northern Italy, and Spanish northern Atlantic regions (Basques beat EVERYONE in cooking). 


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