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Show only (no book spoilers): Stannis wins at Winterfell


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I can't fully remember the show arcs but Jon would have stayed at the wall. Stannis would have secured the North but very unlikely he would have had the resources to move South. Dany would have to take Dragonstone from Stannis troops, easy with Dragons but she would know she has an enemy in the North that's not from the North. With Winter approaching in it will be very difficult to take the North. She wouldn't meet Jon, thats for sure. No dragon for the WW either so the wall wouldn't fall. Who knows what happens to the Army of the Dead then but it would give the North a LONG time to prepare. Sansa would probably be crowned, maybe a chance of Jon. Winter would set in heavily.


The whole story kind of falls apart without Stannis losing and dying. Dany would harass the Southern Kingdoms until eventually taking King's Landing but the North and WW are a mystery. 

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Theory I found is that Stannis will take Winterfell, but be killed there by the Others. It hinges basically on focus that "extreme cold" at Winterfell received... basically, Winterfell is unnaturally cold, even with winter having come, so there are ice zombies around.

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