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Bran responsible for the attempt on his life?


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NOTE - This is directed mainly at book readers.

So after 'Hold the door' I began thinking of other plot points that don't quite make sense.  The three I came up with were thus-

1- Everything Dorne related in ASOIAF.

2-Aegon I making peace with Dorne after the letter.

3-The hit on Bran when he was in a coma.

1 - I just think this is some poor plotting on Gorgeous Georges part.

2- I tend to think this is just a tantalising mystery that will never be answered (much like historical mysteries in our own world),

3- I wonder.....

The explanation for the hit on Bran left me cold.  As did the fact it was never confirmed.  It's a minor niggle but it bugs me.  GOT was quite tightly plotted so I am unconvinced it was a hand wave.  It makes sense that Bran may have something to do with it, it would be a natural thing for him to try and stop given the effect it had on his family.

I am not suggesting that Bran purposefully set the hit up.  Quite the opposite, my theory (half baked) is that he tries to stop the attempt on his life and by doing so unintentionally ensures in will happen.

So for instance, he some how see's the man who is going to kill him.  He panics (he is young after all) and tries to stop him thus planting the idea in the mans head.  Please don't bother picking this specific scenario apart as it is just a back-of-a-fag-packet idea, hopefully you get the gist though.

So what do you reckon?  Am I mad?  Does Joffery ordering a hit on Bran make totes sense?  Are there any other plot points that smell like physic time travel meddling to you?

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If you're saying Bran was just trying to off himself to prevent the future there has to be better, more efficient ways. Why not warg an animal and use it to maul your body? You wouldn't suffer any pain, and then you could continue life as said animal until your consciousness and self awareness faded.

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Bran can't change the past, only learn from it to ensure the future.  That's what I'm getting out of it.


they are obviously connected.  Hodor's life from the time of his seizure is a direct result of the future from that point, Bran can't change it, he can only fulfill it, makes me wonder if BR knew already Bran would go see TNK and Hodor would die there too.

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On 5/24/2016 at 9:56 PM, Fredwin said:

If you're saying Bran was just trying to off himself to prevent the future there has to be better, more efficient ways. Why not warg an animal and use it to maul your body? You wouldn't suffer any pain, and then you could continue life as said animal until your consciousness and self awareness faded.


On 5/24/2016 at 10:04 PM, SerJeremiahLouistark said:

Bran can't change the past, only learn from it to ensure the future.  That's what I'm getting out of it.


they are obviously connected.  Hodor's life from the time of his seizure is a direct result of the future from that point, Bran can't change it, he can only fulfill it, makes me wonder if BR knew already Bran would go see TNK and Hodor would die there too.

Alas I have been misunderstood.  My own fault, I wasn't clear.

I am not suggesting that Bran purposefully set the hit up.  Quite the opposite, my theory (half baked) is that he tries to stop the attempt on his life and by doing so unintentionally ensures in will happen.

So for instance, he some how see's the man who is going to kill him.  He panics (he is young after all) and tries to stop him thus planting the idea in the mans head.  Please don't bother picking this specific scenario apart as it is just a back-of-a-fag-packet idea, hopefully you get the gist though.

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14 minutes ago, Anythingatall said:


Alas I have been misunderstood.  My own fault, I wasn't clear.

I am not suggesting that Bran purposefully set the hit up.  Quite the opposite, my theory (half baked) is that he tries to stop the attempt on his life and by doing so unintentionally ensures in will happen.

So for instance, he some how see's the man who is going to kill him.  He panics (he is young after all) and tries to stop him thus planting the idea in the mans head.  Please don't bother picking this specific scenario apart as it is just a back-of-a-fag-packet idea, hopefully you get the gist though.

But, as I understand your point, you're not satisfied with the explanation of why the hit occurred in the first place (and I get where you're coming from there).  How does Bran trying to stop the hit in an ineffective way explain why it happened in the first place?

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54 minutes ago, Anythingatall said:


Alas I have been misunderstood.  My own fault, I wasn't clear.

I am not suggesting that Bran purposefully set the hit up.  Quite the opposite, my theory (half baked) is that he tries to stop the attempt on his life and by doing so unintentionally ensures in will happen.

So for instance, he some how see's the man who is going to kill him.  He panics (he is young after all) and tries to stop him thus planting the idea in the mans head.  Please don't bother picking this specific scenario apart as it is just a back-of-a-fag-packet idea, hopefully you get the gist though.

Self fulfilling prophecy in a sense?

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Maybe. As a self fulfilling prophecy it makes sense. Honestly until now I hadn't given it much thought because I just assumed it was really Joffrey (considering his "personality" and his age, him being the author isn't too out of character).

Even though the attack's indirect consequences were big for the whole Stark/Lannister plot, I don't think Bran would go back and try to affect this on purpose, because he survived the attack as it is. (I think if he could/wanted to change anything, it'd be something like his fall, which disabled him forever.) Also, it would change a lot of the following story (considering it would be possible to change anything), to the point where maybe he'd never go and meet BR, and perhaps he wouldn't want this? 

It's an interesting theory, I'll give this more thought!


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